Getting Healthy | What My Boss Reminded Me About My Body

Over the past two years, I have been a bit of a broken record around here about health, fitness, and weight loss. The cycle goes a little something like this: Kristin needs to take care of her body. Kristin writes a blog post about how taking care of our bodies is about far more than just looking good. Kristin eats healthy for about six hours. Kristin sees donuts. Kristin eats five donuts. Kristin gives up and stops taking care of her body for a few more months.

This cringe-worthy cycle is a big point of stress in my life because I constantly feel pulled towards food, but also know that I need to drastically change my lifestyle if I want to live life well, succeed, and live fully as the peculiar treasure I was made to be.

And I know that. Deep down, I know that. But sometimes, we can know something and not live it out, and to me, that is the saddest scenario of all. It's one thing to not be aware of an issue- it's another thing entirely to know there's a problem, want to fix it, and yet never take the steps that are required to do so.

And that leads me to the story of my boss, and what she said that made me realize that I need to get serious.

What I recently learned from my boss about my body, my health, and how they affect more than just me.

Recently, I texted my boss and asked if there was any possibility that she could work from home that day (which her schedule allows occasionally) since I wasn't feeling good once again. I probably wasn't contagious. I was just having hot flashes, nausea/heart burn, and just generally feeling "off". Everything I did other than sitting in a chair made me feel overheated and start sweating.

My boss agreed and said that she hoped I felt better. I thanked her and apologized and she replied with, "You've got to start taking better care of yourself, girl". She wasn't mean about it. It was just a statement. But she was so, so right.

And that's when it hit me- it's so obvious to other people that I don't take care of myself, too. If nothing else, my weight tips them off, but the fact that I never really feel good is a huge factor too. And when I am constantly feeling gross, it doesn't just affect me. It affects my employers, my friends, my family, and sometimes even my relationship with God.

Being Healthy Is More Than Appearance

I've said it over and over again that even though I hate how I look, health isn't about looking good. Health and being a good steward of the body God gave me is about treating my body well. Eating healthy, nourishing foods and prioritizing exercise should not be about fitting into a smaller pair of jeans. It should be about being thankful for God's gift of life to me, the body He gave me, the job He has provided me with, and the loved ones He has gifted to me. But when I don't take care of myself, I become tired, grumpy, and sick more often than not, and in turn, I am really not living a life of thankfulness for those things. I can say I am thankful, but if I am not taking care of myself (and therefore not taking care of those other things), then I am not living out that thankfulness.

Realizing that other people (besides my immediate family) notice that I don't take care of myself is a huge wake up call. I can joke about Chick-fil-A and donuts all I want to, but it doesn't change the fact that taking care of myself is something that should be a non-negotiable to me. It should be a built-in factor in my life. There's nothing wrong with eating a bowl of ice cream after dinner, or stopping at Wendy's for lunch every now and then, but when life revolves around food- especially unhealthy food- and I don't take the time to exercise, I am living an unhealthy life with no real care for my body. That needs to change.

What my boss reminded me about my body and my health.

Progress Over Perfection

The thing is, I've said "this needs to change" so many times on this blog already that I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe me. Heck, I'm not sure if I believe me. But I am going to try my best to remember the why of this health journey, and I am going to attempt to stick with it this time. And I shared this post- despite how embarrassing it is- to encourage those of you who are stuck in a similar cycle.

It's not easy breaking free. But you are not alone. Take heart and keep working at your progress!

What my boss helped me learn about my body, health, and weightloss.


  1. I feel you! It's hard to find a way out, but we've got to keep trying. I have this health-journey-transformation post saved in my drafts and keep waiting to add to the transformation part.

    1. It is really tough! But exactly! We just have to keep at it and we can get there!

  2. Great perspective girl and we've all been there! I've been off sugar for almost 2 years and my body never felt better when I was off sugar. It's hard and takes lots of time with the Lord, but He made us to crave Him, not food. The book Made to Crave by Lisa Terkquerst, help me with this concept. :) Great post!

    1. I have heard such great things about that book. I haven't bought it because I have such a hard time finishing books at all, especially if they are non-fiction, but I have heard it's amazing!

  3. Praying for you and here to support you any way I can Kristin!

    1. Thank you, Marsha! I appreciate you! You and Autumn's challenges are perfect timing for me!

  4. I love this!!! You have such a great attitude and perspective - it's definitely all about finding what's right for you and your body!

  5. Kristin, you got this! you give so much to others that you have to put yourself first for a while. I know you can do it, I see how dedicated you are to your faith, now you have to turn that love and dedication inward <3 Text me or call me if you need anything <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you! I appreciate that a lot! I do have to take care of myself for sure. And I know that. It's more about convincing myself that I "have the time", but I know I just have to make the time. It can't be work, blog,eat, repeat. I have to take care of myself too.
      I so appreciate your kind comment and your support! Love ya, friend!

  6. Sometimes we just need to have that A-HA moment to get us going in the right direction

  7. Love that you have a boss who is so invested in you, how lucky you are! She's right, we have to take care of ourselves and you're not alone. Cheering you on!!

  8. Haha! Girl, we've all been in that donut cycle before. Keep your chin up and keep pushing forward. Every step forward is progress. <3

  9. Sometimes what needs to be done doesn't hit us until someone tells us. Ive been there...For me, it was the cashier at Sobeys who asked me if I was feeling okay and maybe I should see a doctor. I wasn't eating right either, I barely ate and if I did it was junk or fast food... I started eating more fruits and vegetables and cooking at home. I still struggle but I think I feel and look better :)

    1. Good for you, Tina! It really is a rude awakening sometimes, but if that's what it takes, then it's good that we get that call!

  10. We share the same sentiment, Kristin! It actually stresses me out that my mom is coming over to visit in three months, and I know that one of the things she will point out is my huge weight gain from the time she last saw me. :(

    1. I'm sorry, Jae! That's so tough! I feel that way sometimes when a family member of mine sees me too.

  11. Kristin, this is a great post! I am the same way with good intentions and the donut cycle. (Actually, fresh bread is my weakness more than sweets.) I really like the inspiration you shared here, and wish you great things on your pursuit of health and self care!

    1. Thank you, Trish! I appreciate it! It's a hard journey but an important one! :)

  12. Such a great post! I've been in a similar place where I get really dedicated and then somehow drop off. I know I can do it and I will do it. Good luck to you on your journey!

  13. Lady Lady Lady.

    Getting on track with your health is SO hard. There's no two ways about it. Even the most seasoned gym rat can fall off the wagon and eat cake every night for a week (I had to bake it for life hacks!!!)

    Here's one thing I know about you though: You have an incredibly strong spirit and once you set your mind to something, you DO it!

    Even if your first goal is making sure you sleep enough and don't get sick as often by boosting your immune system with great foods and rest, you'll accomplish it. And what a great goal because who wants to be sick (srsly)

    You can do it :) 100%

    Laura @

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, friend! I just love you!
      I really do appreciate it!

      I definitely have to learn to focus some of my determination- that's the area I just haven't been able to change yet. It really is hard! But I really want to though, and I know I can if I set my mind to it!

      Also, that's the best cake excuse ever ;)
