Embracing Minimalism- Make Small Changes

I'm not gonna lie- I'm prone to "hoarding". Not like what you see on T.V., but I do tend to keep a lot of stuff that I shouldn't keep. Most of it is because of sentiment.

I like to keep that favorite T-shirt from middle school, that sweater from family that I've never worn, and that book I've read 10 times (12 years ago).

But the truth is, I don't need those things. The memories are enough. I'll never be as small as I was in middle school. If I haven't worn that sweater by now, I'm not gonna. And let's face it, after the tenth time, a book just isn't as exciting as it used to be.

So for those of you who hold on too tightly to sentiment (like I do), join me in trying to condense. There are several ways a person can simplify their life, but here are just a few, quick ideas.

Let Your Friends Have a Shopping Spree

Collect all of the clothes and shoes you need to get rid of (that are still in good condition) and invite your friends over to rummage through your stuff. It's a win-win! They get free clothes, and you don't have to figure out what to do with said-clothes!

Have a Yardsale

Once you've let your friends have their pick, get together the rest of the clothes and shoes, along with any other items in your home you'd like to get rid of and set up a yard sale. It's always nice to have extra cash, and you reduce what you will have to haul off yourself.


For the rest of that stuff? Donate, donate, donate. Places like Good Will, Salvation Army and quite a few others have a donation center where you can drop off your stuff. Just don't try to drop off things that are falling apart. Not cool, bro!

Implement a New Shopping Rule

Lastly, when you decide to simplify, you are going to have to be willing to adopt a different shopping philosophy. Decide right now that you will only shop when you need something, and that you will not buy clothes, shoes, etc. just for the sake of shopping and buying. This will prevent you from accumulating a whole new pile of stuff to go through and purge in a year or two.

Minimilasism is something I have been interested in learning more about for a little while, but I never looked further into. But luckily, Ashley Sams of  Live Intentionally (blog) and Live Intentionally (Youtube) signed up to be my sponsor for the month of April!

Ashley is all about minimalism and how she can simply her life in order to focus on the very best things in life- particularly Jesus!

But I'd really rather let Ashley introduce herself:

"I am a twenty-something Southern girl who loves Jesus, polka-dots, and all things Disney. I was born and raised in Tennessee, and love calling Nashville my home. I am a Youtuber turned blogger who puts out content related to simple living, faith, fashion, and lifestyle.  Live Intentionally began in May 2015 as a Youtube channel, and has since grown into a little community of people who strive to live simple lives with purpose, intention, and a Christ centered focus. Aside from Youtube and Blogging, I am a (soon to be) elementary school teacher. God has truly blessed me with a career that I love, as well as great friends and family to spend life with."

*If you want to get to know Ashley better, follow her on social media*


  1. Minimalism has been a big part of our lives ever since we moved overseas. We think very carefully about what we buy now since we don't truly have a permanent home and no motivation to fill a temporary home with stuff! When we left America, my younger sister and cousins definitely benefited from all the stuff we got rid of! :P

    1. Yeah! I can imagine you guys really do live as minimalists. Really, it'd probably be good for me to have to experience that!

  2. I drive my family of spenders crazy. I've never been a big fan of hours around the shops. I'll walk around the shop with something for ages, then when they're eventually ready to leave I'll be empty handed again. My theory is if I have any doubt about buying it, it has to go back on the shelf.

    If I don't love it or need it, I don't buy it.

    1. That's awesome, Wendy! I've been better lately about this, but I've still got quite a ways to go!

  3. I am so ruthless when it comes to donating / selling old things - it's my sentimental husband and hoarding children I have to convince!

  4. Such great tips on minimalism when it comes to a wardrobe, and even other purchases!

    1. Thank you, Summer! Now if I could just convince myself to live that way!

  5. I love the idea of letting people come "shop" through my own clothes. I sometimes do that with my younger sister in law!

    1. Thanks, Kelsie! It really is fun, and a good way to get to hang out with your friends while still being productive ;)

  6. It certainly doesn't happen overnight, but when you do begin the journey to a minimalist life, it's like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. I'm still on my journey, and to be frank I don't think it will ever end. Not because I hoard or purchase too much, but because I purge so regularly. I can be pretty brutal at times too!
    Loved this, thanks so much for sharing :)

    1. I think that it's awesome that you purge things regularly. That is a much better practice than being addicted to sentimental stuff, as I tend to be.

  7. I'm really good about closet purging, but I am prone to senimental clutter... I strive for minimalism but it's an uphill battle. Your tips are exactly what I need as a mantra to reduce!

    1. Oh good, Laura! I'm so glad it helped! It really can be a hard battle!

  8. I am always throwing things away, trying to sell them, or donating them. We have a small house and three busy boys, I don't want the memories be of me trying to keep the house clean, but rather of us having fun as a family and having a home that while not spotless is mostly clean. :)

  9. Great article. Been thinking more and more about this topic lately!
