Where Does Your Spirit Belong?

You wanna know the funny thing about us humans? We walk around murmuring, complaining, kicking, and screaming when things don't go our way. We assume that the world is against us and we talk about how it sucks and that we must have bad luck.

But I wonder, have we stopped to consider that maybe our "difficult situation" actually happened for our good? Have we stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, someone is looking out for us and has a bigger and better plan?

Of course, by someone, I mean God. You know, Him. That guy who has provided for us. The one who looks out for our best interest and blesses us far more than we deserve? Oh yeah, Him.

We so often take our lives and our very spirits into our own hands, thinking that we know what's best and that we can handle everything on our own. But there's a much easier way for us to live.

If you grew up in church then you've probably heard this verse more than once. You (like me) probably heard it, dismissed it, and moved on because in Sunday school it's a given... Of course we know where our spirit belongs- with God, duh!

But what does that mean? In what way does our spirit belong with God? Does it just mean that Christians belong to God? Does it just mean that we need to trust Him? Well those are partial reasons, for sure, but I believe that there is more to it than that!

It Means Letting Him Decide Our Fate

When we accept that we cannot control our entire lives or micro-manage every little detail, then we can commit our spirits into God's hands and trust that He will take us where we need to be. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't work hard or chase our dreams. We should definitely work as hard as we can to live life well- to live as peculiar treasures. But at the end of the day, if we don't end up where we had planned, we have to trust that wherever we ended up was where God placed us.

It Means We Trust Him For Good Things

Accepting God's direction of our path isn't just a blind act. It's more than just saying, "God has me here even though I know He could have done better for me". When we commit our spirit into God's hands, we are also acknowledging that God knows best and really has our best interest in mind. It's one thing to believe that He controls your destiny- it's another to believe that His destiny is what's best for you.

It Means We Can Rest

When we commit our spirits to God, it is an act of rest. We are leaning in to God as we trust that we are well cared for in every area of life. It's trust that even if life ends up drastically different than we imagined, it's still good. It's choosing not to worry because we know we don't need to. 

Treasured friends, do you know where your spirit belongs? Do you know that you can trust God for everything? Is this something that you find difficult (or even impossible) to believe? Why is that? Are there steps you could take to help you trust and rest in God? Do you even want to?

I'd like to encourage you today to think about these things. I want to encourage you to start your week knowing that you can trust God whole-heartedly. I want us all to hold on to the fact that we can trust God and stop worrying. Let's take comfort in that fact and live it out this week!

I'd love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts below!


  1. Very true, and easier said than done! I have been working for years on being more specific in my prayers, and addressing my heavenly father the way I would my fleshly father. I believe God wants us to do so, to pour out our hearts. The Bible is filled with examples of "ugly cry" prayers!

  2. It means we can rest is probably the hardest truth to implement in my life. I KNOW I can trust Him and yet I still worry and fuss. Learning to fully surrender to Him so I can rest too!

  3. I feel a lot of Americans are forgetting about God lately. I hope many see this and read it. Great post.

  4. I LOVE this! It takes such an active awareness of our Spirit and where our hearts are set. Thank you for sharing :)

  5. Oh, this is convicting. Thanks for sharing, Kristin.

  6. So much yes! It is so comforting to me to know that I don't have to plan everything out or worry about every little detail because God's got it. He's already taken care of it and he's holding me while we walk through life together. I honestly can't imagine going through life without knowing that God's got my back and I can find rest and refuge in Him!

    1. Yes! Exactly! It can be such a tough thing to trust sometimes, but we know we can and should!

  7. Great post! This has really been true for me lately. The end of 2016 and beginning of 2017 was really tough. A lot of "lees than desirable" circumstances happened and the more I tried to control things the more stressed and anxious I became. When I let go of trying to control things is when I was at peace. Thanks for this reminder! :)

    1. I'm sorry that you have had that going on :( I'm here if you need to talk and I am so glad that you experienced peace in surrender!

  8. I agree trust in our Heavenly Father and he will lead and guide. We must be active. Sitting there waiting for something to happen well it doesn't work.

  9. Oh I love these truths! I've definitely found that I've have to trust Him for good things during this pregnancy. It's hard to offer things up to Him, but He is in control and is a good father!

  10. There is so much freedom in just letting things go. When I let things go that I am not happy with I almost immediately feel better. I can stop worrying or trying to control the situation and allow God to take care of things. This is a great post, truly loved it!

  11. Amen, sister! This past week was a great reminder to trust in God and realize that He has things under control. When Micah found he his job was moving to Atlanta (this was shortly after we moved to Charlotte), we were so confused as to why God would do that because we just moved here from Georgia! Then God opened the door for him to be at his current job which has been such a blessing! You never know how God is going to work it out :)
