Our Anniversary

There are a lot of special holidays out there. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Independence Day, birthdays, and quite a few more. It seems that there's always something to celebrate. But this week (March 1st to be exact) is a time for celebrating a not-so-official occasion- my 2nd wedding anniversary!

Taylor and I have been married for two years now. I feel like we just planned the wedding. I feel like I just walked down the aisle and like we just got back from our honeymoon. But no, we have been married for two years! When people say "time flies", they aren't lying! 

The Hubby

Let me just take a moment to brag about my husband. He is so smart, so level-headed, and the most patient person I have ever met. He rarely gets mad, he rarely is irrational, and he is rarely panicked or worried. He goes to grad school full-time, he works 25+ hours per week, and he still finds time to hang out with me.

I am very blessed to have Taylor as my husband. He is a gift from God!

Happy Anniversary To Us ;)

For our anniversary, we actually had the day together. It hit me recently that the only day we have together is Sunday, and since we go to church, we don't just have a full day to hang out. This is the first time in our relationship that that has been the case. It's hard. I miss being a college student with him. Those were the days that we could spend as much of our free time together as we wanted. We probably spent too much time together in college, but now I long for those days.

Anyway, all that to say: I am so glad we spent our anniversary together.

We started off by playing disc golf. Taylor and I first started playing disc golf together our freshman year of college. He introduced me to the game and taught me how it worked. We played all throughout our four years of college and then Taylor also proposed on the disc golf course.

We had not played since moving to Charlotte, but we discovered that there was a course about 10 minutes from our house! In Charlotte, that's kind of a big deal. Nothing is ever only 10 minutes away!

The course was fun and well designed, but it had VERY steep inclines. I legitimately felt like I was back in the mountains (and I am feeling the burn today!).

After disc golf, we stopped at Red Box and rented The Intern, which I had been wanting to see ever since it came out in theaters. Then we stopped at our favorite Mexican Restaurant and ate an early dinner. We tried to keep our anniversary as budget-friendly as possible and I am glad we did. It was such a nice day, and we didn't have to spend very much money for it to be that way. #forthewin.

Our anniversary was awesome! I am so thankful for Taylor and I am so glad that he is my person. No matter where he goes, I go too. He's a keeper and God has blessed us with a beautiful, challenging, and growing marriage. Praise God!


  1. Wow! We are celebrating out second anniversary too! Happy anniversary to you and your hubby! It looks like you had an awesome day! I love the idea of a disc golf date!How fun!

  2. What a sweet story! I am so glad that you all got to spend the day together. My husband and I have been married for almost a year and it really is crazy how fast time has passed since the wedding. Happy anniversary!

  3. That looks like fun! Happy Anniversary! Was The Intern good? I really want to watch it.
