Why We Should Be Content | Embracing Our Current Circumstances

The bible is clear that Christians should be content with where the Lord has them. We should should be content in our circumstances and trust that the Lord is in control of every situation we find ourselves in. Learn why we should be content in every circumstance today.

Fun fact: I hate making decisions. If you ask me what I want for dessert, I've been known to take way too long to decide and then wonder if I would have enjoyed the other dessert better. So when making decisions about things that are more important than brownies and donuts, sometimes I find it difficult to move forward.

Unfortunately, decision-making often leaves me feeling discontent and unable to enjoy the moment I am in. I end up focusing so intensely on the unknown future ahead that I neglect to live intentionally in the moment.


Be Content Because We Don't Know How Long Our Current Situation Will Last

When it comes time to make decisions for our future, it can be easy to get in a mindset that makes us feel like our transition will be immediate. But sometimes, even after making a decision, there can be a long period of waiting in between now and our next steps. If we refuse to be content where we are presently, it could be a VERY long wait if our next step doesn't come right away.
Contentment will make our wait feel a whole lot shorter!

Choose Contentment Because We Are Responsible for Our Actions

Regardless of how long the wait is, we are always responsible for our actions. In life, we don't just get to blow everything off because the next adventure in life is in sight. We don't get to check out mentally. We are responsible for our actions right now - in this current moment. So when we huff and puff because we haven't gotten to our next destination yet, or we half-do everything right now with the goal of "rocking it when we get to _____", we are being a bad steward of what we have. And honestly, if our attitude is always "let's get to the next adventure in life", we will never rock any stage of life. We will always be discontent with where we are, left daydreaming about whatever is next.

Be Content Because We Are Here for a Reason

Have you ever really thought about the role you play in everyday life? As Christians, we are here for a reason. I believe that God wants to use His children for great things. I believe He has a purpose and a plan for us in each step of our lives. Therefore, if God has a plan for each part of our lives, then every single part of the journey is important. Every tiny step we take can impact the world for good. But we have to be content with where we are if we want to make an impact.

However, if we are always focused on the future and we ignore what's right in front of us, we will miss out on opportunities to influence others for the Lord and be a light that shines in a world full of darkness. We should never ignore the blessings and opportunities that we already have, no matter how much we long for the future.

Be Content Because God is Trustworthy

God has promised to be with us in every situation (Deut. 31:6) and He will uphold us (Isaiah 41:10). He gives us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and we can trust Him (Psalm 9:10).

The fact is, if we really believe that God is good and that He will lead us in the way that we should go, then we need to be content in our circumstances. He is trustworthy, and choosing to be content wherever He has us is an act of trust.

Be content with your now even if you are tired of waiting for your next adventure.

Don't get me wrong, peculiar friends! It's good to have goals. It's good to look towards the future and have a dream or intention for it. And when it's time to make important decisions, we still have to think about them and make wise choices. But in all our planning, goal-setting, and decision-making, let's be conscious of our present. Let's make a concerted effort to live fully and contently in our current moment, regardless of how soon our decisions will take effect or how long it will be before our next adventure begins.



  1. I'm always stressing about the little decisions too. And I definitely need to learn to be content in the NOW because I am always fussing about what's next instead of enjoying and being grateful for the moment.

    1. It seems like you and I are alike in a lot of ways, Sarah! This is really a tough thing to do and it's a daily task.

  2. It is an old saying but contentment does come with age. Hope more people can be content.

    1. That's encouraging to know though! I'll take it! haha

  3. All of us struggle with being content from time to time. I love your tips here, they are very helpful!

  4. This is such a good lesson! We are certainly here for a reason, and when we find contentment in that, we are able to live out our purpose even better!

    1. So true! Our purpose is definitely accomplished more easily if we will be present.

  5. This is something I am constantly trying to make myself aware of. I'm always thinking of the future but I don't actually live through the now and that's probably more important!

    1. It really is. But you are not alone. My hubby and I do that alot. We love to think about big picture ideas- like ministry opportunities, but we often neglect the little things right in front of us. It's a learning process.

  6. Nice! Good points to keep in mind. I always try to remind myself to be thankful for all things and the little things especially. Nice read

  7. Great post Kristin. I think it's really important to feel content now. I'm usually pretty good at decision making except maybe like you when choosing dessert. :)

    1. Haha! Choosing dessert can be an intense task sometimes ;)

  8. Yes to this! I've wasted so much time thinking about the past and waiting for the future and it took me a long time to realize it. Living in the moment is important and it's all we are guaranteed. :)

    1. Yes! Exactly, Lecy! It can be so tough to keep that focus, but it's necessary and good!

  9. Nice post. Enjoying the moments in our life is a great form of self care. I agree we should live our lives mindful of the present yet setting goals for the future. Let's not be so focused on our future that we miss out on our present.
    - www.momentsformeonline.com

  10. Love this! It's so easy to forget the good we have NOW, when we're worried about the future. I like to think that in every waking moment, even when cleaning baby poop off of my fingers after the wipe breaks...that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be for whatever reason:)

  11. So hard to do sometimes, but the heavy weight of the past and the heavy weight of the future tries to distract from NOW so hard...but NOW is where we are meant to reside. <3 love this reminder! Harder to do sometimes than it sounds, but something to focus on for sure!

  12. Been thinking about this a lot this week! With my husband out on Spring Break, I feel like he's more available and I'm not used to all this time we're getting together. I'm trying to be very present and enjoy this week without worrying about what's going to happen next week when he's back to the books!

    1. Yeah! That's so hard. I totally get it. My hubby was on Spring break last week. I am glad you are getting some good time with him!

  13. This is so right! I love looking forward to new adventures but if I am not present in the moment I will miss what God has for me. So well written! And I love how you bring attention to the fact that we are responsible, because we are. And we need to keep that in mind. Great post!

    1. Thanks so much! It's sooooo easy to get caught up in what lies ahead, but yeah, we are responsible and I want to do good things with that responsibility :)

  14. Loved this post! I am always so focused on planning for the future that I forget to live in the moment. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. It really is hard to get in the right mindset. I totally understand.

  15. I'm the opposite of you, but with the same result - I'm sometimes TOO decisive, making decisions early instead of letting things play out. I obsess about next steps that I'm preparing for and past moments that slipped away until I've lost the present moment, too. Definitely trying to work on that!

    1. Oh yeah! That makes sense and that is tough too. So interesting that even when we do the opposite things, it ends with the same result- I guess it's because the root of the problem is still the same.

  16. In the last few years I have had to learn so much patience as well as being content with the "waiting". I realized that by not being present, I am not enjoying life right now and therefore not content. Whereas before I used to fight it, I have learned to enjoy the present.

  17. "Our present is just as important and when we stop being content, we miss out on what's right in front of us." Oh, how I love that! We oftentimes worry so much about the future that we miss enjoying the here and now.

  18. Boy, I felt like I was reading about myself there!
    I have been so focused on the future that I am here now wondering what I have been doing!
    I am working on this now, I want to be content as I am. I don't need to have the future I thought I wanted, I want to have my life NOW! And the next adventure will happen when I am ready!
    Loved relating to you!

  19. I can totally relate to this and completely agree! We need to enjoy our every moment in order to live to our full potential and live life to its fullest! I also write about positive living, so I love coming across blog posts like this!! Thanks for sharing your experiences today. -hollybunker.com

  20. Exactly what I've been telling myself over and over lately. We are in transition in a lot of things in life right now (getting set to build a new house, the husband is working toward a career change), most of which is taking so much longer than I would like. But I can't spend the next 6 months or a year being unhappy or worrying while I wait for things to progress. So I'm working on ideas to stay more in the moment as well as to let go of all the mental clutter (that is literally keeping me up at night way too often lately).

  21. This is such an important and inspiring post. I definitely need to learn how to be content with the now. I've been so bad about being anxious and ready to move on to what's next and not really enjoying where I'm at and all the blessings i've been given.

  22. This is something I always need to work on! I get so focused on everything that's coming in the future, and on planning, and on future goals, etc... my husband is always telling me this as well! Thanks for the gentle reminder!

  23. Definitely one of my goals and my biggest struggle in life. I am incredibly impatient and would like to focus more on the NOW. Amazing post.

  24. You make a lot of great points, and I definitely relate. I am by nature a planner, I love to plan things, but as a result I feel like I'm always thinking ahead and not living in the moment. I want to make an effort to do more of that.

  25. So true. We are currently in a season where something has affected our life plan and caused some discontent. It's something completely outside our control and it's definitely caused us to think more about what's to come rather than enjoy what's on our plate in this moment. Thanks you for this lovely reminder. Beautifully said!

  26. Thank you for sharing these tips, and I totally agree on having a community of bloggers who can encourage and support you on your down days.

  27. Good point. I try to be mindful and present as much as possible.
