Swoon Worthy Reads for Your Weekend (Coffee Sips and Lovely Links)

Happy Friday, friends! I am immensely grateful that the weekend is here. It has been an exhausting week and I am sure many of you feel the same way.

So as I type this post, I am listening to my Christmas playlist (with the current song belonging to N*sync- because they are awesome!). And I am trying to be a relaxed person but I have never been very good at that, so we'll see how that goes ;)

The only thing I'd like to say to you is that no matter who you are, no matter who you voted for, and no matter what you believe about life- I love you. And more importantly, God loves you. So don't let this week (or any week) get you down. Run to God and be at peace. Believe me- I'm preaching to the choir over here!

But with all that said, let's move on to our links, shall we? I just have a hodge-podge for you this week, but I think you will find them helpful, encouraging, and swoon-worthy. Enjoy!

I'm not planning on becoming a mom anytime soon, but this post by Brittany Bergman is oh-so good! She discusses what couples need to do/learn before they have a baby, and I found it to be very helpful. Life is hard enough to navigate without flailing around when a new addition to the family arrives. But Brittany offers some great advice to help with that!

Did you catch Coffee with Summer's post on Self-Care Tips for Bloggers and Creatives? If you fall into either of those categories, you should definitely check it out!

If you are anything like me, weight loss is a constant dirty word. I can never seem to be disciplined enough or accomplish any of my goals. But I LOVED discovering Shaylynn's post all about her weight loss journey and how she finally was able to lose weight...the right way.

And lastly, Autumn just switched her blog (It's Autumn) from a fashion blog to a fitness blog. I think she is totally going to rock it and she already has a great HIIT workout on YouTube. Check it out!

What are your weekend plans? Which of these links is your favorite?


  1. I've been so stressed this week, Summer's self-care tips will definitely come in handy!

  2. I loved Summer's post on self-care for bloggers! Some great tips and suggestions there. :)

  3. These links all look great. I want to read the post about self care for bloggers. That sounds really helpful!

  4. Thanks so much for including my post, Kristin! This whole post is a bright spot in a tough week. I'm excited to check out the other links!

  5. I love any post that has to do with self care :) & catching up on blogposts is always my favorite!

  6. I loved Summer's self care post too! Thanks for sharing these!!

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial
