There's Always a Bright Side (Mug-spiration Monday)

Last week was rough. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen that I had an old back and hip injury flare up. It kept me from walking by myself the first few days, and it caused a lot of pain when I sat or tried to bend. I was basically bed-ridden. And it sucked!
Being bedridden, relying on my husband to take me to the bathroom so I could pee, and not being able to take a shower for almost a week doesn't sound so fun (and it wasn't), but as I thought about my week, despite my pain, I realized that there were blessings tucked in there too.

A Little Bright Side

I don't sleep in. My body rarely lets that happen. But last week, I slept until 8 or 9 almost every morning. I needed that sleep desperately.
I was also able to relax and just be in my room and read. I haven't done that in quite some time either. 

And believe me, I know that those seem like small things, but I am thankful for them. Just because I was in pain doesn't mean good things couldn't happen. There's usually a bright side if we just take the time to look, ya know?

So Go Ahead. Look.

If you have something difficult going on in your life, how do you usually handle it? Do you cry, do you throw things, do you call your best friend and vent about it? Those are all understandable and normal responses, and I react similarly.

Oftentimes, I will get really worked up, call my mom or hubby, and complain about whatever is going on. I also tend to get super-dramatic and think worse-case-scenario... because anxiety is my super-power. But those reactions don't accomplish anything good. They just make me more anxious, grumpy, and worked up. Venting can sometimes be a good thing, but it often turns into telling everyone how awful life is, which is a big load of bull.

Even if your life isn't super-sparkly-awesome at the moment, there is still so much to be thankful for. Think about your loved ones. Think about your home. Think about your job. Think about the fact that you aren't dying from starvation, or dehydration. You are blessed. And think about whatever bad thing is going on in your life right now. Is there something good that has come from it already? Can you see potential good that has the power to come through this situation? Can you see something you may need to learn from? Are you growing and becoming stronger through all of this? All of those are positive things. Even learning a painful lesson is a blessing. And all of those things are a bright side of a hard situation.

There's always a bright side if you just look around.

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  1. So true, thank you for the reminder to look for the silver lining in every situation. You are such and inspiration. :)

    1. I am glad that was helpful, Christina! And thank you! I appreciate it and you :)

  2. I agree with this. We always have something to be thankful for and there is always a bright side. I say if you are looking at this computer and able to communitcate with someone you have never met, you are already way more blessed than many in this world

    1. That is so true! What a great point. That fact that I can have a blog, or type back to you, or any of that is a great blessing! Thanks for the reminder! :)

  3. I always try to look at the bright side of things. It's not easy for me sometimes but you're right there's always a bright side in everything. Such a great upbeat post :)

    1. I am glad you try to stay positive as well. The world needs more people like that! Thanks for reading!

  4. I can empathize with your situation. I had a minor accident but I was bed-ridden and everything sucked for a while. But then better things always come along. And a venting session with my best friend is what makes everything back to normal. This really made my day!! Stay positive! :)

    1. Oh man! I am glad you are better and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I am so glad your best friend made a big difference. Best friends really are THE BEST! haha

  5. Great perspective. I'm a runner. BUT I've been injured all summer. Knee :-( Haven't been able to run, hoping to try again in the next week or two. But I'm thankful this happened during the summer when I could ride my bike without worries of bad weather. It has also given me time to reflect on my identity and how much I put into being a runner even though I am so much more!

    1. I'm so sorry you've been going through that, Marsha. No fun!
      But I am glad that you are learning and seeing truth through the situation!

  6. Loved this post Kristin. It's so true. There is always a bright side. It just depends on how we look at things. We never know what could happen if whatever struggle didn't come up... I am a firm believer that struggles are given to us for us to find greater meaning and purpose and become our best selves.

    - Rachel |

    1. Exactly! There are so many beautiful things in life that wouldn't have come if we had not gone through a tough time.

  7. I LOVE this Kristin! So sorry you had a rough weekend last week, but I admire you always finding a bright side in everything. Getting to sleep in is definitely a bonus! ;)

    1. Thank you, Cara! I appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Oh no! That pain sounds miserable, but I love your attitude and the fact that you were still able to focus on the good even when something bad was going on. I know that's an area of my life where I can definitely work on improving.

    1. Thank you! It is pretty miserable, but there really is a bright side to pretty much anything :)

  9. This post makes me happy. My back pain has flared up and is miserable. I love the outlook.

  10. Oh how I needed this reminder. When it rains, it pours and we often just want it to stop. I love that you pointed out we can learn from it instead. Amazing post!!!! <3

    1. I am so glad that this was an encouragement to you! Thank you for reading!

  11. I love this! Much needed inspiration!

  12. Thank you for the encouragement, Kristin! I needed this!

  13. Love the positive message with this one! And a good night's sleep is a blessing indeed!
