10 Realistic Fall Bucket List Ideas

Fall! Fall! Fall! When I hear those words, my spirit does a little happy jump and I get just the tiniest bit giddy. I can smell the cinnamon, taste the pumpkin, feel the crisp air on my skin, and hear the crunch of crimson and gold leaves under my feet. Fall is one of my favorite things on this beautiful planet.

Like anything else though, it's so easy to breeze right on through Fall, going about our daily lives. We don't stop to smell the roses pumpkin pie, and we miss out on a lot of fun. Then one day, we wake up and realize that Fall has left us just as quickly as it came.

It's easy to do. We spend so much time working and being busy that when we do have free time, we just want to lay in bed and do nothing. But if we don't get out there and enjoy all that the season has to offer- what everyday has to offer- we will surely regret it later.

So I have put together my own little Fall bucket list. These are things I want to do this Fall, but I know that it will take a concerted effort to actually do them. I will have to do things when I am tired, and I will have to force myself to leave the house on my lazy Saturdays. But once I start, I know I'll be glad I did.

10 Fun, Simple, and Realistic Fall Bucket List Ideas!

My list is simple. It doesn't have a ton of different activities on it, because let's be real- ain't nobody got time for a Fall bucket list with 50-100 different items on the list. Most adults are crazy-busy, and when given a huge list of fun things to do, it's easy to end up feeling like a boring loser if a bunch of things on the list are left undone. But Fall bucket lists are meant to create fun, not sadness over what was not accomplished.

So enjoy the simple things. Do what is fun to YOU, and do as much as you can of those things. But if winter rolls around and you haven't done as much as you would have liked, decide to be thankful for the fun you did have instead.

Happy bucket-listing! Make it fun and make it count!

10 Realistic Fall Bucket List Ideas for the Whole Family!


  1. What a great list!! I know exactly what you mean about feeling boring if you don't get around to the 50 things on a bucket list haha I've been thinking of making a list for us (we'll probably only get around to 2 things....) and I look forward to enjoying them with TJ! I can't wait for next year when he'll be big enough to enjoy them a little more as well hehe :)

    1. Oh man! I know you are excited for him to do cute stuff in the fall! I hope you guys are able to do a few things :)

  2. Okay, this is going to make me sound like a really annoying LA girl, but I really have no idea whether there is even a place to go apple picking in So Cal! But I love this list and hope to do most of these things!

    1. Bahaha! You should definitely google it and see. And if there's not, you could always "be your own person" and take a cute little basket to the grocery store and "pick" you apples ;)

  3. Great ideas, i love these and they all sound like so much fun. I love fall!

  4. Great list! Visiting pumpkin farms is always my favorite thing to do. Then roasting the seeds!

  5. What a great bucket list! I am so excited for it to cool off enough for me to make apple cider. I might have to make one of my date nights be a trip to a pumpkin patch. I'm getting so many ideas from your list! Thanks!

    1. Yes! I am so ready for the weather to feel like REAL Fall weather.

  6. I love it! I want to do all of these things. Right now making it to a pumpkin patch is my number one goal.

    1. My number one goal is hosting a pumpkin party, and I am doing that this coming weekend! But I really want to take the little girl I nanny to a pumpkin patch, so I am hoping we can make it!

  7. I like your idea. Looking forward to seeing how this works out!

  8. These sound so fun! Maybe I'll try to take a detour after work and try a few. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Great list! I feel like I'm always way too busy but do almost all those things every fall. I don't like apple cider though. I'm probably the only one. :)

    1. You should definitely do some fun Fall things this year. Maybe hot chocolate instead of cider?

  10. That looks like a perfect bucket list for October! My husband and I used to take a fall picnic every year at the same spot. Sadly, we can't go to that place anymore- different owners.

  11. I'm very busy so something realistic definitely helps! I always try to make a new pumpkin recipe every year, and paint a new (fake) pumpkin for my collection.

  12. Im always looking at bucket lists and now that fall is here I needed this info! So excited for this time of year!

  13. This is such a great list! I love a good list hahaha, And I'm the same with autumn, it makes me so happy! By far the best season! :)

  14. I love anything Fall related and these are realistic.
