Why We Should Be Thankful for the Good Things

Well hello there, friends! We are just one day away from Thanksgiving and I can't quite believe it. Where has 2016 gone? Wasn't it JUST May, and wasn't I JUST complaining that I was missing the beach during the Summer heat?!
But flying by or not, I still love this time of year. Taylor and I will be in South Carolina at my family's farm for all the Thanksgiving festivities and I am so excited. This is the first Thanksgiving out there! Woot woot!

If you've been following along for a while, you know that Mondays and Fridays on The Peculiar Treasure are usually themed. Typically we have Mug-spiration Mondays and then Coffee Sips and Lovely Links on Fridays. But during the next few weeks, I am going to vary a little bit from my normal series. I want to get the holiday spirit going and get as many festive posts into the mix as possible.

So today, I am continuing with the theme of "thankfulness". If you read Friday's post, you'll know that I am a believer in being thankful for the "bad" things that happen to us in life. But of course, there are still the happy things, which obviously deserve thankfulness too.

It seems obvious to make that statement, but I wonder how often we think of why the "good things" in our life are actually good things. What makes them that way? And is there anything deeper that good things in our life can reveal to us?

  •  Every good and perfect gift comes from above- from God (James 1:17). Therefore, the good things in our lives show us how good God is and what a great Giver He is.

  • The good things show us how awesome our eternal inheritance will be (Matthew 7:11, John 14:2-4). God promises a perfect eternal life and a perfect eternal dwelling for His followers. So when we see the good God has given us in this imperfect world, then we know that what He gives in a perfect world will be spectacular.

  • Good things give us hope when our current situation looks bad (Titus 2:13, Romans 8:28).  This is because we can see that good things have come in the past and we can wait patiently for them to come again. 

  • We should be thankful because God commands us to be (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It's pretty much a slap in the face to God when He has given us an amazing gift and we aren't even thankful. So even when we haven't been bitten by the thankfulness bug, we can continue to choose thankfulness anyway.

Being thankful for the good things in our lives can seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we struggle with it anyway. But whether it's our family and friends, our new job, or that piece of pumpkin pie we just smothered in whipped cream- all good things should be paired with thankfulness. So maybe if we can identify why we should be thankful, it will help us practice thankfulness more fully.

Speaking of thankfulness- I would be oh-so-thankful if you would take just a minute to fill out my reader survey. It should only take 5 minutes and if you complete the survey you will be entered to win a handmade candle from my Etsy shop and a handmade mug from The Clay Cottage. To take the survey, click here.


  1. I love this post, Kristin! I often forget that I can look at times of God's faithfulness and remember that He never changes. I can be expectant that His faithfulness to me is never going to run dry and that He will always follow through in His provision and creative love. Thank you for this reminder, sweet friend! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you so much, Shaylynn! I did have a great Thanksgiving and I hope you did too!

  2. There are always good things in our lives, no matter what surrounds us. I think we should be grateful everyday of our lives, not only just as Thanksgiving. Thanks for the reminder!
