Let It Go (Learning to Release Annoyances and Frustrations)

For the past couple of weeks, baby E has really been loving Frozen. Normally if I leave the TV on, she watches for a few minutes, goes and plays, and comes back when she hears singing- only to leave again shortly after. But with Frozen, the little cutie sits through nearly the entire thing. We have watched Frozen several times in the past three weeks, and neither one of us is sick of it yet. *PS- I don't just sit the child in front of the TV all day. I'm a good nanny. Promise* ;)

I know that the movie is technically about being who you are and choosing love over fear. But then a few days ago, I had something happen where I felt criticized and offended. Something someone said made me defensive because I felt like they were personally attacking me. They weren't, and deep down I knew they weren't, but my easily-hurt nature took it that way and I really had to suck it up.

Then I started thinking that I needed to "Let it Go". (Ensue loud singing)

Letting Go

We all have times in our lives where things hurt or annoy us. We live in a fallen world with imperfect people- including ourselves. And if we lean towards the more sensitive side, even the smallest of things may hurt us deeply.

Friends, we've got to let it go.

Colossians 3:12 tells us to "put on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience". But if we are constantly getting our panties in a wad, and being hurt by every little thing, we are not being patient, compassionate, humble, or meek. 

We have to understand that sometimes people say things that they don't mean. Sometimes people say things and we take it the wrong way. And when the "offender" hasn't actually done anything wrong, it's vital that we are humble enough to realize not everything is about us. We have to let go of our own self-consciousness, fears, and insecurities and realize that the thing that offended us isn't that big of a deal. And then we have to- you guessed it- LET IT GO!

And honestly, even if someone purposefully, maliciously hurts us, we don't have to shouldn't hold on to that hurt. We can let it go. We can choose to be compassionate towards our offender. We can choose to humbly say, "this is not my problem, it's theirs. I will forgive them, let go, and move on".

So friends, on this beautiful Mug-spiration Monday, remember that we need to let our hurts go. We need to learn to release the frustrations and annoyances of everyday life, because honestly, ain't nobody got time for that! 

We've got too much potential, too many dreams, and too much to accomplish to let hurt, anger, annoyances, or frustrations rule our mind and emotions. We can't live life well if we hold on to things that don't matter. We have to let it go.

Are you good at letting things go? Or do you struggle to release it? Comment below!

*Remember to check out my handmade, Fall candles. They are available now.


  1. Love this post. I love Frozen....I have the movie and the soundrack! lol! I have "Let It Go" on my playlist and as a ringtone. I don't currently use the ringtone, but there are times in my life, I turn it on because I need the constant reminder! I tend to internalize things, so it's a conscious effort to let things go. And let's just say that the struggle is more difficult during certain times of the month ;-)

    1. hahaha, yes, yes it is ;)
      I have to work really hard at letting go too. It may not be easy, but it must be done.

  2. I had to practice this very thing earlier when a co-worker of mine e-mailed me something that could possibly be misconstrued as offensive. Instead of taking it to heart and replying, I simply let it go. Because what good would it have done if I snapped back with something or made a big deal about it? Sometimes we just have to let things go, especially when we know they probably didn't intend for it to be hurtful. Great post and reminder!

    1. So glad you chose to practice that concept. It makes things a lot easier in the long run when we go ahead and let go from the beginning. Thank you for reading, Cara!

  3. Gosh, sometimes I'm finding that my emotions just get the best of me and that I'm all fired up over nothing. I have to stop and remind myself just to let it go. Great post!

  4. This is something I've been really trying to work on lately. And it's never something intentional, it's always some offhand comment that gets to me. I love your words of wisdom, it's a nice reminder. :)

  5. Love this and it's actually a really big struggle for me. I tend to open up quickly and easily, but when I'm hurt, it's hard to let it go. One of my favorite quotes is "write your hurts in the sand, carve your blessings in stone"

  6. This post is so great. I have a hard time letting go sometimes. This is a great reminder!

  7. It can be so easy to hold onto those negative emotions like anger, sadness, etc. But the reality is, letting those go and moving forward is always the better option!

  8. This is just so dang hard when it's something your really passionate about! But, reminders help ease the frustration:)

  9. It has always been a strength of mine to remain positive and composed in the face of annoyances. However lately my family has faced huge problems with my future sister-in-law, and the negativity has taken over. Thanks for the great reminder to get back to my true self and let it go.

  10. Amen sister! My "Letting Go" skills have been put to the test off and on with the same people, who I unfortunately cannot remove from my life, for over eight years. It has been tough but practice makes perfect! I am not perfect but it does get easier with time. :)

  11. This was such an inspiring post! hard to do a lot of the time, but something we all need to work harder to achieve!

    Keep smiling!
    Molly | www.stylemissmolly.com

  12. Great post. As a life coach this is probably one of the things I work with my clients on the most. It's so important to let go. When we hold onto something negative, the only person it continues to hurt is you. Not always super easy to do, but definitely worth doing. xx

  13. As I get older I am much MUCH better about letting things go. I think the hot headedness of youth tends to get in the way of understanding and reason a lot of the time...

    Still, sometimes you just need to stew on something.. but ultimately yes, let it go, it's not helping you at all to focus on all that negativity

    Laura @ www.cookwineandthinker.com

    1. I wish that was the case for me, Laura. I have gotten MORE hotheaded the older I've gotten :p

  14. Letting go is one of the hardest things to do!

    1. It really is. In fact, I am having a very hard time today with practicing what I preached in this post.

  15. I love this! We all need to be reminded to let go sometimes! I'm so glad over the last few years I've learnt to let go more. I was terrible as a teen/young adult. Nowadays, I'm much more relaxed about things!

  16. I'm pretty old, and I finally have reached the point where I approach this with - will it matter in a year? If so, then it is worth dealing with - otherwise I be like a duck and let the water (angry thoughts) roll up and fall right off of me..

    PS: I have more friends this way!!
