Currently Loving: My current obsessions and life-happenings

Hi there, my fellow peculiar treasures! I cannot believe it is already April! This year is flying by and I am learning that life really does go by faster the older I get. I used to hear other people say that when I was a kid and didn't fully understand, but now I totally get it!

I also feel like it's been a while since I have given you any sort of life updates or anything like that, so today's post is all about my life, what's happening, what I'm loving, etc. Enjoy!

April: What I'm loving, what I am hoping for, and what we are up to this month.

Listening to: Pentatonix

Guys, I am completely addicted to Pentatonix. I've loved their Christmas stuff for a while, but I haven't stopped listening to them since December. They create such beautifully crafted covers of awesome songs, write some of their own, and if I am completely honest, I swoon a little every time I hear Scott's voice. They are so incredibly talented and great for practicing your own harmonies, if you're into that.

Watching: The Youtubes 😎

Hubs and I have a few Youtube channels that we love to watch together when he gets home from work at night. To name a few: FailArmy, News Bloopers, Team Coco (Conan), Carpool Karaoke, and Worth It (by Buzzfeed). These are really fun and hilarious. A good way to end the evening.

Reading: Harry Potter

I started reading the first book in the Harry Potter series a while back, but didn't really get very far. About three weeks ago I started reading it again and ended up totally sucked in. I am now on the third book and really enjoying it. I have always been a slow reader, but it feels so good to get back into reading.

Learning: To Be Patient

Patience, unfortunately, is not one of my strong-suits. Whoops... Thankfully, I am married to a very patient man who balances me out a bit. And now that I am looking for a job, I am having to remember not to be hasty. I don't want to be so worried about money that I run out and get the first thing that presents itself, only to hate it immediately. I'm learning (very slowly) to be a little more patient.

Wishing: I was a Full-Time Blogger

Remember that patience thing? Well, this is an area that I have not yet learned the art of patience in. I want it so, so bad. I'm growing, I'm learning, and I am drawing nearer to my goals everyday, but I want them to come now, not later. But again...patience, young grasshopper.

Life Updates: Taylor's Seminary and My Job

After this semester (which will be over in a little more than a month), Taylor will only have one semester left! Part of me can't believe how fast it's gone, and the other part of me cannot wait for him to finish. I am ready to feel more financially secure, to be on a more stable schedule, and to actually get to see my husband at normal hours of the day. I'm so ready!

As far as my job goes, I will be leaving sweet Evie in a couple of weeks. I love nannying for her a whole lot, but her family wants to spend more time with her which doesn't give me enough hours to stay. That means I am on the job hunt again. I would love to be able to go full-time as a virtual assistant and have completely revamped my "services" page, so we will see how that goes.

Other than my job situation, there isn't much going on in the lives of the Cooks. We wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat. Adulting at it's finest, right? 😉
But seriously, life is good. Yes, we are ready for the next season, but we are thankful for the over-all blessings of our current one.

How are you feeling in your current season? Is it all over the place and scary, or uneventful, like ours?


  1. Sounds like your living the normal life, hope the job hunt goes well and your virtual assistant takes off.

  2. Team Coco all the way! We also like watching Jimmy Kimmel's bits on YouTube too :)

    Rae | Mindful Rambles

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying Harry Potter! I'd really like to re-read the series sometime. My husband is a physician. I completely understand what it's like to be ready for that next stage of life. I wish you all the best in finding peace with your current stage as you wait to make the upcoming transition.

  4. PENTATONIX!!!!!!!!! So much good. How are they so talented?! Right now, I'm feeling like a little all over the place and I think it's the weather! Today it's 75 degrees but tomorrow it drops down to the 30s.

  5. I love the Harry Potter books. They're such a great way to get back into reading when you feel like you have no time for it!

  6. Oh, Harry Potter!! I love Harry Potter!! I hope that you are able to find a job (or that your VA work will pick up)!

  7. Good luck with the job hunt! I understand the want of being a full time blogger. You never know, it could happen! Pentatonix is incredible! I love their music!

  8. How fun would it be to be a full time blogger!? You'll get there!!

  9. I love Pentataonix (I've seen them in concert-amazing!) I love Carpool Kareoke and Harry Potter! I wish I could blog full time as well. Good luck on the VA gig. Seems like a lot of people are Doing this!

  10. I know exactly what you mean about patience, girl! I'm struggling with this as well but I always try to remember that patience will pay off! And i'm in the same boat with thinking and wishing about blogging full time as well. Both of these have been on my heart so much recently! Thanks so much for sharing

  11. Oh Snap, I started reading Harry Potter also last month! Haha. My son was getting into it so I figured why not. And I can relate ro the dull time blogger wishes as well. It's such a tough balance!

  12. I can't believe it's April already! Time flies. I love the idea of this post!

  13. Thanks for the update! I'm also a huge Pentatonix fan. I love their arrangements for my show choir. Good luck on your job search, I know it can be tough.

  14. I too am being impatient with my blog. I compare myself to other very successful bloggers and then get down. Never a good thing in yet I do it instead of staying the course and true to who I am. Stay strong and true to what feel called to write about. You can do it!

  15. I feel like I am always learning to be patient haha

  16. I will have to check out the Pentatonic's, i love finding new stuff. I need to learn patience myself. I am horrible at waiting, sheesh. I can't believe it is April either!

  17. harry potter!!!!!!!!! I really didn't like the first 2 books, they are definitely kids books BUT they just keep getting better and better and then enter EPIC status!

  18. Good luck with the job search! I hope you find something that is a good fit until your blogging wishes come true!

  19. I've been obsessed with YouTube lately as well, it's seriously so addictive and easier to watch than cable!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern And Style

  20. Love Pentatonix!!!! And HP!! SO happy you got sucked in! I've read those books countless times over the years! they are my favoritesss!!

  21. I need to catch up on Carpool Karaoke. I haven't seen any since they got their own segment.

  22. It's nice that baby-E's parents want to spend more time with her, even though I know you'll miss her tons. Chels from Inspiration Indulgence wrote a nice post (last year I think) about ending a nanny job that I think you'll like.

    I'm also not patient AT ALL I feel ya!

    Laura @

    1. Haha, thanks girl! It really is so hard to be patient. Bleh...
