Coffee Sips and Lovely Links: Birthday Edition

coffee sips lovely links birthday

Happy Friday, friends! I can't tell you how excited I am about this day. If you read my latest post, then you know that I don't get as much time with the hubby as I'd like, so it makes my heart do a little pitter-patter that today I get to spend all day with him as we celebrate my 26th birthday. I don't know what we are going to be doing, but he says he has a plan :) Then, we will meet my parents, brother, and grandparents for dinner. It's going to be a good day!

And since it's the middle of October now (say WHATTTTT?!), Fall weather is actually, legitimately here for a lot of us. I hope you are making the most of this time. I am trying to. I have already marked two major items off of my Fall Bucket List: hosting a pumpkin party and going to a pumpkin patch. I am proud of myself for checking those off, and I want to keep at it. I hope you will too. Fall doesn't feel like it lasts very long, unfortunately, so we would be wise to carpe diem the heck out of this month!

So enjoy today. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back in your comfiest of chairs, and enjoy these links that I have picked for you!

Happy Birthday- Coffee sips and lovely links

First of all, don't forget about Pinterest Love Friday. If you are unfamiliar with this, it's a link-up I do on The Peculiar Treasure Facebook page. The link-up is simple, quick, and beneficial to all who participate. Come share a pin you'd like some love on or ask for followers. We'd love to have you!

Do you have a Barnabas? A Barnabas is someone who is constantly pointing you to and encouraging you in God. Julie of The Hallway Initiative explains this concept and offers some encouragement whether you have a friend like that or not.

I am so excited to share this Facebook post by Summer of Coffee with Summer. She has teamed up with Emergen-C to share their clean water campaign for Ethiopia. Seriously, check it out. A simple post on Instagram can help give clean water to the people of Ethiopia!

And finally, on a lighter note, earlier this week Rachel of The Confused Millennial shared a super-fun post about what she has learned from the Gilmore Girls. For anyone who is feeling excited about the show's return in November, you need to read this!


  1. AHH!! YAY Thanks for including me!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3 <3 <3

    Rachel |

  2. My momma is totally my barnabas! So grateful for her!!

  3. Happy birthday to you! It's my birthday weekend too :)
    Thanks for sharing the cool links.. will check them out now!

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  4. I love summers blog! So fun to see you sharing these things. Love your blog!

  5. I hope you had/are having a fantastic birthday my friend!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it <3
