How to Make Your Home Feel Cozy

At the end of a long day, my deepest desire is to go home, slip on my P.J.s and relax. When I go home, I want everything to feel, well, homey. But sometimes it's hard to make your house feel like a home- especially if you are renting like me and Taylor.

Thankfully though, I come from a family who knows how to turn inexpensive items into adorable decor, and knows how to make everything tie together well. I love decorating and I love putting my style into each room so that our house really does feel like a home.

Do you find that you struggle with feeling cozy in your own space? Today I'm sharing a few ways that you can begin to make your home feel much more cozy.

Four Tips For A Cozy Home

Pretty  Blankets

I am a very cold-natured person, and I like it that way. In the summer, I turn on the fan until I'm cold, so that I can crawl under my beloved blanket. I'm kind of like Linus from Charlie Brown. I always want my blanket.

So when it comes to adding warmth and coziness to my home, blankets and throws are always part of the equation. You can find very soft, inexpensive blankets at places like Walmart and Target. I recommend finding a couple of patterns you like that will match the rest of your home decor. There are plenty to choose from.
On the other-hand, if you are crafty, or prefer handmade items, you could make your own blanket or search local shops or Etsy to find one you like. My Mom crocheted Taylor and I a throw (left) that I am absolutely in love with. It has about five or six different colors, but they are mild enough that they go right along with the rest of the living room decor.


If you've been following along on my blog for very long, you know that I make my own candles. But long before I ever learned how to make candles, I fell in love with the atmosphere they set.

My Mom always burned candles in the house when I was growing up. It always smelled nice and it always put off a calm vibe. Now that I am an adult and have my own home, I like to keep candles lit as much as possible, just like my mom always did.

Burning candles is my favorite way to add warmth to a home. It is a quick way to make your home more cozy instantly.

Framed Prints

Sometimes, a simple print can make a whole lot of difference. And you can easily make a print your own, based on the frame you choose. You can keep it simple with a black frame, go bold and funky with a neon-colored frame, or you can be crafty and decorate your own. Adding an encouraging, framed print to your home gives a personal touch that lifts you up at the same time.

In my opinion, Etsy is a great place to get prints, because your purchase is supporting handmade items and small business owners. You are helping individuals continue their business, and being a part of their journey. I love that.

The prints I have featured in this post are from Wade and Bloom Creative. The founder, Summer Telban is someone I respect greatly and I love the fact that she has a creative business and that I can be a part of her story.

If you like the print, or would like to see more, click here to reroute to her shop! This Spring, she will also be adding physical items like mugs & throw pillows.
You can also get to know Summer better over at her blog- Coffee with Summer.

Don't Be Afraid of Color

When it comes to paint color, many people shy away from anything other than white or beige. White or beige is great if that is what you like, but I think a lot of people choose neutrals simply because they are afraid of brighter colors being on their walls.

In my opinion though, bright colors make the rest of your home. You can have all the pretty decor you want, but if your walls don't look good, then the decor is just a band-aid.

In our home, we have a brown/grey bedroom, a green living room, and a home office that has a black chalk-board wall. We didn't pick these colors, but I've left them because they work well (other than our kitchen which I need to redo).

You can easily add colored paint to your home without being too extreme. My absolute favorite color to use is light yellow. If you can find a very pale yellow that almost looks off-white on the paint chip, but is still part of the yellow family, it's hard to go wrong. The yellow adds a cheery feel, but is still calm and neutral enough to use almost any decor you please.

Whatever You Want

Decorating is a personal choice. There aren't really any rules. If you like something, then do it. Sure, some things are naturally going to look better than others, but at the end of the day, if you love what your home looks like and you are pleased with the atmosphere at the end of a long day, then you've successfully decorated!

What are your favorite decorating tips and tricks? Or do you have any questions? Comment below!


  1. This is great! I've been wanting to find some cute frames for prints. I have this huge wall in my dining room and it's just blank. But I do have candles everywhere, and I think every piece of furniture has a quilt on it. :)

    1. You should definitely check out Summer's shop! She's got some cute prints!

  2. Love these tips! We have very similar taste in home decor. I love cozy blankets and framed prints. Great ideas here! - Trish

    1. Thank you, Trish! That's awesome! Great minds think a like! ;)

  3. I like to light candles. That makes me feel cozy and relaxed. I also like some fresh flowers every now and then.

    1. Ooo! Fresh flowers are a great addition to the list!

  4. Love this collab! I think have a creative space is a huge part of success; we need a space where we feel warm and invited! And candles always help with that. When I need a boost , I always light one!

    1. Thank you, Chels! Yeah! Candles are kind of a life-saver!

  5. Blankets & candles are two of my favorite things! I need to add in some cute prints from etsy. Great post!! Looking forward to more! :)

    Ashley |

    1. Aren't they great!? I love all of those things. They create a very happy space.

  6. Yes! When I get home, the first thing I do is put on some shorts or sweats! I need to be comfy and cozy. Candles are always burning in my apartment. I love to put on some indie tunes at the end of the day to relax. Great post!

    1. Thanks, Summer! Sweat pants are definitely a must at the end of the day! We usually have candles going, though lately, we haven't been home much.

  7. I'm all about blankets :) Not only are they pretty, but keep you extra warm! Which is needed 80% of the year in DC haha

  8. Great tips! I love to ass blankets, pillows and plenty of candles!

    La Belle Sirene 

  9. I LOVED framed prints. I think I have too many haha

  10. These are great tips! We are in the process of remodeling a house so I will have to keep these in mind!

  11. I am a huge fan of candles too, they totally set the mood for relaxation. And I agree about buying from Etsy - you feel like you're getting something really special AND you're helping someone personally pay their bills. I may be biased though, I'm an Etsy seller :)

  12. I have plenty of candles around my home, most of which haven't been lit yet. However, recently I picked up some really gorgeous scented candles from my kids school fair made by a local lady. I'm hooked! I love the way my home smells when they're burning, you can smell them before you walk through the front door! I'm sure if I keep this up my kids will hold fond memories of their mother too :)

    1. Yes! Those are such sweet memories of mine! Scent is such a powerful thing!

  13. Candles and blankets are a must! I never really thought about it but they do make it cozier!

  14. I love framed prints! They're so adorable and add a bit of attitude to a creative decorative item.

  15. Yes, Sometimes a pretty blanket will add such nice texture to your home and make it cozy. Candles are my favorite too, just the ambiance it gives in a room while lit makes it extra cozy.

    Liliana | LiliX❤ana

  16. I'm all for candles and cuddly blankets, even when it's warm outside!

  17. I just love how people put so much effort into making a house a home! I love the idea of putting up frames! :)

    1. Yeah! I really enjoy decorating. I want people to feel at home when we have them over! And I'm just way more comfortable making my home look like that for me anyway.

  18. This post hit home for me since we also rent...and in Malaysia...and I love living here but 'cozy' it is not, not at all. I do try to add color and personal touches, although in this climate we can't even do things like blankets because it's so hot we don't even sleep with blankets! Having a cozy, 'homey' type of home in a tropical climate where most homes look very utilitarian and industrial might be asking a bit too much...

    1. I bet that would be really tough. I definitely take Americanized homes for granted! Sounds like you'll just have to stick to candles and prints, and skip the blankets and painting! lol

  19. Great tips! I love a nice and cozy home.

  20. I completely agree with all of these and incorporate these all in my home. Yay for color and comfy blankets : )

  21. I need more candles and framed prints in my life!

    1. I know right!?! I feel like I'll always want more of those!

  22. I think colour is huge for comfort. I love greens and blues for relaxation. This was a great thought provoker as I look at my bedroom!

  23. Blankets are a must along with sqishy throw pillows on my couch! They create the coziness I love and desire after a long day. Or on a Sunday afternoon when I want to curl up on the couch with a good book!

  24. We are big blanket people at my house! We always have a basket full (& a cedar chest full as well!) to choose from, and we use them year round. Those along with candles really cozy up our family room and make it somewhere we love to relax :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  25. Yes to blankets and candles! I haven't burned candles much in the last 8 years...after my son was born. He's just to much boy and I'm afraid he'll accidentally burn down the house lol.

    Thrift stores are a great source of hand made blankets, too!
