Why I Had to Take a Selfie and Get Over Myself (Guest Post by Marsha Apsley)

I got a selfie stick for Christmas last year.  I can't believe that's something I would have ever wanted?!?  I'm still figuring it out!  Do you have one?

About a year and a half ago I felt called to begin sharing my story in this online space and the journey of faith and fitness that I had been on most of my life. The most difficult and vulnerable part? Posting a selfie! Technically I'm not a pro at it (I took 15 this morning to get a decent one! lol!), but it was the struggles within that I had to fight (and still do!).

I've never been a fan of looking in a mirror. Full length mirror? Not in my bathroom.  

When I was a school-age girl, I went to Disney World with a friend.  I remember getting in line for a ride and all along the entrance were mirrored walls.  Oh how I hated it!  Just don't look!  I always thought my friend was prettier than me.  Here she was checking her hair and primping (like girls are supposed to do!), and I just kept my head down.  Get me out of here!  
That was years ago, but the struggle remained.  And the memory is still there.  I avoided mirrors at all costs.  And pictures.  Just put me in the background.  Or better yet, let me take the picture while you beautiful people smile for the camera!

So, if I struggle to look in the mirror, why would I want to post a picture of myself so that I (and the rest of the world) could look at it???  A selfie?  Of me?  Really??

But here's the deal.....

When we, when I, don't appreciate the reflection looking back at me, I'm saying to God that He didn't do a very good job. I'm not appreciating the miracle of life that He's given me and the way He has uniquely crafted me. The sin of pride doesn't come with looking in the mirror or posting the picture. It comes when we think He should've made me better. It comes when we think He didn't get it right. It comes when we need others to validate us. It comes when we compare ourselves to others.

And think of the memories you’re missing out on.  What happens when your children and grandchildren look at pictures and wonder where you are.  Why aren’t you in the pictures, Mom?  Where’s Grandma in all the pictures?  How do you answer that?  

So today I'm challenging you to spend some extra time in front of the mirror.  Take a selfie.  You don’t even have to post it.  This isn't about getting people to look at ME, but directing their (and my) attention to the One who created me. To the One who doesn't make mistakes. To the One who has a plan for each and every one of us. We can't follow that plan if we're caught up in feeling like He didn't make us right.

Embrace and celebrate the wonderful YOU He created! Give Him praise!

If you choose to take that selfie and post it on social media, be sure to tag me and use the hashtag that Kristin encourages us to use:  #thebeautifultreasures  Let us give you a virtual hug and praise Him, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

About Marsha:
"I coach and counsel women who are tired of the gimmicks and quick fixes, and empower them to find their fit and be free to follow a plan that is right for her by keeping her eyes on her own paper and honoring herself as a woman fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm also an average yet avid runner and "mom" of our local running club.  I use lessons learned from running to apply to life and lessons learned from life to apply to running to encourage other "average" runners to reach their goals."

Follow Marsha on Social Media
Follow my blog: http://marshaapsley.com
Instagram:  @marshaapsley
Twitter:  @marshaapsley


  1. Thanks so much for having me here today Kristin! I love the message you spread to women and I'm blessed to be part of it.

    1. I am glad to have you, Marsha! Thank you for writing this!

  2. I like this post so much. I've been there. I used to get picked on in middle school and I didn't think I was very pretty but I realized I had to love myself and now I can't stay away from the camera. God doesn't make mistakes. He made you exactly how he wanted you to be and everyone is uniquely beautiful just like you :)

    1. Thank you! I love how you had that transformation on the inside and came out of that difficult time in middle school embracing who you are in Christ! Thanks for sharing that :-)

  3. I love this! There was a time when I wouldn't even look in a mirror. I'm fine with it now, but I do have my days (I think everyone does). This is a great perspective, though!

    1. Thanks for sharing Crystal. You're right, we all have those moments still, but we can recognize them for what they are and get past them more easily.

  4. This is so awesome! Oh my goodness words can't even! I've always struggled with taking pictures and I've abstained, for yeaaars, from being in any group shots or having my picture taking by anyone besides myself, because I've always been uncomfortable with my size. This year I've been working really hard to love myself more, in the body I'm in, regardless of my size and this post just really helped so much with that! Amazing post Marsha and thanks for having her Kristin!

    1. Christal, that means so much! Thank you for sharing that. I'm so glad you're working on this area. You are loved, for sure! And you are beautiful.

  5. Love this idea! It can be really hard to look a picture of ourselves and not pick it apart, but I think we all need to get used to taking a picture and liking (maybe even loving) it!

    1. Isn't in the truth Falon? If we're in a picture, we immediately look at how we look even if it's an entire group. It's all about whether I like how I look or not. But the more we take them, the more we'll get used to see ourselves and loving who we are.

  6. What a lovely & inspirational blog post!
    SO glad I found it!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Cristina! Glad you stopped by.

  7. This is awesome! Personally, I have a hard time taking selfies of myself, too! I feel like it's so easy to pick at all the negative things. You couldn't be any more correct with this post. It definitely helped me!

    1. Glad you found it helpful Kiara! We go straight to the negative, don't we? But I try to ask myself if I do that when I look at other pictures, and I don't, so I try to go easy on myself too!

  8. Love this! I can relate to it! If you scroll deep back in my instagram, there were probably only 4-5 selfies between 2012-2016! Now that I posted one and it did well I feel more confident and enjoy it more. I used to think selfies were for narcissists, but honestly I love when I get to see my blogging and IG friends faces so I look at it as a way for our virtual friends to see us and know who they are interacting with!

    Rachel | www.theconfusedmillennial.com

    1. Totally Rachel! When I started I felt the same way....I didn't want it to be about ME, but NOT posting was making it more about me. If we've communicated on the phone or via email and finally meet someone, we often say "Now I can put a name with a face". And it's the same with social media. People want to have a picture of who is behind the content.

  9. This is such a relatable story! It bothers me when people put down others for sharing selfies -- selfies, to me, are a show of self-confidence and appreciation for the creation that you are! I don't post many, myself, because I USED TO and some people starting saying that I was being vain, or shallow, etc., even though my selfies were just a simple smile with a cup of coffee! So yeah, I need to get over it, too. ;(

    1. I say go make yourself a cup of coffee and smile for the camera Tawni! :-)

  10. WOW. THis is so surprisingly simple but POWERFUL. I love the point about how it's like saying God didn't do a very good job...what a basic phrase with such huge impact and repercussions and TRUTH! Props for the courage to write this.

    Coming Up Roses

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Erica! I'm glad it spoke to you.

  11. This post has a great message - thanks for sharing your story!

    Gotta share my selfie fail from last weekend: A friend came my clogging performance at a festival and I tried to take a selfie of us together (no selfie stick). I couldn't get us both in the pic and push the button without blurring the photo. Had to get someone else to take the pic for us!

    1. Just the ACT of taking a selfie is quite a job, isn't it! lol! I find my arms aren't long enough and then there's the angle, etc. I even have trouble with the selfie stick OR I don't have it when I really need it! There needs to be a class on taking a selfie! lol!

  12. Great post! We are ALL so beautiful!

    1. Indeed we are Taylor! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. This is such an important post. Insecurities come in all shapes and sizes, but we really are all beautiful in our own way and its important to remember that! Thanks for sharing your journey :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words Rachel. For all the people in this entire world, isn't it just awesome to think that God took the time to make us all unique in our own special way?

  14. This is a tough one for me. I just prefer to look the other way. Thank you for sharing this, it spoke to me. :)

    1. Lately, I would rather look the other way too. Before I gained weight, I really enjoyed taking and being in pictures.
