7 Ways to Make an Awesome Day Even More Awesome

*Originally Published on The Peculiar Treasure on May 2015

Do you ever have one of those days where you just wake up and everything is awesome? Or maybe it even takes you an hour or two, but sometime during the morning you realize that there is joy surrounding you. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, all the plants seem to be shouting "look at me!", and your mood is bursting with energy and positivity! Do you ever feel like that?

I tend to feel like that less than I would like to, but I do have those days- those awesome, beautiful days!

On days like that, I know I had better take advantage of those feelings. Those are the days where I am most productive, most pleasant, and most self confident. I am more likely to exercise and eat healthy, I am more likely to have a good prayer time, and I am more likely to have a grateful disposition.

Wonderfuls, when these days present themselves, I feel like we should take life by the horns and make the most of it by creating a day that matches our mood.

So here are 7 things you can do to enhance your already-awesome day!

7 Ways to Make an Awesome Day More Awesome

1.) Groom yourself and your home

When I was a teenager struggling with depression, my mom would always tell me to get up, make my bed, get out of my PJ's, and put on makeup. This was because she knew it would make me feel better. I used to not understand it. But since I have my own house and am living as a married "grown-up", I definitely understand now. I almost always feel better when I take her advice. There is something about a freshly made bed, a cute outfit, and a little bit of makeup that makes this gal feel more productive, put together, and ready to face the day. Give it a whirl. It can't hurt!

2.) Take a Day Trip

You know that restaurant in the next town over that you've been dying to try? Well, just go. Treat yo' self to a little road-trip. Invite friends or make it a solo venture- whatever your heart desires. Newness is always exciting, and you don't have to go very far to find that. Feeling super adventurous? Turn your day trip into a weekend getaway to the beach or mountains. Go hiking on a new trail, rock hopping in a creek, or for the over-adventurous folks, go skinny dipping in the sea- or on second thought... how about not ;)
Regardless of the size of the adventure, spend your awesome day doing what makes your heart sing.

3.) Read Outside

So maybe you aren't a very adventurous person...that's ok! There are still plenty of things for you to do! One of my favorite laid-back activity is sitting outside, soaking in the rays of sun that are dipping down to kiss my skin while I lose myself in a good book. Whether you like young adult fiction, self-improvement books, or Good Housekeeping Magazine, grab your favorite reading material and get yourself outside. Just don't forget the sunscreen!

4.) Clean Crap Up

Though I cannot relate, some of my friends love to clean. I don't get it, but thank God for them. In college, my wonderful friend and suite-mate would ask me if she could clean my room when she was stressed. Um, yes please! For those wonderful weirdos (a term of endearment!), on days when you are already feeling awesome, why not add more awesome to the mix by cleaning. You already know you enjoy it, and with your good attitude you will surely get things done more quickly- leaving you feeling productive and accomplished. Happy cleaning!

5.) Get Your Garden On

Another way to really enjoy your day is to spend it gardening. A lot of people feel so happy when they are able to get their hands dirty. Pull some weeds, plant some more flowers, or just take some time to admire the gardening you've already done. It is scientifically proven that looking at pretty flowers is a good idea ;)

6.) Ride a Bike

One of my favorite things to do is ride bikes. Somehow, this love skipped over my husband and friends... Sad day. But when I have a sunshine-y day staring me down, I almost always want to ride my bike. I don't have any bike-riding buddies around here, but I have got to stop letting that be an excuse because I love it way too much to miss out. So let's go ride a bike!

7.) Take Pictures

When the day is "pretty as a picture", why not actually take pictures? Do you have a favorite spot around town? A hidden gem that always brings a smile to your face? Then go capture it on camera. Don't know of anything in particular to snap pictures of? Then go exploring. Walk around town. Photograph strange things, beautiful things, mysterious things- all the things. Be creative. It's fun!

What do you like to do to improve the awesomeness of your day?

Note: Any day can be awesome. You don't need to wait for the perfect job, the perfect relationship, or even the perfect weather. Any day can be awesome if you will allow it to be. So rain or shine, happy or sad, do all you can to have an awesome day.


  1. Ahhh, I love this! These 7 things definitely improve any day for me. A couple weeks ago I was feeling a little blah and had a rough day. I took a break from my to do list that evening and went for a bike ride. It was just what I needed!

  2. Yes! since I stay at home during the day I can be found in my PJs but getting dressed and groomed always make me feel better!

    1. Haha. I understand! I definitely prefer my PJs but I know it makes me feel better to get dressed.

  3. I loved going off on solo bike rides down long country roads when we lived in America. Definitely the sort of thing that made any day more awesome. And little day trips and adventures definitely add some extra spice to life!

    1. Unfortunately, where I live now is not exactly a good bike riding spot. Our street is right at a very busy road :/

  4. Ha! I love that you had a roommate who would ask to clean your room when she was stressed out...that's awesome and totally sounds like something I would do, haha!

  5. These are some great ideas! I am a bit limited with kids and cannot always do some of them!!! Thanks for linking up with us at the #homematters linky party! We hope you join us again!!!

    1. Yeah, I am sure kids would limit this list. I am not a mom yet, so I haven't experienced that. haha

  6. I wake up each morning with the idea that the day is going to be awesome, and you know what? Most of the time it is. I'm one of those crazy gals that like to clean. lol! I take a stroll through my garden daily and it makes a good day great! You gave some wonderful advice. Reminds me that I need to ride my bike more. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

    1. That's wonderful! We need more people like you in the world. I feel like so much of the world is so cynical. I understand why they are, but I am thankful to meet people who aren't :)

  7. Taking a day trip is my favorite! It's such a great way to break up a normal routine and kind of have and adventure and reset at the same time.

    1. For sure! I love seeing new places, especially if I know I still get to go back to my own bed in the evening. lol

  8. These are such simple tasks that I can totally do! Thanks for sharing

  9. Reading outside it such an awesome way to make your day more awesome. In fact, I honestly want to be outside reading the newest Harry Potter book right now. Ugh work :P

    Xoxo takingonthekitchen.weebly.com

  10. Every day I run the vacuum cleaner in our living area. It just makes me feel better when it's clean and the house is in order. Starting my day with Jesus, sweat, and coffee is a definite must for a great day.

    1. I'll skip the sweat first thing in the morning, but the rest sounds great ;)

  11. Those are some awesome tips!! I'm definitely one of those weirdos who cleans to relieve stress. I'm probably a little more on the weirdo side because I don't feel well unless it's clean! lol

    1. Actually, that's not too weird ;)
      I tend to feel bad if mine isn't clean. It's just that sometimes I decided that I'd rather relax and feel icky than get up and clean... so I think that actually makes ME weird :p

  12. I have so many good memories of riding bikes down long country roads in Michigan--it's a really happy thing for me! And yes, getting dressed in clothes you like and knowing that you look good is, funnily enough, a great way to make any day more awesome!

    1. I do too! I love riding bikes so much. When we lived at the beach, my daddy and I would ride up and down the island on our bikes. It was wonderful!

  13. Day Trips are my favorite! Especially when they're to the ocean or a cool coffee shop!

    1. So true, Summer! The beach is almost 4 hours from me though, so I really would have to stick with the coffee shop for a day trip ;)

  14. Great tips! I'm trying to focus more on happiness in my day and less stress!
