3 Reasons I'm Not Giving Up Coffee

Why I'm Not Giving Up Coffee

There seems to be two trends floating around out there. Trend number one is my camp: The coffee-lovers. The one's who see the beauty and full potential of those tiny, beautiful, fragrant beans! Camp number two belongs to those who have decided that they should no longer drink coffee for one reason or another: "It's bad for you", "Caffeine is killing us all", or "I like to drink _____ coffee substitute now".

For all the people in camp numero dos: you do you, Boo! There is nothing wrong with you choosing to go coffee-free. And if you are someone who is negatively affected by caffeine, then kuddos to you for recognizing that and taking care of your body. That's awesome.

But for those of us in camp number one, we feel a certain dedication to coffee- like a family member we want to keep safe. We are appalled when someone suggests we should cut back a bit (lookin' at you, hubby 😝😇😘). And we go to bed excited that we get to have coffee when we wake up.

Some may say we have a problem, but I disagree. And since this topic is just oh-so-very important 😋, today I'll be telling you 3 reasons I'm not giving up coffee.

3 Reasons I'm Not Giving Up Coffee

It Connects People of All Backgrounds

How many times have you walked into Starbucks and seen a hippie, a girl in a long skirt carrying a Bible, a lesbian, and a redneck all in Starbucks at the same time? Maybe it's different when you get out of the south, but I know I have! And I think that is great!
The fact that coffee drinkers are from all sorts of backgrounds means that we can connect. I can make friends with the lady at the table next to mine regardless of how different we may be.
The same is true for people on social media who somehow always find their way to the coffee posts. All different religions, politics, ethnicities, etc. all liking and commenting on one single post simply because it's about coffee. And that is kind of cool in my opinion!

I appreciate the opportunities I've had to experience new things and meet new people because of my coffee habits, and that in itself is a good reason not to give it up.

Food (or beverages) SHOULD Be Enjoyed

Food and beverages definitely get idolized sometimes. We make food our comfort when we are depressed. We take advantage of food and make it all about how we love to eat instead of about our nutrition. I get that, and I agree that we should not become glutenous monsters who neglect our health for the sake of copious amounts of junk food.

But I also believe that food and drinks were meant to be enjoyed. That's not the point of them, but I still believe that God gave us good tasting food (and the minds to create other good tasting food) for a reason.

I'm not on any diet, and I am still having a hard time with self-control, but I do think that people who do the 80/20 rule (80% healthy and in line with their diet, 20% not) are on the right track. And 9 times out of 10, coffee would end up being my 20%. I can give up a whole lot of other stuff that needs to leave my diet, without needing to feel guilty about that 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th) cup of coffee.
There are tons of Bible verses that point to the deliciousness of food and drinks (in a positive manner), and none of the verses that address gluttony give any indication that it's wrong to enjoy food. And seeing that God gives us things all the time that are not necessary but are for our enjoyment, I'd say that God doesn't mind food and drinks being in that category either.

I Just Don't Want To

Look, I just really like coffee. I never want it to be too high a priority in my life and the times that that has happened, I've tried to correct it. But guess what- as long as I am keeping everything in right balance, taking care of myself, and taking care of my health, there's no law that says I cannot be a little, tiny bit obsessed with coffee. Capisce?

Butt-Sized Coffee: Why I'm not giving up coffee.

Guess what, friends! Even if you aren't a coffee-drinker (whatever the reason), we are so blessed to have things that we enjoy. Whether it's Crossfit, bacon and waffles, Netflix, journaling, or fill-in-the-blank, we all have that thing that we just can't get enough of. Enjoy it. Don't idolize it, obsess over it, or get your priorities all wonky, but seriously, enjoy it. I'm certainly going to keep on enjoying my butt-sized coffee!


  1. still just love that 😂😂😂❤ coffee booty ☕️ = 🍑 haha

    definitely sooo good!! in college i drank so much coffee that it negatively affected my kidneys and running 😭🤦🏼‍♀️ my coach and trainer said i had to cut back....so i quit cold turkey for lent one year. dumbestttttt ever lol

    1. Muahahaha! Yeah.... there's a balance to all things ;)
      I have to be careful too, but I *try* to be responsible!!

  2. I hear you on this! Some people give caffeine such a bad rap, but it also helps to prevent Alzheimer's and is better for you in moderation! I'll never give up my coffee either!

  3. I love coffee too, but it doesn't love me back so much. I've had to cut down, especially since become a women of a... "certain age", ha. I have one small cup in the AM, and a cup of Mommee Coffee (half caff, low acid) in the afternoon. Or sometimes oolong tea, depending on where I am in my cycle. Too much coffee gives me uncomfortable symptoms, but everything in this world is dose dependent. Too much air, too much water - both can kill ya. LOL

    1. Bahahaha! I'm sorry about that! That stinks! But it's good that you pay attention to your limits and take care of yourself!

  4. I like your "i just dont want to" reason. Hah that sounds like me. I need that delicious bean juice every morning and around lunch with maybe a cup after dinner. Hah, i am definitely team caffeine.

  5. I agree! I LOVE coffee. I gave it up during pregnancy and used to just smell the beans because I missed it so much. It just makes you happy! We have to do things that make us happy and coffee is it! Could not agree with you more!

  6. Coffee is my ultimate bevvie. I could never give it up!

  7. For a while, I felt like I was overdoing it with the coffee. But I got permission from my dad, the doctor, that it was okay and that the amount of coffee I was drinking was still considered to be a moderate amount. So I'm with ya! I'm not quitting anytime soon!

  8. This post made me laugh! LOL. I am never giving up coffee! A world without coffee would be so, so sad.

  9. In AM - PM coffee is a must! In this case, i also now leave it up ever, but your catchy heading made me crazy. Waiting for next article.

  10. Good for you girl, ha! I think most people would say that they shouldn't have to give up coffee ha!

  11. Love your post!! I think I sometimes feel guilty for loving coffee so much, but you reminded me that I don't need to. Here's to us coffee lovers!! :)

  12. I don't drink coffee but need my hot chocolate every morning. If you enjoy drinking coffee why shouldn't you drink a pot full.

  13. Coffee is such a great way for people to connect...you're right! How many times have I asked people to go hang out over a cup of coffee? It's universal! <3 Great post.

  14. AMEN! And because it's an art in itself. I enjoy coffee for the connection and relationships it helps me cultivate, but I also have a huge heart because its an art.

  15. I feel this post on a spiritual level lol I've been drinking coffee since I was a kid and I'm not stopping now!

  16. Great post Kristin. You know, I don't think any of us should feel we have to give up the things we love. I'm not a coffee drinker (it's tea for me) but I'm totally with you on your comments.

  17. I love this! I use reusable k-cups to make my coffee and I only put almond milk in it (no sweetener or anything else), so I don't feel too guilty about it.

  18. Reason #3 is my #1 - I just don't want to. My morning coffee routine is often my favorite part of the day.
    I love the idea that coffee brings us together. Good defense of our precious coffee beans!

  19. I love this post. I recently have started giving up sugar but I can't give up my coffee with creamer. I just can't do it. I'm not even sure how people can give it up or not drink it at all!

  20. Coffee has definitely grown on me. It's still not my favorite but it definitely does help me get through the morning. And I like finding fun flavors, like my current banana pie flavored coffee!

  21. Um yes, I will never give up coffee. My son was super fussy as a newborn and I know caffeine can trigger gas, but I knew I couldn't function and so we just rode it out together. HA.

  22. OK, three things - One: You do you boo! hahaha ;) Two: I don't want to give it up either! Three: When I drink my "butt-sized coffee" tomorrow morning I shall think of you and chuckle! :)

  23. I used to drink coffee like a gilmore girl... but then went off cold turkey for four or five months and it was brutal! I don't drink nearly as much as I used to, but I definitely am never giving it up ever again!

  24. I drink coffee like it's going out of style and LOVE it. The feeling when you take that first sip in the morning and the caffeine hits your blood stream, it gives me the warm and fuzzies!

    Greta | www.gretahollar.com
