The Best Christian Books for Women (And Why You Need to Read Them)

Are you looking for excellent, theologically sound books to help you grow in your faith? Finding good books that are filled with truth can seem like a difficult task, but there are so many good ones out there. Learn about the best Christian books for women (and why you need to read them) today!


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Have you ever heard the saying "You are what you read"? I had heard that saying over the years, but didn't really take it seriously. What we read really does matter. When we read trash, we are feeding trash to our hearts and minds. When we read truth, we are feeding our hearts and minds with truth. That's why I try to be discerning when it comes to reading Christian books
I think it is important for us to acknowledge that it does matter what we read -- especially when we are coming to a book to grow spiritually.

Not all books are created equal, and when we feed our hearts false-teaching, we are playing with fire. Even if a book isn't blatantly Christian, if we come to it for advice or life-help, we have to put on critical lenses to make sure we aren't feeding ourselves something that is contrary to the gospel.

And friends, this can be so hard. I would much rather pick up the first pretty book I see on the shelves of the Barnes and Noble Christianity section and be able to trust that there's truth in there. But unfortunately, that's not how it works.

Just because a book is labeled "Christian", doesn't mean it's filled with gospel truths!

So if you are looking for solid books that are trustworthy and filled with rich, biblical truth, this post is for you. 

What are the best Christian books for women, and why should you read them? | Best Christian Books | Christian Books for Women | Spiritual Growth | Read Christian Books | #Books #Christianity #Faith #gifts #christianliving #christianbooks

Refined by Wisdom by Me!!!!

I am so excited to announce to you all that I wrote a book! This has been in the works for a while now, and I have hinted at it in my TPT email newsletter, but I am so excited to be able to say that I am a published author! My book is officially available on Amazon and I am thrilled!

Refined by Wisdom is a 31 Day Devotional that explores the topic of wisdom through daily scripture readings, discussion questions, and journaling. Each day is designed to cover a single topic and teach you how to make biblically wise decisions in everyday situations.

I wrote this devotional because I constantly see women (and men) making bad decisions, only to turn around after the consequences have set in asking, "What happened?" But if the Bible had been their guide, I’m confident their decisions would have likely been different.

My heart is that we would all improve in this area. And to improve, we have to care enough to want to change.

In Refined by Wisdom, you'll find 31 day’s worth of devotionals designed to give biblical wisdom for how to handle specific, everyday situations. These concepts are practical and simple, yet still extremely important for how we live each day.


Turn Your Holidays into Holy Days by Marsha Apsley

My friend Marsha also wrote a book, and it is beautiful! You may remember me sharing Marsha's first book, 40 Days of Faith and Fitness, last year, and now she has published a new devotional that is out just in time for the Christmas season.

Turn Your Holidays into Holy-Days: 31 Day Guide to a Happy Healthy December is a combination of healthy living tips as well as devotions to guide you through the holiday season. It also helps you approach the new year with focus and clarity. And although this book takes you through the month of December, the tips shared within can be applied any time.

If you are looking for some encouragement in your health journey, or if you simply want a good devotional to help you grow in your faith, this is a great devotional for you to check out!


Christian Books Recommended by Strong Christian Women

I wanted to give you a solid list of Biblical recommendations, but unfortunately, my list of book I want to read is much longer than the list of books that I have actually read. But I still felt that I could provide you with a good list. I decided to do this by reaching out to trusted, spiritually solid friends and family members and asking them about their favorite books and why they recommend them. The why is very important here, and I was extremely careful to check up on any book I wasn't familiar with at all before adding it to this list.

No person is perfect, author or reader. But I do believe that we can make good choices when it comes to the books we read, and I am very happy with the results of these recommendations. I trust them and I believe you can trust them too.

Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry

"In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I began reading “Gay Girl, Good God.” Though I wasn’t extremely familiar with Jackie Hill Perry (JHP for short), I’d heard her testimony of coming to faith in Christ after living “the lifestyle” as she frequently refers to practicing a lifestyle of homosexuality throughout the book. Within the first chapter I knew this book was different than other books I’d read centering on the topic of how the church can minister to the LGBTQ community. The vulnerability and rawness with which JHP shares her story makes the reader feel like they are walking her journey with her.

Before becoming an author, JHP established herself as a musician and poet which translates into her writing. JHP’s masterful use of language throughout “Gay Girl, Good God” left me, at times, feeling as if I was listening to one of her albums, or attending one of her poetry readings! That being said, though the language throughout the book is artistic and relatable, this book is not light on theology, hard yet loving truth, or practical application. JHP doesn’t shy away from the fact that her former lifestyle was not in line with God’s plan for her life or the lives of others dealing with same-sex attraction (SSA), yet she equally proclaims the power of God’s redemptive work in the life of anyone who would turn from their sin and surrender their life to Christ. The theme of the book is the gospel from beginning to end, and to someone dealing with SSA, people desiring to better understand the perspective of a friend or family member who is actively engaged in a homosexual lifestyle, or anyone in between, this book will be a valuable resource!" -Emily, 29, Pregnancy Counselor

The Envy of Eve by Melissa Kruger

"The Envy of Eve biblically identifies the root of coveting and provides rich scriptural truth to encourage us in our battle against discontentment. Fighting for contentment is a daily struggle that began in the Garden of Eden. Kruger reminds us that Eve saw, coveted, took, and hid. How often do we see our sisters in Christ and covet their looks, possessions, status or circumstances? We need to guard against the comparison game as we are bombarded daily with reminders of what we are lacking, especially with the growth of social media.

Kruger, not only gets to the root of coveting, but reminds us of the power of the cross of Christ. It's refreshing to know that despite our sin, the gospel gives us hope. Because of Christ's perfect obedience He can atone for our sin. He died and rose again and can give us victory through His Spirit. For believers, we have the power and strength of the Spirit within us to help us fight against envy. Our circumstances may not change, but when we remind ourselves of the character of God and His work on our behalf, we have all that we need and even more than we deserve!" - Kelly, SAHM + R&F Business Lady

Counsel from the Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Dennis Johnson

"I originally decided to read this book to gain insight into exhorting others but quickly gained counsel for myself through its pages.  The overall theme is Gospel-centered counseling, but honestly, I found it to be a reminder of how the Gospel can be applied to all aspects of life.

If you are in a position to minister to others (which we all are), or if you simply need a reminder of the beauty of the Gospel (which we all do), I recommend that you read this book." -Jen Evangelista, Creator of Grace in Color

Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson

"As I have struggles with my own restlessness and anxiety as a wife, mom of 4 girls, business owner, church and community volunteer, I have found stress lives at the doorstep of my mind.
In reading Humble Roots, I realized the answer to put that stress away lies in Jesus’ teaching on humility. Jesus tells me, "You are not God!” Then he calls me to “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭

As Anderson says...
“In Humble Roots, we’ll explore the theological truths of incarnation, creaturehood, physical embodiment, and human limitation; and we’ll do this by considering the natural world around us, by lifting our eyes to the hills, the fields, and the heavens.”

Anderson draws beautiful pictures of nature, gardening and wildlife to paint us a picture that God takes cares of this world and us! We can walk in humility dependent upon Him and give Him our anxiety. This frees us up to be the loving, peaceful, joyful people He has called us to be! Humble Roots gave great encouragement to rest in Christ!" -Trecia, wife to Jay, mom of 4 girls

The Gospel Comes with A House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

"Possibly one of the most poignant and meaningful books on the second great command of Jesus: to love your neighbor.

Rosaria Butterfield gives deep insights to her life without Jesus, as a former feminist and former lesbian, her redemption story and the transformation Christ did in her life, her neighbors’ lives and her marriage.

The basis of this book comes in one single quote from page 42: “God calls us to make sacrifices that hurt so that others can be served and maybe even saved.” (Go reread that sentence!) This was a humbling, convicting, and encouraging book. It reads in such a way that you are sitting across the table with a cup of coffee listening to her biblical advice and her application of it. This book will grow your compassion for those who lead different lifestyles and who are not like you at all." Renee, SAHM, Influencer

In His Image by Jen Wilkin

"In His Image" by Jen Wilkin is about 10 ways God calls us to reflect His character - 10 ways we can know and show parts of who God is to others.

And although I firmly believe that God will always ultimately remain a mystery to us, I am so grateful to be reading what she has already learned from God. She has such a sweet and simple way of writing, and this book is full of beautiful truths. By using her practical life and mom experiences, she helps us understand these traits that otherwise might not seem like much.

So if you have the desire but are struggling to find new ways to study God, or if you just need an encouraging and helpful book, I highly recommend In His Image." -Kathy, SAHM

Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst

"I first read Made to Crave more than six years ago.  I was about to turn 40.  Just like Moses and the Israelites, I had been circling a mountain.  My mountain was diets, low self-image, and obsession over a number on a scale, and I had circled it long enough.  As Lysa points out in the book, it was time to turn north (see Deuteronomy 2:3).  I still refer to Made to Crave in my morning quiet times.  This book is practical, and Lysa is relatable.  She gets to the core of our obsession over our bodies and our struggle with food.  This book will help guide your healthy living endeavors towards what matters most - putting God first.  Learn, how I did, to break the cycle of diets and obsession over a number on a scale, and start making choices that will help you feel better in your body.  " Marsha, 46, Author and Blogger

I feel quite confident that any of these books would be encouraging, helpful, and spiritually-strengthening for women to read. Next on my list is "The Gospel Comes with a House Key", though nearly all of these titles are on my 2019 reading list!

Which one(s) of the books on this list are most appealing to you? Which ones have you already read, and which ones would you like to read? I'd love to hear from you in the comments! 




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