Do Something You're Bad At!

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite shows was Full House. I wanted to be just like Stephanie Tanner. I wanted to be skinny like her, look like her, and I wanted to take dance because of her.

The problem? Not only was it just not feasible for me to take dance at the time, but I also had zero coordination. I could shoot a basketball like nobody's business, but ask me to dance, do gymnastics, or do anything that required smooth, rhythmic motions, and I was a goner.

To this day, it takes the strength of an army (or maybe just my really cute husband) to get me to dance, and when I do, I am ridiculously self-conscious the whole time. I criticize myself so that people know that I know how bad I am. It's kind of miserable to dance for me. But the truth is, I miss out on a lot of fun because I am too embarrassed to let loose. And I mean, really... what's going to happen? Is someone going to call the dance-police on me if I get out there and have fun? No. I'm pretty sure the dance-police have more serious dance-crimes to attend to.

Work At It!

I wish that I could say that dancing is my only downfall. I wish I could say that I am the best at everything else I do. But it's just not true. I'm bad at painting, drawing, and making pancakes (yes, pancakes). I'm bad at a lot of things, and that is totally ok. Actually, it's kind of cool, because it makes life more interesting.

And what's even better? As humans, we have a lot more ability to change and grow than we give ourselves credit for. I may never be good at dancing, but I can be better than I am right now.

The Challenge

What are you bad at? I mean really, really bad at? What is it that makes you cringe with embarrassment every time you think of doing it? Have you thought of it yet? Good. Now- go do that thing!

Take dance lessons, research how to make the perfect pancake. Ask someone to help you train your voice to become a better singer. Take an art class. Whatever it is that you are bad at, make yourself do it. Be determined to get better.

How about this? Pick one thing that you are bad at every month. Figure out a way to improve, jump head-first out of your comfort zone, and just do it!
Or maybe you feel you need to start smaller than that. Well, since Mondays are a weekly "fresh start", doesn't that make them the perfect excuse to create a new goal to work towards? Why not pick a small-something every Monday that you want to improve on. Maybe you need to get better at using Powerpoint- then look up some online tutorials. Maybe you need to figure out a more appropriate way to discipline your kids- seek out wisdom from other parents. Whatever your task is, decide to start a new one each Monday, and work on it for the rest of the week. What's the harm? You can only learn and get better. So why not?

I have a feeling that once you start this challenge, it will only make you more brave, so you can do the more frightening things in life- like making pancakes ;)

What small-something could you work towards getting better at this week?


  1. YES!!! I am right in the middle of doing this and it's kinda CRAZY how much it can be good for you, right? ALSO how much you start to GET BETTER at the thing you're bad at! Haha That sounds so obvious, but I avoided it for so long that I'm genuinely surprised that I can improve :-P Great post!

    1. Thank you! It really is hard to believe, but we can actually impress ourselves if we just give it a fair chance!

  2. Love this! I think giving yourself permission to fair so-to-speak will help you improve even what you're good at.

  3. How awesome that you're trying something new and learning a great new skill!!! Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone! <3

    1. Haha, thanks! I am more deciding what I will try. But I figure that if I need that encouragement, then it might be good for someone else too!

  4. It's a very good idea to make a habit of challenging yourself! I'm bad at being a outgoing, naturally friendly and extroverted person like my husband--but I still try!

    1. Good for you! When we are bad at something, just trying can be an act of bravery :)
