Making Memories Versus Getting Rest

Do you ever feel less rested when you've had more time to rest? I have a feeling there are a lot of head-nods and raised hands to that question. Let's face it- we are often just really terrible at resting. But sometimes, a lack of rest is totally worth it when it means you've been enjoying life. Sometimes, the bags under our eyes are actually smiling and jovially shouting "Hey, look at me! Sure, I look like crap. But I also had the best weekend everrrr"!

I'm assuming I'm not the only one who's eye-bags talk...oh, I am? Ooops! ;)

But seriously though. I believe in resting and making sure we take care of ourselves, but sometimes we need to be thankful for our exhaustion, because we know that the cause of it was well worth the side effects.

Today I am coming off of a four day weekend, but I feel like I haven't gotten any rest. Here are a few of the reasons I have bags under my eyes today:

1.) I was able to spend the day with my grandparents, mom, and brother on the farm on Thursday. We make it a habit to spend as much time together as possible when they are in town, so driving over was a must! And if you follow me on Instagram Stories, you know that my day also included lots of puppy love and piggie adventures. I am learning that life on the farm is never dull.
2.) On Friday, wonderful husband surprised me with a full day of birthday plans that included a bike ride (even though he hates riding bikes) and a trip to Build-A-Bear (yes, I am four years old- and I like it that way).
3.) We drove back to the farm for a delicious steak dinner that my mom made to celebrate my 26th birthday. It was so good. Amazing, actually.
4.) My brother came over for the weekend and we spent multiple hours out at the mall and in Charlotte (the mall always wears me out!). But we did get some amazing Korean fried chicken and home made donuts out of it!
5.) I was able to work on blog-related things for multiple hours despite a very busy weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get any extra posts written, but I accomplished some other important tasks, so it was still a win.
making memories versus getting rest

I will probably be dragging for the next day or so, but when I look back and see all the blessings of my weekend, I know that my eye-bags and low energy are completely worth it.

I'd rather have amazing memories than a few extra, restful days.

Did you have a good weekend? Do you think that sometimes being tired is worth it?


  1. Totally! I get what you're saying and sometimes being tired is worth it for sure. We had a busy weekend but it was fun. Looking forward to a long weekend with my husband.

    1. So glad you had a nice weekend, and I hope this coming weekend with your hubby is wonderful!

  2. Sometimes it's hard to find a balance. It's good to give up rest to make memories some of the time though. :) Great post, and glad you had a nice birthday weekend!

    1. Very true, Christina! We still have to be smart and take care of ourselves. We just have to weigh each opportunity to see if it's worth it!

  3. I had a great weekend and this post totally hits home! It was a lot of memories with only a little rest! I totally think being tired is worth it, but man when I am tired I end up cocooning for a few days! So these next few days will be fun with me and my bed and my tv lol

    Rachel |

    1. And girl, Taylor and I were SOOOOOOO tired after our wedding! We seriously had not been at the hotel very long at all before we both curled up and fell asleep. You and your bed and tv will have a lovely time! haha

  4. I feel that way sometimes too. Especially when I clean the house. It's like nothing else matters, I feel like a super hero for getting the house clean lol

    1. Haha, that is too funny. I am glad you feel like a super hero! You must like cleaning more than I do ;)

  5. 'tis true. At the start of October we attended a large multi day Church Planting meeting in our city and our church hosted a ladies meeting at our church. Getting ready for the week and attending meetings that went until after 10pm at night were rough, but wouldn't change it for anything.

    1. Oh wow! I bet you were tired but I am sure it was very rewarding :)

    2. I've been through these on a yearly basis and have learned to try and fit as much sleep in before and after and also do my best to take it all in each time. It is so easy to get sick after that type of a week, but this year it's been great!

  6. I know EXACTLY what you mean!! A lot of times I find myself *wanting* to sacrifice the memories being made in exchange for rest, but I know that there will be plenty of opportunities for me to rest (hopefully ;)) but that particular opportunity to create a special memory might never happen again. I know there are times when you *have* to rest, but I guess it's a case by case basis :) This is a great reminder. Thank you, friend!

    1. Yep! It really is something that has to be taken case-by-case. We need rest and that is important, but I know sometimes I can say I need "rest" when really, I just am being lazy. lol

  7. Absolutely agree! I had a crazy busy weekend as well, but ended it with many stories to tell! Well worth the tired eyes!

  8. So important to take time to rest to avoid burnout! Positive vibes your way!

  9. Last week my school was on fall break and I got so much rest and I loved it. I probably should have gotten more blogging done actually but the rest was so good.

    1. I am so glad you got some rest. It is definitely a case-by-case basis, ya know? We know when we NEED rest a lot of the time, but sometimes I find it easy to skip out on fun things in the name of rest, when really, I am just being a lazy hermit ;)

  10. I was a bridesmaid on Saturday for a wedding that got cancelled due to the hurricane last week. I'm exhausted, but I'm SO happy it finally happened!

    1. Oh wow! Weddings are exhausting but when it's a wedding for someone you care about, it makes a difference!

  11. I love it! Time with loved one is so precious and I love treating it as a priority! :)

  12. Whenever we vacation, I'm exhausted from all the fun. I have plenty of time to sleep when I get home. Vacation time is for having fun. :)

    1. I agree. I never come back from vacation rested, but I do come back refreshed because of the fun!

  13. I couldn't agree more- being exhausted is hard sometimes, but oh so worth it. So glad you had sweet time with family!

  14. TOTALLY WORTH IT THO. What Build a Bear did you build???? #ImportantQuestion

    Coming Up Roses

    1. Muahahaha! Yes, that is absolutely an important question.
      I got a little black and white dog. We put him in a plaid shirt with a hood and named him Calvin. haha

  15. This makes me smile because it's so important.
