Slow Down: Don't Rush the Holidays

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For the past few weeks I've flooded the blog with Christmas posts. I've had everything from the Ultimate List of of Sweets and Treats to a post dedicated to the True Meaning of Christmas. But within most of these posts, there's one recurring theme that I keep coming back to: slowing down and enjoying the holidays.

Not to sound like a broken record over here, but we are nearly halfway through December! Two more weeks to enjoy Christmas time and then POOF! It's gone for another 365 days.

If you are like me, you've got about 5 bajillion things left to do before Christmas, so I totally get it. I have no idea how I am going to get it all done and as much as I've talked about and fought against a hectic holiday, here I am stressin'!

But I STILL believe that we can slow down and enjoy the rest of the holidays. I think there are ways in which we can still embrace Christmas cheer.

Simple ways we can stop rushing through the holidays and embrace and enjoy Christmas instead. #Christmas #holidays

Turn on that Christmas Music

Whether you are at home, in the car, or at work (if it's feasible) turn on that Christmas music, folks! Let it play pretty much non-stop and make sure to sing.
Singing is a stress-reliever for a lot of people, so use those lungs to loosen you up and get you feeling more cheery.

Plug in the Tree

Guys, there's very little that I enjoy more than plugging in the Christmas tree when I get home from work, turning off all other lights, and taking a few minutes to relax.

 Whether I just sit back admiring the tree, sip some hot chocolate (Mint Chocolate by Land O' Lakes is most fantastical 😉), or work on my blog- having the tree as the main source of lighting is just so beautiful. Sometimes it even feels therapeutic. Trust me, friends. Take the time. It'll lift your spirits!

Decide to Finish Your Shopping at ONE Store

I LOVE Christmas shopping. I love picking out gifts specifically tailored to each loved one. But sometimes I can get carried away and I end up going from place to place to find the perfect gift.

However, when I'm in a hurry and running behind on my Christmas to-do list, going from place-to-place adds more stress. There's no shame in getting all of our gifts from one place. In fact, places like Walmart, Target, Sam's Club, Costco, Marshall's, Etc. have such a large variety that it's pretty easy to find something for almost everyone on the list. Plus, all of those places are fairly budget-friendly.

So if you are scared you won't get everything done, cut down some of your stress by picking one location to buy the rest of your gifts.

Choose Your Parties and Events Intentionally

Around the Holidays, it seems like there is a party, a cookie swap, or a light show every night in December. For me, it's extremely tempting to sign myself up for all of them, but I already know how that ends - with a very exhausted and cranky Kristin. Not pleasant, right?

I think it's important to remember that savoring the season means that we are more intentional about what we are doing, which will result in more enjoyment of the events we do decide to take part in. 

So choose the one cookie swap or tree lighting that you think you will enjoy the most. Attend a party or two, but decide which ones sound like the most fun and choose those. 

Rest, Rest, Rest

Okay friends- this last point is a biggie. No one wants to spend Christmas with the Wicked Witch of the West. But if you don't rest, that'll end up being you. So calm down, take a breath, and be okay with taking some time to rest when you get home from work.

Yes, there's stuff to do, but if you look at your list you will probably find that not everything is a necessity. Cut those things out or at least put them off. Rest your feet, rest your eyes, and just calm down.


  1. I love this! Christmas is coming too fast and I don't want it to go yet! Now I must go blast Christmas music until it's no longer acceptable.

  2. I have been lighting candles everyday while I work! Love!

    1. If I worked from home I would do the very same thing...constantly!

  3. Love this! I need to slow down. I start thinking about all the things I have left to do and start to get sweaty palms haha! By the way, love the candle you sent me in the mug swap! I light it almost everyday :) Thank you for the reminder to slow down, I needed that today!

    1. I'm right there with you!
      And thank you so much! I am very glad you like it!
