Why I Start Celebrating Christmas Before Thanksgiving (and a FREE playlist)

It was 79 degrees outside and the leaves were all still bright green. Most people were in shorts and flip-flops- myself included. But it was October and I was craving the cold. I was craving warm sweaters, crunchy leaves, chilly evenings, and soup. Lots and lots of soup.

I also had a great desire for something to lift my spirits, brighten my day, and make me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. And that's when I knew- it was time to crank up my A/C, wrap up in my snuggie, and play all my favorite Christmas tunes.

But every year when I start to feel that ache, I always know that people will act as if I had just murdered someone for listening to "Winter Wonderland" or "Mary Did You Know" before Black Friday. You'd think I had just told them I had kidnapped someone's child or something.

But there are two main reasons why I celebrate Christmas early, and I'd love to get the chance to explain myself. 😉

A lot of people think it's annoying to celebrate Christmas before Thanksgiving, but I think it's totally appropriate to celebrate Christmas early. Here's why. #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Celebrate

So Little Time!

Let me start by saying that I really do get it, dear friends who cringe when I sing "White Christmas" in September. When you walk through the aisles of a store in the middle of September and they already have all their Christmas items for sale, it is a bit much. Christmas has become so commercialized and superficial that it's no wonder people are skeptical.

However, despite my distaste for commercialism, I still get excited when I see those things. It isn't because I want Christmas to be what Walmart, Target, and the like turn it into- because I don't. But Christmas seems to come and go more quickly every year, and for that reason I want to savor every moment of the season. And as much as I can, I want to extend the season. I am far less bummed out about Christmas ending if I've been celebrating since October. One month of Christmas cheer is simply not enough. Capiche?

Skipping Thanksgiving

People also say that if I celebrate Christmas early, then I am just skipping Thanksgiving and not enjoying each moment. But oh how wrong they are!

Christmas is all about the love and joy of Christ. It's about Him coming to earth to save us. Secondarily, it's about appreciating our loved ones and spending time with them. Likewise, Thanksgiving is all about being being thankful, spending time with loved ones, and celebrating all that we have been blessed with.

Thanksgiving is not technically a Christian holiday (though it's roots are intertwined), but as a Christian, the biggest thing I have to be thankful for is the salvation I have in Jesus. And when I think of all the people and things I love and am thankful for, I have joy. I even find joy in the little things: the goofy, low-budget Christmas films, the chocolate chip cookies that my mom taught me to make, and the sounds of N*sync Christmas filling the room. All of those things give me great pleasure, joy, and a thankful heart in varying degrees.

So to me, Christmas and Thanksgiving are connected. They both pair so well together that there's no reason I can't celebrate both at the same time. I am perfectly capable of being thankful while listening to "All I Want For Christmas". In fact, the sounds, the smells, and really just "all of the feels" of Christmas serve to enhance my thankfulness as long as I keep my head on straight.

So for those of you who get all "grinchy" when people start celebrating Christmas early, know this: just because you don't like to celebrate both at the same time, doesn't mean that I can't. Just because you aren't excited about Christmas trees and lights in October doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with others being excited. And just because I don't wait until Black Friday to start celebrating Christmas, doesn't mean I am skipping over Thanksgiving. But don't worry- I still love you, and I won't make you listen to my music or ask for help with decorating too early. I'm a giver like that. 😋

Finally, for all you Christmas lovers out there who totally get it, I have made a Christmas playlist that I've already listened to for hours-upon-hours. I've got to tell you up front, I've got some quirky taste in music, but if you like Disney, boy bands, and Pentatonix, you'll love it! And if you are skeptical, give it a try anyway, because you know I'm cool 😎

And if you're feeling all Christmasy now, I don't blame you! Here are a few more posts worth checking out!

Good Deeds Kids Will Cherish (House Of Fauci's)

D.I.Y. Decorations: Picture Perfect Wreath (Curbside Overhaul)

How to Have Stress-Free Holidays (Ever Change Productions)

What Do I Get My Daycare Kids for Christmas? (Little Sprouts Learning)

Granny's Christmas Party Mix (Hello Daycare)

Have a Relaxed and Organized Christmas  (Home Again Jiggety Jig)

Happy celebrating!


  1. Be who you are! :) Enjoy that stuff. And thanks for the great christmas tune ideas. I LOVE christmas music!

  2. This is EXACTLY how I feel. The Christmas season pretty much starts for me with Veteran's day.

  3. Confession: I leave my tree up year-round because it makes me happy. Do you, boo. There's absolutely nothing wrong with always being yourself!

    1. That's amazing! I love that! I still like the process of putting the tree up every year, but that's so cool!

  4. I knew there was a reason why we're friends!!!! This is perfect and absolutely how I've thought of my love of celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving :) When I was deployed, I used to listen to Christmas music to help take my mind off of the current location. It's hard to be mad when you listen to Christmas music ;) I

    1. Haha, yes! We are most certainly a good match ;) Thanks for liking me as much as I like you! We should make cookies again this year!

    2. Cookies would be amazing! :D

  5. I feel like people also forget that not everyone celebrates American Thanksgiving. I have a friend in Australia that was showing how stores had Christmas things early October, because they also don't celebrate Halloween there. I love Christmas and I celebrate it all year lol

    1. That's true too! I don't typically think of that, but you're right!

  6. I love Christmas so much! I usually try to not decorate until the week of Thanksgiving (since I go home for Thanksgiving and that's the only time I have to do it), but I've been blasting my Christmas songs for over a week now. The way I look at it is, shouldn't we be celebrating the fact that our Savior was born all year long?! Why do I have to limit that to a few weeks in December?

    1. Yes, exactly! Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment!

  7. I have totally been listening to Christmas music already! #sorrynotsorry

  8. I love the commercialism! I think it brings everyone together! One of my favorite early christmas celebrations was in college. It was Halloween, and a muslim (my bff at the time) and me (a jew) were putting up my christmas tree haha. Seriously, i geek out everytime i see ornaments going up in october at costco or michaels! It makes me so happy! I listen to christmas music year round and really just love the spirit of goodness, gratitude, and support it brings out in people!

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial

    1. I love it! That's so cool!See, I don't mind the Christmas decor going up in stores. I worked in a coffee shop/gift store hybrid one year and our boss had us put out the decor in July. Though that was a little early for me, it was only because it was so hot and felt weird. haha.

    2. haha it's always hot on christmas here so july/december is all the same lol

    3. Bahaha! As I was typing that to you I was wondering if the heat would make any difference in Florida. LOL.

  9. I love it! Christmas and Thanksgiving are definitely connected! I've already watched a few Christmas movies and I have no shame in it at all.

  10. I am feeling all Christmassy now, thank you for that! I was just discussing with family about where to put the Christmas tree, as we are limited on space, and I got told "It's not Thanksgiving yet!" I am ready and looking forward to playing your Christmas playlist while I put up the Christmas tree, yes before Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays!

    1. Yes! Do it! Once it's up they'll realize that you are a genius who knows what you are talking about ;)

  11. So I will admit that I am one of those people that prefers not to see too much Christmas before Thanksgiving, haha! Though I try not to get grouchy at other people who do it. For me it's because of Thanksgiving. It's good to know that you still support and celebrate it, but I know many who don't - especially those who work in retail and have to either work that night or early the next day, they don't even bother to think about or celebrate Thanksgiving at all. And that makes me sad. If everyone could find that good balance between the two holidays I'd be fine, but I know plenty of people who definitely brush Thanksgiving aside and I just think it's so important to have a holiday that is all about giving thanks!

    1. Haha, I can totally understand that! And I agree, it really is important to celebrate Thanksgiving too. Really, we should be celebrating Jesus AND Thankfulness year-round, but I love that we have holiday celebrations for both.
      But I guess my post is more talking about how people who get upset that people are celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving tend to assume that everyone who celebrates is skipping Thanksgiving. But that isn't always the case.

  12. I totally agree. Companies have turned Christmas into something it's not. When you think about the true meaning of Christmas, it's perfectly fine to celebrate that all year round!

  13. Your post has made me think how this is one more way some individuals like to make others feel badly. Celebrate and enjoy!! (Although I am one of those who doesn't decorate until after Thanksgiving - but it's only because I equally love my Fall decorations!). I do love Christmas and I always feel like I don't have enough time with my decorations... geez, can you see I'm torn!

    1. Haha, I can definitely see how torn you are! I love my Fall decor too. And since my hubby doesn't really like the decor to go up until after Thanksgiving, I just leave my fall stuff until then, but I listen to Christmas music and watch the movies a lot earlier than that. He doesn't make me feel bad about it, but I agree. Some people do use that as one more excuse to make people feel bad.

  14. Oooh this is making me feel SO Christmasy already. I usually wait until Thanksgiving to decorate, simply because I have three days off that week and the time to do it, but I listen to music earlier because it's so fun!

    1. Yeah, I wait on the decor because my hubby thinks people should wait until after Thanksgiving to do so, but I listen to the music and watch the movies far before that! lol

  15. I love this! Christmas only comes around once a year, and it's a big deal! I try to wait until after Thanksgiving, but it doesn't always work. The music and decorations always call to me! I think you should start celebrating Christmas as soon as you want!

  16. I totally get you! forget the haters. My fiancé hates Christmas but I love it. Next week I'm off for Thanksgiving break and I can't WAIT to pimp my house out!!

    1. My husband loves Christmas, but he cannot stand Christmas stuff until after thanksgiving. I wait to decorate until the day after thanksgiving, but I have been listening to Christmas music since October ;) I told him he needed to read this post :p

  17. I love hearing about your reasons for celebrating before! While we don't decorate until after Christmas, I totally love listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies (thank you Hallmark!) throughout the entire holiday season! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Rebecca :)

    1. Yeah! Since my hubby cannot stand to decorate until after Thanksgiving, I wait until then, but I still listen to the music and watch the movies way before that ;)

  18. I usually resist the urge to start Christmas stuff until after thanksgiving, but I might have to start early this year too!

    1. Doooooo IITTTTTT! It's way more fun to celebrate longer ;)

  19. I love this and support you 100%!!! I usually start bringing out the decorations – or at least preparing mentally for it – on Nov 1, and by Dec 1 Christmastime is in full swing! I also like to have all of my Christmas shopping done BEFORE Thanksgiving (because I say NO to crowds).

    1. haha, I never end up having my Christmas shopping done that early, but I have been working on it this year.

  20. Aaaaaamen!!!!! If it makes you happy, go for it! I'm right there with ya! :)

    1. Thanks! I love it! Unfortunately, my hubby cannot stand decorations/music until after Thanksgiving. I told him he needed to read my post ;) :p

  21. LOVE this post! Very similar sentiments on my end, which I posted about on friday! I love having something to list my spirits and bring extra joy around this time of year!

    1. Yep! I enjoyed your post too. It's so funny that we both had that post in mind so close together. haha.

  22. I always start prepping for Christmas with the first day of November. I love it so much, I really don't want to just experience it in one day, when I can have two full months of Christmas spirit! I don't care how annoyed people get with early celebrations, for me personally it's uplifting! :) (But I should probably add that we don't have thanksgiving here in Europe, so perhaps that helps).

    1. Yes! Get as much out of the season as possible! I personally think that is THE way to do it!

  23. Oooo, girl! Kindred spirits, for sure. I think that this year, especially, more and more people have been chiming into Christmas celebration earlier! And after talking about it with my husband yesterday, I realized that I think it is because everyone is looking for something positive and to be hopeful about after a yucky couple of months. I LOVE this post and can't wait to jump right on in! I was about to get up and start tackling some laundry, and you better believe I'm going to be listening to your playlist while I do! <3

    - Shaylynn @ Beneath the Cherry Tree

    1. I agree! It really is something positive to add to all the stress of our individual lives as well as all of the stuff going on in our nation. It's a great way to refocus and reboot!

  24. Oh who cares what others say as long as you love and enjoy what you are doing right? I had been eager to read this post of yours, haha. I was super surprised to come back from a month long vacation in Sept/Oct and see that the christmas trees and other christmasy stuff were already put up and on sale, I was actually wondering how long I was gone for, LOL. Love your holiday spirit, enjoy the festivities Kristin.
    xx, Kusum | www.sveeteskapes.com

    1. Haha! Thanks! It's a little tougher when my hubby and MIL are two of the ones who say stuff about people celebrating Christmas "too early". They are not mean about it, and they don't hurt me or anything like that, but I do think it's weird how "weirded out" they get about it ;) haha.

  25. I usually wait until the week of Thanksgiving to decorate solely because I get three days off and finally have the time ha. The holiday is too short to wait too long!

  26. Girl, you know I am ALL about that Christmas music and getting into the Christmas spirit. I think the biggest thing for me is that I want to get into the Holiday spirit ASAP and there is just no such thing as Thanksgiving music. I want to feel the Holiday cheer and remember the meaning of the WHOLE season, so bring on the xmas music and everything else!

    Xo, Chelsie @ Hey There, Chelsie

    1. Exactly! It's all about celebrating the whole season at the same time. If they want to create amazing Thanksgiving music, I'd be happy to give it a try ;)

  27. YES! You go girl! Celebrate and be proud! ;)

  28. I've found my soul sister!! Oh my goodness, great article!!

    1. haha! Thanks girl! <3 It's good to know who my soul sister is!

  29. I've been watching Christmas movies since Halloween but I will tire of them by the 1st of Dec.

  30. I really enjoyed your post. We always put our tree up on Thanksgiving, but this year my husband works and the kids are very excited. It is up now and fully decorated. I am usually not in the mood for the holidays but something about this year is different and I am excited.

  31. You bring up some great points, but I am in the group that likes to celebrate each holiday in it's own time. My local stores had Christmas decorations up for sale by the end of September and because of that, it's made the holiday so commercialized for me. It's only about selling things anymore. I will continue to not prepare for and celebrate Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. :)
