Exploring the Gingerbread Houses at The Grove Park Inn

In 2009 when I started my undergrad at Montreat college (and dating Taylor), I began hearing little tid-bits about The Grove Park Inn and the wonderful Gingerbread display they have every year before Christmas.

The Grove Park Inn is the most gorgeous resort and spa I have ever seen. It is nestled in the Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina and built with large, shimmering stones (sorry to any geologists out there who know the name of said stones and are cringing at my lack of knowledge 😜). It has a large lobby with huge fireplaces on each end of the room. The fireplaces are so big you could stand in them (minus the fire, ya know).

The first time I went, I fell completely in love with the location, the architecture of the building itself, and those stinkin' adorable gingerbread houses. Many of them are genuine works of art. The detail is impeccable and impressively enough, every one of the houses are 100% edible.

Grove Park Gingerbread Houses

This year was special to me because I was able to share the experience with my mom and brother. I've been with Taylor and several friends over the years, but to get to welcome my family into that world and see them experience it for the first time made my heart happy.

I think that's what I missed the most during college. Throughout my life, I have always been able to share my friends, my hobbies, and my daily activities with my mom (and whole family). She loved my friends and my friends loved her, and we welcomed her to spend time with us. When I wanted to go to an event, my mom would come with me. We shared a lot together. So when my family was too far away for that to happen when I went to college, I craved it so badly.

Getting to share this part of my life with them meant a lot to me for that reason.
And as you can see from the pictures, it was amazing. I cannot imagine having so much talent with baking and decorating!

So if you are ever in the Asheville area around Christmas, you should definitely make the trip to see the gingerbread houses. It's totally worth it!

Does your city have anything like this available to the public? Which "house" is your favorite?


  1. Wow! Those are some pretty amazing creations!

  2. What a magical place! It's so fun that places like that still exist, I only wish I lived closer so I could go visit it.

    1. You might want to look it up online. There might be something similar in your city or in a bordering city.

  3. I wish my gingerbread house making skills were on these artists' level. I love seeing all the different gingerbread creations folks come up with every year. Also, I wouldn't mind being in Asheville this time of year. It's simply beautiful.

    1. I know, right!? Even to do half as good as they do would be amazing!

  4. Love the swing! What imagination!

    1. That one was incredible. The people are tiny little gingerbread mean with faces and everything. I loved it!

  5. I haven't built a gingerbread house since my elementary school days! I put it on my "bucket list" of things my family and I are going to do while we are home for the week!

    1. When I was in high school my mom, brother, and I built a gingerbread house village. It was the first one I had built since I was young. But after that, I wanted to keep making them!

  6. Look Amazing! I live in Durham, it looks like I have to plan a trip to Asheville to see this in person :)

    1. Oh yeah! You definitely should go! That trip's not so bad! My best friend got married in Durham while I was still living near Aville :)

  7. Wow these are like works of art! I have never seen gingerbread houses like this! that peacock and horse are so cool!

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial

    1. Yeah, the peacock was stunning. If we hadn't known in advance, I never would have thought that was made out of candy and baked goods!!!

  8. I cannot believe those are edible - incredible!

  9. Those Gingerbread displays are amazing! I really like the giant swing ride. That one is so cool and I cannot believe that everything is edible. So neat! I like sharing things that make me happy with my family too. There is something about sharing something that brings me joy with others that makes me extra happy. I'm not sure if there is a place close to me that has a gingerbread display. I'm sure there is one, probably multiple, at Disney. Which is less than an hour from me. I'll have to see if I can find out details. :) Great post!

    Elizabeth Ann // www.lovedoinglife.com

    1. Wow! I didn't realize that Disney was that close by to you! That's so cool! You should definitely see if they have a display. You would absolutely love an exhibit like this!

  10. That's so awesome omg!! I love gingerbread

  11. Replies
    1. I think so too, Shannon! Wish I could make them like that!

  12. Oh wow! Those are the prettiest gingerbread houses I have ever seen! More like works of art than food!

  13. Wow that must have been so cool to visit. It like a real life Hansel and Gretel story. xx

  14. So fun! I love seeing how people decorate gingerbread houses!

  15. These are so fun! I haven't built one in forever but mine could never look this professional!

  16. My uncle used to be the assistant manager at the Grove Park Inn so my grandparents would take us to visit him during the holidays. Its SO gorgeous. They go all out for the holidays. It's insane haha I definitely plan to take our future children there someday as well.

  17. So pretty! There is something like this in Cincinnati. It's amazing what people can do with a little cake and candy!

  18. Beautiful! The first photo is my favorite actual house, and the swings get my vote for most creative!
