You Are Stronger Than You Know

Have you ever felt so stressed about a situation that you kept clenching your teeth, getting headaches, and forgetting to breathe? Well of course you have! You are human and you walk through the same (or similar) stresses in life that I do.

You have money issues, family issues, weight issues, or some sort of "issue" that you struggle with. Everyone does. And when this issue gets too stressful, we tend to wonder if we can handle it anymore. We wonder if we are strong enough, smart enough, or patient enough to make it out to the other side still in tact.

But I've got news for you (and me): You're stronger than you think!

Surprised by Strength

When I went to college, my mom had to take a third-shift job at Walmart to make ends meet (thank you, Mom!). Not only was the job just undesirable to begin with, but my mom is also not a night person, has a birth defect in her back that causes a lot of pain, and she also just already had enough on her plate without adding that job... again, THANKS MOM!

But something happened while Mama was working there. Her body became stronger in ways that she didn't know were possible. She could lift heavier things than she thought she could after years of back issues and surgery. She also got semi-used to her new schedule.

Don't get me wrong- she still pretty much hated the job. She was not happy there. But that time working for Walmart showed her that she was so much stronger than she knew. With perseverance, practice, and some help from God, her back got stronger, she could lift heavier things, and the night shift didn't murder her. 

Mom may not have liked her situation, but she was still able to persevere, work hard, do the job set before her, and learn from the situation.

you are strong

Called to be Strong

I am in the process of looking for a second job just to make ends meet. I'm worried about my blog, my energy level, and my injured hip that causes a lot of pain when I over-do it. But I am stronger that I know, and I am capable of whatever I end up having to do.

What my mom did is what we are called to do. We may not always like where we are. We may feel like we just cannot do it and that life is going to be unbearable during whatever season it is that we are struggling through. But be encouraged, friends! You are stronger than you think- especially as you rely on Christ for help.

God never promised that this life would be easy, but he did promise to be with us, to sustain us, to help us, and to offer us peace and joy. Whether we decide to rely on him and take up his peace and joy is up to us. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. And either way, we still have to face the situation that we are in, so why not take God up on his offer of strength, peace, and joy instead of trying to do it alone? 

You are stronger than you think, friends, but as God's peculiar treasures, we find that strength that we didn't know we had when we let God provide it to us. When we decide to persevere for God's glory, we find that we are much more capable and strong than we thought!



  1. This is so inspiring and encouraging. Your Mom is a hero!
    Thanks for sharing your story and insights. I'm also looking for a second job and worries too much but I'll trust in God and be strong. :)

  2. Your mom seems amazing! You're lucky to have her. And I agree, we are all called to be strong - you can do it!!!

  3. Thank you for this great reminder! It is much needed!

  4. This is truly inspiring! I remember the quite brutal way how I've learnt to be strong as a kid and it helped me a lot so far.

  5. Love the reminder that we're called to be strong! So, so good.

  6. What a beautiful reminder. I always love the phrase "God will deliver you THROUGH your troubles, not OUT of them" too. So helpful!

  7. Great, encouraging read. Good luck on finding a second job, and I pray God blesses you with peace. I also have memories of my mom (when she was single) working three jobs to make ends meet. Sometimes we just do what we have to do (as moms), whether or not it's what we want to do.

  8. Love this reminder! God did promise to sustain us and that is great encouragement when we are feeling weak!

  9. Lovely reminder today. Thank you for the encouragement!

  10. Thank you for this. I need to remember this. My wheels were stolen off of my truck (put up on blocks) this weekend and I've been feel really scared about where I'm living. I just need to remember that I am stronger than I currently feel.

  11. This is so great! We are not strong on our own, but through God's strength we can be victorious!

  12. Thanks for the reminder. We are stronger and with Christ on our side...He magnifies us!!!

  13. What a great reminder with that personal story. We all sometimes are pushed into situations we don't want to be in, but learning how to handle the challenges that are sent our way is what shows us our true strength. We are all definitely stronger than we know! Great post! :)

  14. I can tell from your writings that you are a very strong woman indeed. Great that you had such an inspiring role model in your mother too!

  15. I love posts like this that are so uplifting and motivational. I love that you included the story about your mother. My mom has an amazing work ethic that she has instilled into me, and my whole life I've watched her work hard to provide everything I need.

    We are definitely stronger than we usually give ourselves credit for. And if we find ourselves having a weak moment, then that's when God takes over. :)

  16. I loved reading this, it came at the absolute perfect time. I needed to hear this. Thank you!

  17. So true! In times when I'm overwhelmed I try to remember Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me".

  18. Thank you for your vulnerability! Such a good reminder!

  19. You're mom ian a super woman and so glad she serves as such a great example for us!

    i have seen it time and time again in Mark and my marriage, the Lord provides in the most insane ways. Mark reminds me all the time we just don't recognize it because we aren't actively praying to see his provision and are trying to do it in our own strength.

    Great reminder Kristin!

  20. I really loved reading this, the story with your mom makes it more special. I know so many times where my mom has really looked out for me. I am struggling with feeling strong lately (perfect timing) thank you for this encouraging post.

  21. We're always reminded how strong we can be just when we need it the most!

  22. There have been many times where I did not think I was strong enough to get through certain things/situations. Of course I made it through them even if they were stressful and pushed me to my limits. This is such a great reminder that we are strong because God made us that way.

  23. This is wonderful, thank you for sharing!

  24. Such an inspiring post. You are right. We don't really understand our full potential until we are faced with that thing we didn't think we could handle.

  25. such a beautiful post!!


  26. You just sounds like a strong person and you have a great example in your mom. Sorry about your hip. Hope things get better.

  27. This is a great reminder. I'm going through something right now that feels like a huge challenge and I'm trying my best to remember that God is there to provide peace, comfort and strength.

  28. Love the message you convey. The human spirit ans strength is limitless if we only trust that it is how God created us: resilient, strong and compassionate.

  29. This could not be more true, Kristin...God never promised the EASY life! But He most certainly provides strength and grace when called upon. Bless!

    Coming Up Roses

  30. I'm amazed that with God I can accomplish ANYTHING that is on His list (even if I feel weak!)

  31. This is something i Need to remind myself of often

  32. What a beautiful reminder of what we can do through Christ.

  33. Love this so much! How sweet is your mom?! Good luck with everything! You are indeed stronger than you know!

  34. I'm so grateful that in Christ, He'll give us the strength we need to push through the toughest and hardest seasons we'll face. Even when I'm not at all sure I could do it on my own--I know I'll never be abandoned.

  35. This was really encouraging. I struggle with multiple things but when I'm weak, He is strong.

  36. Thank you for this post, Kristin! I needed this reminder. :)

  37. Kristin, I really needed this today. For us, it has been one thing after another pullling me down. I am trying to be deliberate about telling myself to just breathe, the Lord has not given me more than I can handle, rely on Him. I feel ok for a little while but of course end up right back to the super stress mode. I really needed this reminder today. You, once again, have encouraged me more than I can say. :) Thank you friend!

  38. We bloggers sometimes write about something that we are going through without even realizing that someone else who reads it is just going through the same 'issues'. Loved this post! :)

  39. this is such a great reminder! I think it can be easy to forgot how much strength we each have inside

  40. Good luck with your job search, Kristin! I know you can do it!

  41. Strength is being pulled down so often and for so long that you think you are broke and can't take anymore....but then you wake up the next morning and pick up where you left off, and fix what you can.
