Coffee Sips and Lovely Links // Vol. 2

Happy Friday, lovelies!

This week has been insane. For those of you who don't know, my husband and I live in Charlotte, NC, and the riots that you've seen on the news are only 20 minutes away from our house, and about 10-15 minutes away from where we work.

It's scary, it's maddening, and it's serious. But we have been very blessed. We live outside of the city, so if we hadn't watched the news or been on Facebook, everything would have seemed completely normal.

I want to see healing for all the hearts that are hurting, and I want to see this violence stop. But God is good and He is going to take care of everything. He will make all things new one day, and until then, He is working out all things in His time.

We don't need to freak out or lose our minds. We need to keep living life well and work towards helping others in whatever ways we can and are called to.
We don't need to spend every two seconds checking our news feeds, living in fear.

So as a pick-me-up, I've rounded up three different links for you all to enjoy. I hope they encourage you to keep living even in the face of fear, even in the face of hurt, and that they help draw you nearer to God.

Ally of The Speckled Goat (who by the way is one of my all-time-favorite bloggers!), share's about how change is hard, yet God is still very good. If you are struggling with change right now (or even if you aren't) this is a great read.

Do you know anyone who is either pregnant, a new mom, or someone who has lost a baby? Healing Grace Childbirth Services is an excellent ministry that offers resources for expecting moms, new parents, families looking to adopt, and even bereavement services for those families who are dealing with losing their baby.
And this month, I am happy to have Healing Grace as my sponsor for the second time.
Join me in supporting them by either liking their page, telling a friend about their services, or sharing this post.

And for all those who are struggling along with us here in Charlotte in regards to racial tension, riots, and the like, here is an article by Kevin Deyoung on how to handle all of this in a more godly way.

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. Glad you're safe! Have been thinking about all of you ladies in Charlotte!

  2. This is a very timely post. Good thoughts and prayers for everyone in Charlotte, praying for peace and healing! - Trish

    1. Thank you, Trish! I appreciate that! Things seem to be settling down and I hope it stays that way.

  3. Sending thoughts of safety your way! <3 <3 Thanks for sharing the links. I'll have to check them out!

  4. Kevin DeYoung is a solid dude. Thanks for sharing the links, and I'm glad you're safe in the midst of the riots. It's a heartbreaking thing but there will be an end to all of this.

    1. We love Kevin DeYoung! He has so many insightful things to say!

  5. Such a heartfelt post. THanks for sharing these links. Keeping you all in my prayers!

  6. What a sweet post. Sending prayers my way! Hugs!

    Keep smiling!
    Molly |

  7. Glad that you guys are okay. Prayers with Charolette <3

    Rachel |

  8. I can't wait to see more from Healing Grace Childbirth! Sending you prayers in Charlotte��

    1. Thank you for the prayers, Lauren! And keep your eyes peeled for a guest post by them!

  9. I hope you and your family stay safe with all the riots. There is a lot of hurt going on in the world today. It's so sad. I can't wait to check out the blog posts you shared!
