What Does it Really Mean to Be Brave?

What is bravery? Is it being fearless? Is it the realization that something other than fear is more important? Is it being daring and adventurous? Is it sky-diving or bungee-jumping? To me, bravery is doing whatever needs to be done, regardless of how scared or intimidated we are.

Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. Bravery comes in the form of a third-grader giving his first presentation in front of his class. It can come in the form of singing a solo at church, going to war on the front-lines, or having a tough conversation with someone we care about. Bravery can mean taking a new job, moving to a new country, ending an unhelpful or toxic relationship, or entering in to a great relationship.

We are all scared of something. Whether we are scared of something big like marriage, a big move, or a big career change, or smaller things like going to the gym by ourselves, wearing that new outfit to work, or getting blood drawn at the doctor- these are all real fears, and all opportunities to be brave.

It may take some time to convince ourselves, but living bravely is one of the best things we can do.

Fear often holds us back from the life we need most. Fear often makes us turn into less than our best- into people we don't like. Fear is one of the reasons we miss out, we become apathetic, and we give up on good things just because they aren't easy.

But be aware: being brave doesn't mean throwing wisdom out the window and saying "yes" to everything that comes our way. If that job, that relationship, that cross-country move is not healthy for us, then we shouldn't do it just for the sake of "being brave". Use common sense. But if those things are good for you or are necessary, then don't let fear hold you back. Be brave, have courage, and do what's best. Do what you need to do!


  1. Great post, Kristin! To me, being brave is simply not letting fear live your life for you. You can choose to live your life in fear or you can take control and be the one who makes the decisions. Having courage is so crucial in this life. :)

    1. Yes! That is a great definition of bravery! So true! Thanks for reading and commenting, Cara!

  2. Wonderful post! Fear so often sets us back from accomplishing great things. Bravery definitely comes in overcoming those fears and reservations!

    1. Yes! It isn't an easy task, but we have to keep pushing forward.

  3. This is such a fantastic post! "Magic lies outside the comfort zone" after all.. I am trying to embrace fear and still do things that I know are great for me. Hope all of us find the courage to live authentically :) Hope you are having a great day <3

    Monika | www.palateforstyle.com

    1. Thank you, Monika! I appreciate it and I hope you had a good day too!

  4. Great post. To me I feel brave when I step outside of my comfort zone

  5. Kristin, this is such an inspiring read.
    Being brave is so much more than a lot of people realise. I was once told that I was a brave girl for going to the funeral of my ex-husband's nephew (who was 6 weeks old when my ex and I wed). I didn't see it as being brave, rather something that I needed to do to pay my respects to the family and let them know they were in my thoughts.

    1. That's awesome, Hollie! I love that you did that! That seems brave to me, but again, I think what we are being "brave" about has to do with our own perspective in some ways.
      Either way, you did a very cool thing!

  6. This is a brilliant post, Kristin! It is an ongoing challenge to fight our little and big fears to take on the next big thing/challenge that comes our way. There is so much joy in overcoming our fears and surprising ourselves about what we are capable of, its an amazing feeling right! Being brave definitely pays off, even if we have to make a conscious effort :)
    xx, Kusum | www.sveeteskapes.com

    1. Thank you, Kusum! I appreciate that! And you are very right. The constant effort is necessary, but will result in good things!
