Why We Can Rest Easy About the Presidential Election (Mug-spiration Monday)

So, tomorrow is election day. Like many Americans, I am dreading it. Yet, I am so ready for it all to be over. I'm tired of all the political ads and propaganda on all sides. I'm tired of having to avoid even mentioning the names of the presidential candidates to some of my family members and friends. No matter who you are, I'm pretty sure you've experienced at least one of these feelings.

But today, on this fine "Mug-spiration Monday", I want you to all know- regardless of who you voted for- that it's going to be ok. Whether you love Trump, Hilary, Johnson, Stein, McMullin, or someone that I've never even heard of, and no matter where you are on the political spectrum, if you know Jesus everything will truly be fine.

We may go through a time of turmoil. We may feel like we ended up with the worst possible president of all time. But IT WILL BE OKAY.

A few reasons it will all be ok:

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for us. (Psalm 138:8)

The Lord fights for His children. (Exodus 14:14)

The Lord knows what we need always. (Luke 12:22-34)

Nothing can stop God's plans for our lives. (Isaiah 14:27)

ALL things work together for the good of those who love God. (Romans 8:28)

God understands the entire picture- we just see the here and now. (Psalm 147:5)

The thing about it is, you can't just find comfort in these verses when it's convenient for you. They are either true or not true. So when you read those and see that God has a purpose for you that no one can hinder, it's not only true when it fits your political sentiments. It's true now and always, in all things.

God had a plan for this election when you were born. He had a plan for THIS election before George Washington became our first president. God had a plan for this election from the beginning. He isn't sitting in Heaven, scratching His head or pacing around. He isn't worried. He isn't panicked. He isn't scared.

So friends, please take heart. No matter who our president is, no matter what disaster they may create, and no matter how disgusting we feel they are- God is in control. God has a plan. God's got this. Just do your part and vote for who you feel would be the best candidate. In the end, God is taking care of us, and we should not fear.

This election, in my opinion, is the epitome of cringe-worthy. But in the end I know that I serve a God who has a plan that cannot be thwarted by any person- including our new president.


  1. So true. Everyone is getting all bent out of shape, but GOd knows, He has always known and he has a plan. :) Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I agree. I'm thankful I don't have to fear the future or even lose my peace worrying about the outcome of what I can't control. It's just for this life and I'm living for things eternal. That said, may we see God's hand in all things.

  3. Amen Sister! Our hope and confidence is in Christ. He is sovereign and in control!

  4. Amen, sister! I keep reminding myself that God is sovereign. He knows the hearts of man. It also makes me pray for Jesus to come on already ;) but everything will be in His perfect timing! In the meantime, we are to be a Godly witness to those around us!

    1. Yes! Exactly. Our job is to be a witness. Not sulk when we don't like what we see in the world around us- easier said than done sometimes though!

  5. Oh gosh, I needed this reminder... honestly i am so nervous about it all. I am going to be landing at LAX shortly after the winner is announced and am terrified about a riot... I need to remember that there is a plan <3

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial

    1. Oh wow! I am sorry you are struggling with that. I feel sure you will be fine, but understand your concern.
      And I am so glad you were encouraged by this. God truly does have a plan, even when we don't understand.

  6. So true! I wish people wouldn't be so uptight about it because at the end of the day, most of us working toward a better America. We need to work together, not tear each other apart. It doesn't matter who gets elected, God is in control and there is strength in numbers. If we really don't like who is elected, we can still work together to make positive change.

    1. Very true! We really do have to work together if anything is going to move forward.

  7. I hate seeing our country so polarized. I wish we could all just come to a rational decision without all the hatred. One day...

  8. I am so ready for this election to be over! I am so glad that we can trust God and we don't have to worry about this.

    1. Amen, friend! I am so glad it is over now and should be dying down soon!

  9. Great post. This is so true. Believers shouldn't worry what the outcome is because it's his will no matter what ;-)

  10. This was a very reassuring post to read this morning, as I get ready to head to the poll. I'm going to keep your words at the forefront of my mind today!

    1. Oh I am so glad to hear that, Laura! I am so glad I was able to encourage you!

  11. I really loved reading this post. It's such a great reminder always, but especially today!

  12. I'm with you - I'm so ready for it all to be over. As long as we all vote, we've done our part. There's nothing more we can do except be nice to people. Everyone is so fired up about this election.

    1. Yes! I am so excited. About a week from now I feel like it will probably die down.

  13. Yes, yes, yes! God is so unbelievably in control! Even when He exiled Israel, He was in control, and He's still the same God.

    1. Yup! He always has a plan and we don't have to understand for that to be true!

  14. Great reminders, Kristin! While yes, I know God is in control and all that good stuff...I just keep thinking "in the end, this is all meaningless," so I'm not too worried.

    1. haha. Well, yes, I suppose so. haha. I haven't heard it put like that before.

  15. This is so interesting! I felt like I was compelled by the Lord to write about how we should get past the election and keep humble for the Lord to heal our land. I think we kinda think alike, friend!

    Really appreciated this. It's all under HIS control!

    1. Well, you know what they say about great minds! ;)

      Thankful to be your sis in Christ, friend!

  16. It is so hard sometimes for people to step back and remember that God is in control... All I can do is pray for peace within our own borders and that some will remember to trust God's plan.

    1. Yes! We just have to trust even when we don't understand!
