Memorial Day

Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Monday and happy Memorial Day, friends!

A few days ago, I decided I wanted to write a post for Memorial day, but I didn't know what to write. As I took a minute to decide, I realized something- Memorial day has never really meant anything to me.

Maybe it's because I have not been directly affected by losing a loved one who served. Maybe it's because I'm from the beach and Memorial day symbolized that start of tourist season and the coming of South Atlantic Biker Week. Either way, I realized that I need to appreciate those who have served our country much more than I do.

We take our freedom for granted. We get mad when people disagree with us, instead of being thankful that we live in a land that allows for different beliefs. If we didn't have that freedom, we could be killed for being Christians, stoned to death for committing a moral wrong, circumcised as women, or forced to give up our children because we aren't allowed to have "too many". Freedom has been paid for at a high cost. So why let it go by unnoticed?

Let's, at the very least, cultivate some thankfulness for those who have paid for our freedom. And let's show our gratitude by living out those freedoms well, and allowing others to enjoy that freedom too. Let us not get mad at every little burst of freedom of speech and expression. Let us be thankful for our liberties and take advantage of them in the right way.

I'm very excited for summer activities and pool time now that Memorial day is here, and that's ok. But let's not jump to those things without taking a pause to remember those who served.