Living in the Midst of Frustration (Mug-spiration Monday)

Happy Monday, all! It's officially the beginning of Spring, but here in North Carolina, it feels like we've jumped back into Winter. I've gotten slightly spoiled the past two weeks, so now I find myself feeling pretty "blah" with the cold coming back.

Granted, it isn't supposed to last long. In a few days they are saying it should be warm again. But it's still so annoying when what we plan get's changed up, isn't it?

Our Best-Laid Plans

Whether it is the weather changing in a way we don't want it to, not getting to have a second cup of coffee before work, or spilling milk all over the floor at work, it's hard to accept when something goes awry. We tend to have this idea in our heads that everything should go perfectly for us. When it comes to other people's lives, we totally get that sometimes frustrating things happen, but when they happen to us, we can usually count on a bad attitude or a pouty face.

Not everyone is like this, I suppose. I readily admit that I am very type A, but even the most laid-back of people have their moments. Everyone gets their panties in a wad every now and then.

Take a breath, folks.

And that's only human. But my challenge to you on this Monday (and everyday) is to try to calm down. Believe me, I'm right there with you.
We need to remember that the bad and annoying things will pass.

Your headache will pass. Your fight with your co-worker will pass (especially if you do your part to make peace...hint, hint). You may have spilled your cup of coffee today, but tomorrow you probably won't. Your kids (or husband, or mom, or best friend) may have driven you crazy yesterday, but that doesn't mean today will be the same.

Let's work on 1.) staying positive in the midst of the bad and the annoying, and 2.) make a commitment to doing all we can do to improve our current situation. We need to do all we can to reject a bad attitude, make peace with everyone as far as it is in our control (Romans 12:18), to be kind even when we don't feel like it, and to take care of our own well-being so that we are our very best each day.

Will anyone be joining me? Do you struggle with these things? Comment below.


  1. I loved reading this post. As a life/business coach I can't tell you how many times I give the advice to stop and take a few deep breaths. Sometimes when you're in the midst of things going wrong, it's the very best things to do. Step out, take a breather and allow yourself the space to put things into perspective and refocus.

    1. Yes! That's great advice to give your clients. We all need to remember these things daily. It can be tough, but we can do it!

  2. Such great advice! It's always nice to know that everyday is a new day and a chance to do things differently from the day before. It's also important o breathe and focus on not letting things get to you so easily. Great post on this Monday!

    1. Thank you, Cara! It really is so important to focus and breathe. Having a game-plan can only take us so far. We also need to keep the bigger picture in mind so that when our smaller plans change, we can still accomplish bigger goals.

  3. Such a good post! I'm in a time in my life where everything is uncertain, it's a nice reminder to breathe and focus on what's important. Happy Monday!

    Greta |

    1. Yes! I can imagine it's really hard to do that right now, Greta! I am so excited for you though! It'll be great!

  4. Type A right here! I know what you mean. I'm with you :-)

  5. I may need to read this every single day!

  6. Generally I'm pretty laid back, but you are right, we all need this reminder! I love the reminder to try and improve the current situation, and I think if you can do that, it helps take away some of the anxiety about other things that might be looming ahead of you.
