Hello, September (Goals)

You guys! It's September! That means that there's only one month left until October (which is factually the best month ever, of course). It also means that everything goes back to a "school schedule". I can take baby E to the park without it being ridiculously crowded, which also makes Barbour the dog a happy camper. Lots of kids + doggie anxiety = no bueno.

But what I'm really looking forward to this month is officially decorating for Fall. I have been sipping pumpkin coffee and eating pumpkin baked goods for weeks now, but I forced myself to wait until September to decorate. That was NOT an easy task for this girl!

With all the fun stuff coming up though, it would be easy to overlook the things that I need to get done, and that I hope to accomplish. And while I'd love to just live in Autumn-land from now until Thanksgiving, life is more than pumpkin muffins and coffee (bummer).

Regarding August

In last month's Goals post, I talked about how my only goal for the month of August was self-control. I did that because I was failing at nearly every goal I set- blog, weightloss, etc. I realized that the reason was because I was far too pleased with lesser results as long as I got instant gratification ( i.e. eating 3 brownies instead of splitting one with Taylor, or watching Netflix when I could be creating more blog content).

I am proud to say that I did better with self-control. I ate out less, spent less money, ate MUCH healthier, and spent a tiny bit more time in God's word and reading Wild and Free.  Woot woot! Baby steps or not, progress is progress!

Now that September has rolled around, I have a few specific goals I'd like to accomplish.

Blog Goals
This month, I am really focusing on growing my numbers on my social media accounts and on my blog itself. I want to create content that really gets people engaging.

As I have mentioned before, my favorite "social media" platform is Pinterest by-far. At the end of August, I reached 900 followers, and I am working towards between 1,200-1,500 by the end of September. I feel confident I can at least reach the lower end of that.

I am also trying to step up my Instagram game, and I feel like I have done pretty well so far. My engagement has nearly doubled in the past month, and for the first time in a while, I am actually enjoying Instagram again.

I created a FREE PRINTABLE for anyone who signs up for my Email list, and I would love to have you all join in. I am also in the process of finishing up a free devotional email series as an opt-in as well. Keep your eyes peeled for that, and if you you are interested in signing up for my mailing list to receive new posts delivered straight to your inbox, click here.

I am now taking orders for my handmade, Fall candles. They come in Apple Cider, Mulled Cider and Toasted Chestnuts, or Pumpkin Pie. Each Candle is 10oz. and burntime is 38+ hours. $10 plus shipping. If interested, email me at thepeculiartreasureblog@yahoo.com

What are your goals for the month of September? How are you working towards them?


  1. I love these goals! I love that they are goals to help you grow in other areas than social media. You have inspired me. Thank you!!

    1. Oh good! I'm glad. Keep working towards your goals! You can do it!

  2. I am working on upping my social media numbers as well. It can be hard sometimes, but I think it is worth it in the end!

  3. Great goals, Kristin! Happy to hear you feel content with your progress!!! I don't even know what to focus on goal-wise for September. Honestly, a lot of my goals are school-focused. For my blog, probably continue to try to grow my Instagram, and increase my Facebook likes. Best of luck this month!! You'll kill it (:

  4. Yay! congrats on your pinterest goals!! My favorite social will always be instagram i think haha.

    1. You do such a great job with Instagram! Your feed is awesome!

  5. I just want to get back to running. I'm trying to do everything doc says but this knee just doesn't want to cooperate. Ugh! I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but it's been all summer that I haven't been able to run. I just keep praising the Lord that I can bike! Those candles! I love candles....especially in the fall and winter!

    1. I hope you are able to get back to running like you'd like to. I love biking! I am glad you can still do that! Keep at it!

  6. These are such great goals! I'm trying to work on my Instagram engagement, too. It's not about the numbers, after all!

  7. That is so cool that you make candles!

    Love that you're focusing on progress, no matter how small. Every step in the right direction, even small ones, still helps you get closer to where you want to be!

    1. Thank you, Brita! I appreciate that. Sometimes it is hard to remember that, but I know it's true.

  8. That's so funny you had to make yourself wait til September! I am ready to decorate too. The holidays go by so quickly. We might as well enjoy them while we can. Those candles look amazing!

    1. Haha! Yeah, I'm like that with Christmas too. As soon as mid-November comes around all I can do is beg my husband to let me go ahead a decorate, and I listen to Christmas music non-stop :p

  9. Loving the look of your candles! Pumpkin Pie and Apple cider are calling to me! I agree with you on baby steps though. Even if you know you've made a little step, at least it's a step in the right direction! My goals for September are to get organised with blogging since I had the Summer off. I need to get back into my routine and get back to growing!
