She Deserves More: A Mother's Day Gift Guide

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When I think back over my childhood, I think of trips to the beach, reading fun chapter books in bed, playing basketball in the yard, riding my bike through the neighborhood, and lots of time watching Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys. And you want to know what all of those things have in common? My mom was a part of every single one of those moments.

My mom didn't mind watching Rugrats- she laughed along with me. My mom didn't try to shorten our beach trip so she could go home and finish housework- she packed a picnic so we could stay longer. My mom didn't tell me to go read in my room- she let me crawl in bed beside her as we each read our own book.

Me and my mom's relationship obviously looks different now. I'm married and have my own house to take care of. Visiting my mom requires an hour drive instead of a quick shuffle into her room. My mom has a bazillion things on her plate. She's a farmer, she tends the garden, she runs an Etsy Shop, and she still takes awesome care of my dad, my brother, and my Nana. She cooks, she cleans, she tends to her farm animals, the farm dogs, the house dogs, etc.

But with all her busyness, my mom and I still talk every day. We see each other a couple times a month and that time is cherished. My mom is one of my very best friends and I am so thankful for her. And in all honesty, she deserves a lot more than just a gift from Amazon or  a local shop. She deserves more than I could give her. But when Mother's Day comes around, I always want to do my best to find her something she will love.

A good Mother's Day gift can be hard to decide on because not only do they depend on our mom's personality, but they also seem so feeble when we think of all our mom's have done for us. But I know our Moms appreciate it when we put thought into their gifts. I also know that it shows when we wait until the very last minute.

So with Mother's Day just around the corner (May 14th), I have put together a gift guide so you can get your shopping done on time. You're welcome! 😘

Mother's Day Gift Guide for the woman who deserves the whole world. #mothersday #giftguide

At Home Spa "Package"

If your mom is anything like mine, when all the work is done, the last thing she wants to do is leave the house. She would much prefer that whatever she do be within the comfort of her own, cushy chair. She just wants to relax.

So what about this: Instead of buying your mom a trip to a nail salon or an expensive massage session (my mom wouldn't even enjoy that), why not buy her a budget-friendly foot bath, a few essential oils to add to the water or an Epsom salt and Tea Tree Oil soak, and a nice, moisturizing lotion. She can sit in her chair while soaking her feet and breathing in the relaxing oils. When she's done, she can apply the lotion for the extra moisture.

Garden Cuteness

Mother's Day being in the Spring is pretty dang serendipitous if you ask me. A lot of Moms love to garden, love to spend time outdoors, and love decor in their homes that reminds them of the beauty they see in God's creation. Think things like herb and flower prints, farm-house-y, silk floral arrangements, or some adorable little succulents. You could even create her a little "garden basket" complete with cute gloves, a shovel, and a hat, all sitting in a pretty new flower pot.

Support Her Hobbies/Passions

Does your mom like to craft or DIY? Does she love making things with her hands? Why not support her interests by buying the supplies she needs for for projects. Things like buttons, lace, paints, brushes, or yarn. These are easy things to find, usually inexpensive, and if your mom is a crafter, I am sure she would appreciate you taking that into consideration!


If your mom loves to read, adding to her library is a great gift idea. I know for my mom, The Magnolia Story is at the top of her list. But again, this is completely subjective. It depends on your mom's interests. If she hates non-fiction, then The Magnolia Story probably isn't the best choice. If she likes crime/mystery books, it's probably best to leave the rom-coms on the shelf. But there is so much out there to choose from and there is something for everyone.


Another idea is to get your mom a year's subscription to her favorite magazine. You can do this by going straight to the magazine's website or you can go to places like Recycle Bank to earn points, which you can use to get free subscriptions to magazines, gift cards, and more. It doesn't take long at all to earn points and that particular website is dedicated to trying to care for the planet which is definitely a bonus!

Mother's Day Gift Guide

No matter what you do for Mother's Day, try not to stress. If you have a good relationship with your mom, I am sure that she wants to spend time with you more than anything else. Get her something special for Mother's Day, but don't get caught up in the gift. Remember that the reason you even care about her gift is because you love her and know that she deserves the world. And for that reason, the most important thing you can do this Mother's Day is let your mom  know how much you love and appreciate her. A present is secondary.


  1. So sweet! Good ideas! I've never hear of recycle bank, but I'm about to go check it out!

    Thanks for the post!

  2. These are great ideas! I'm hoping for some more support with my hobbies and a few essentials for backpacking....;)

  3. Getting gifts for my mom is so tricky! One of my favorite things to give are experiences.

  4. You look like your mother!! And I hope that my children will have such find memories or me one day! THAT would be the best gift they could give me.

  5. All fantastic ideas!! The spa package is my favorite and I need to share this post with the hubby! LOL

  6. I got my mom the Magnolia Story for Easter and a subscription to the magazine for Mother's Day. She read the book in just a few days and loved it!

  7. Spa package??!!! Yes please!!

  8. At-home spa kits are some of the best and most practical gifts! That's what I'm doing for my mom.

  9. Oh I absolutely love this very thoughtful list! The magazine subscription is a great idea! I hate spending the money on magazines, but I love them so much! And I've been wanting to do some potted plants, so the garden gifts would be perfect!

  10. This is a great post! As I was reading it made me tear up. lol postpartum hormones! You are so right though, the most important thing is to say "I love you" and spend time with your mom. Moms do so much for everyone else and it is nice to be pampered for a change. :)

  11. These are some great suggestions! I think moms get tired of the same old generic gifts.

  12. Love these ideas! I love the idea of going off of her favorite hobbies--definitely helps make a gift more thoughtful and perfect based on the person!
