We Are More Than We Feel: 10 Empowering Truths About God's Children

Yesterday I was driving to meet my mom, brother, and Nana for lunch and thinking about what I was going to write about for today's post. Despite having having a lot of extra time this past week, I was still incredibly behind.  No pins scheduled, no post written, and no idea what my Monday would look like. But was that surprising? Nerp. Not at all. My middle name is last-minute. Kristin Last-Minute Cook... It has a nice ring to it, huh? 😋

Honestly though, being behind all the time can get real old, real quick. It's easy to get discouraged when I feel like I can't keep up with a day job, a side biz, and a blog. It's even more frustrating when my energy level plummets to the point that I feel completely useless. But feeling useless, discouraged, and incapable are only lies that keep me down. I may be behind on things, but that doesn't define who I am. 

How I feel has very little bearing on reality. It doesn't matter if I feel bad about myself, frustrated about my day, or whatever. What matters is what God says about me and my life. And believe it or not, God says a whole lot about my life. He says a lot about the lives of His children. So when we start to believe lies about who we are, all we have to do is look at God's word to realize that we are so much more than we feel we are.

We are more than we feel we are. Our feelings don't determine our worth- God does. So here are 10 Empowering Truths About God's Children

10 Truths About God's Children

Leaning on these truths is extremely important, because throughout each day, it's inevitable that we will have feelings of insignificance, self-loathing, or incompetence. We cannot give into those feelings and believe what God says about us at the same time. We have to choose. And trust me- choosing God's truth is the best decision any of us can make.

I hope you have a very happy day, friends!


  1. Beautiful post, Kristin - and one we should all return to often! I think my favorite is "we are delighted in." God delights in ME? WhaT?

    1. Yeah, I know! That one gets me stumped all the time! Like, HOW?! WHY? Dang. lol

  2. Love this! So quickly we forget..... My favorite is #1! ;-)

  3. I needed this this morning, thank you :)

  4. I love this! Beautiful reminder. My favorite, we are loved. Sometimes it is one of the hardest ones to remember, at least for me it is. Thank you friend for this, it fed my soul! :)

  5. I love this reminder...I always need it. Especially "We are never alone." tht one is magical<3

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! So much truth in all of these! I really needed this today! Thanks for sharing. <3

    - Anali Martinez (http://www.thenuevalatina.com/)

  7. This is so encouraging! I really needed to hear it! Thank you so much for these wonderful reminders that what God thinks of me is so much more important that what I think of me.

  8. I have tears in my eyes because I needed to see this RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT. THank you. THank you for sharing this.

    Coming Up Roses
