That Time I Didn't Care What Others Thought

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I finally made it to the beach! Can I get a "woot woot!"?

This trip was so needed. I appreciated the time to unwind, but I mostly just wanted to see my friends and lay on that beautiful beach all day. I wanted the salt air and sea, and I wanted to smell tanning oil and sunscreen all day. Honestly, I was desperate for water, sunshine, and some of my favorite people. Praise the Lord I got all three of those for a glorious four days!

I Usually Care

As much as I'd like to be able to say otherwise, I am a very self-conscious person. I always have been. But since I'm extremely overweight now, I also worry about being your "typical fat girl". You know the ones: they are the girls that people cringe at when they see them in a bathing suit. They are the ones that even the most good-hearted people judge and criticize. I feel like that girl fairly often, but I feel it even more at the beach.

But something really awesome happened on this trip.

The first day I was there, I spent the first few hours of beach time by myself before my friend met up with me. There were fairly deep tidal pools right beside my beach chair, so I decided to get in the pools. I took selfies in the pools, floated in them, and straight-up laid down in those suckers. If I am being honest, I probably looked like a beached whale (seriously). But to my surprise, I didn't care! Sure, I was still self-conscious, and it gnawed at me a little, but not enough to make me stop.

I stayed in the tidal pools as long as I wanted and I did my own thing. I didn't care (very much) if people thought I looked silly, fat, or stupid. I was relaxing, having fun, and enjoying my vacation.


Friend, that day, I impressed myself a little. I had allowed myself not to care what others thought. Even though I was still worried and self-conscious, the fact that I pushed through and continued doing what I was doing was proof enough that I didn't really care what others thought. If I did, I would have stopped, cowered up to my chair, and tried to make myself small.

In that moment, I didn't do that.

And we really don't have to do that, you know. We don't have to try to hide in order to cover up our imperfections. We are beautiful regardless of what we look like. I hate my weight and am trying to lose it, but I am still beautiful right now.

And so are you!

It's Totally Ok

Whether you are over-weight, feel like a beanpole with no curves, hate your skin, or have a high, squeaky voice, you are beautiful. You don't have to care so much what others think.

It's ok to lay in a tidal pool even if you feel like a beached-whale.

It's ok to wear a dress that was made for curvy people. If you like it, wear it.

It's ok to go make-up free- even if you have bad acne.

It's ok to speak up, make conversation, and sing loud, even if your voice is higher (or lower) than most.

These things may be "imperfections", but you, wonderful lady, are beautiful. You don't have to hide away because someone might think negatively of you.

I could have missed out on a very fun piece of my beach trip. I could have decided to let what others might think affect the way I enjoyed my day. But I didn't. I had a wonderful time and I don't regret it.

And that was the time I didn't care what others thought.

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  1. This is beautiful, Kristen! We all have insecurities and if we aren't intentional about conquering them, we'll never lose that feeling of being self conscious. It always feels like a major success when I stop caring and just enjoy myself and I am so glad that you were able to do the same. Or when I finally realize that my imperfections and what makes me me! This post is such an encouragement! Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Cassandra! I am so glad it was encouraging to you and you are so right!

  2. Yes to all of this! We're all amazing and unique people! Sometimes it's really difficult to not care what others think, but it's so liberating when you can get out of your own head.

    1. That is such a good way to put it! We really do have to get out of our own heads more often!

  3. You should always be happy with who you are and not put too much stock into what others think of you. I stopped caring so much about other people's opinions a long time ago and I've been a much happier person because of it. Great post :)

    1. Yes! I admire people who have learned to find that balance where they healthily don't care what others think :)

  4. What an encouraging post and an important reminder!! Thanks for sharing and your honesty!

  5. I'm with you! A few weeks ago I went swimming and I didn't wear shorts over my swim suit! That's huge for me but I decided that I was just going to go for it. I hate being overweight but I try to not let it stop me. Love this!

    1. Good for you, Brittany! I am very glad you made that decision!

  6. Yes, yes, yes! I hate to admit that I used to care a lot about what others said but it's such a tiring way to live! It's a process but letting that go is so freeing!

    1. Yes! It really is freeing to start to learn to let go!

  7. Awesome post! I love how encouraging you are to just be yourself!

  8. I love this! We girls can be so hard on ourselves. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! We must honor the unique body we've been given and the first step is being okay in our own skin. Love this post!

    1. Thank you, Marsha! I agree! We are far too hard on ourselves, and we forget to see ourselves through God's eyes.

  9. Everyday like that we get stronger and wiser. I love that you recognized your growth in the situation.

    1. Thank you, Heather! Sometimes recognizing our growth is tough, but I am thankful that I noticed :)

  10. LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!! So happy you just didn't care what others thought of you and decided to be comfortable in your own skin!!!

    1. Thank you, Chels! I agree! It isn't always easy for me, but I am glad too!

  11. So glad you pushed through it and made it to the beach. It's such a beautiful world out there and it loves you back!

  12. Welcome to this side of life! I never give a F what anyone thinks and haven't for years. It's so freeing. Keep on doing you, sister! It's the best way to live.

    1. Haha! Thanks for the warm welcome ;)
      I am definitely glad I am starting to be able to do that in some ways :)

  13. Great reminder! I'm trying to stop caring so much about what others think of me. It can be tough!

  14. I'm so glad you went for it, Kristin! What a blessing you would have missed if you'd let worry about what someone else thought prevent you from such a wonderful experience. We really shouldn't worry about what others think. Only what the Lord thinks of us is important! Yes, play in the waves and the tidepools. Not only will you enjoy it, but you just might encourage someone else to do the same who would have missed the experience, too, had you not led the way!

    1. Thank you, Julie! That is an excellent point about letting others feel free to do the same by leading the way!

  15. I need to remember this. I sometimes feel like my life is "on hold" until I can lose the extra weight. But life goes on whether I'm participating or not! :-) (I just came across your post on Pinterest.)
