You Owe God Everything (Part 2/3 in the series You Don't Owe Anyone Anything)

Imagine that you are perfect. Imagine that you have never made a mistake in your entire life, and that you have treated everyone you've met with the utmost love and mercy. Then, imagine that someone accused you of lying, and of making God a mockery. Imagine that everyone believed your accuser, and decided that you needed to be killed for your actions.

That's what Jesus did for us, friends. And here's the kicker- He didn't have to do any of it. Jesus could have changed His mind. He could have blinked and gotten out of the terrible pain He was in on the cross. But Jesus loved us, and He agreed with God that you and I were worth all the pain He suffered. He decided that His love for God (His Father) and His love for us was much greater than the torment He was put through!

Forever in Debt

Last week, I talked about how we are not bound by anyone's expectations of us. We are free. But human expectations are much different than God's expectations.
You see, we owe God everything. He gave up His Son for us. He loved us enough to put His plan of redemption into motion. He made sure we had a way back to Him.

God (Jesus) is our Savior. He took on what we deserved so that we wouldn't have to. He served our sentence. So when we talk about expectations, we need to realize that we owe God everything. We are forever indebted to Him, and we need to start living like it.

No one likes the idea of being bound to anyone else. Our favorite words are often "freedom", "independence", and "self-sufficiency". We don't like being told what to do or how to live, and we certainly don't like owing anything to anyone.

But with God, it's different.

Living by God's Expectations Brings Freedom

The thing about God's expectations is that they actually bring freedom. When we are living by another human's expectations, we are just living to please another imperfect being. They are just as faulty as we are, and often-times, their expectations are not what is best for us.

But when we live by God's expectations, we are always doing what is best for ourselves too. Not only are we living to please the One whom we owe everything to, but we are also living in a manner that will work out for our good- God promised us that (Romans 8:28).

But how can we reconcile living a life free of expectations, yet bound by another set of expectations? How do we live free and live tethered at the same time? In the final part of this series, I will share how I believe we can bridge that gap. Keep your eyes peeled :)


  1. One of my favorite things about living in God's way is that it only can bring happiness. It may seem like we live with lots of rules but in the end those "rules" keep us from making mistakes in our lives that hurt us. So even when we're living in God's expectations we're still doing it for our own good.

    1. Yes, exactly! He isn't giving rules and expectations just because it's fun for Him. He's doing it because He loves us and knows what is best.

  2. It always brings tears to my eyes when I think about all that God has done for us. He didn't HAVE to, but He WANTED to. We owe Him everything! I can't wait to read the next part in this series!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I am glad you are enjoying the series! It's so true, and amazing to me that He did it without being forced!

  3. This is such a great post and I completely agree. I know sometimes people struggle with their faith understanding Gods love for us and how he died for our sins all because of his love! It makes me feel so special and comforted! Thanks for sharing this!!

    1. Thank you, Alexis! I am one of those people who has trouble understanding that God loves me, but we see His love in all He did/continues to do for us, and that is the biggest gift we could ever receive!

  4. I love coming across spiritual posts. Thank you so much. I needed this this morning. :-)

  5. What a great way to start the morning! It's easy to take Jesus's sacrifice for granted, but we need to remember every day that it was a true and incredible sacrifice.

  6. I know the world doesn't understand how the Bible's "restrictions" are freeing, but for the Christian, they really are! Looking forward to the third post!

    1. Yes! And I think it's even easy for Christians to forget sometimes. But we have to reject that lie!

  7. It is so freeing to know that the only standards that we need to live up to are God's-and that we are forgiven! Can't wait to see what you have planned for part 3!

    1. Thank you, Brittany! I am really glad you enjoyed it! And yes, you are right.
