An Adultier Adult: Favorite Things Friday

Earlier this year, Taylor and I were talking together about a trip I was considering going on with some other ladies I didn't know very well. As we talked, I explained that I was nervous about riding alone with a lady who was much older than me. I was afraid it would be awkward since I didn't know her very well. But what I said to Taylor was, "I don't want to ride all the way up there with just me and an adult". "Kristin...", Taylor replied, "you are an adult too". I chuckled and said, "Oh yeah..."

Every time I think about that conversation, I crack up. It was so funny to me that I really was worried about being alone with an adult, when I am 25 (then 24) years old.

But honestly, I don't feel like an adult. I feel like a 16-year-old who just happens to be married, rent a home, have a job, and have three dogs. That feels much more realistic than the fact that I am 25!

I saw this quote on Pinterest the other day and was in love! This is me in a nutshell.

Can anyone else relate? I mean, how did we go from high school, homework, getting our learners permits and drivers licences, having curfews, and worrying about whether so-and-so would ask us to prom, to having all these responsibilities: errands to run, bills to pay, rooms to clean, mouths to feed, etc?

Adulting has it's perks. Adulting made it feasible for me to marry my best friend. Adulting allowed me to be able to fully make my own decisions. Adulting allowed me to foster and adopt our fur-babies. It has it's charms, and for those charms, I am thankful.

But adulting is also very hard. I often find myself looking for an adultier adult. My mommy, for instance. She'll save the day, right? But at some point, I have to suck it up and be an adultier adult too.

I don't really have a solution to the challenges of adulting. I suppose we just have to band together and try to successfully adult. Who's with me?!

Happy Friday and happy adulting!


  1. Love this! It's so true! There are days I just want to run to my mom and get her to save the day, but instead I'm now the mom who has to be the adult and do what has to be done. It's kind of funny because there's really no warning before becoming adult it just sort of happens overnight and you have to learn how to cope with it. Happy Friday!

    1. Yep! That's exactly right! We just have to keep learning! Happy friday!

  2. Haha I've definitely seen that quote before! I'm right there with you, girl. Mommies will always be there to save us if we ever need it, but I think its just knowing that you can do it that pushes you to be an adultier adult. Happy Friday.

  3. I hear you. Instead of a 40something mom of 2, I still picture myself carefree and in my early 20s sometimes! Then I pinch myself and have to get back to reality! lol!

    1. Haha. I have all ideas I'll feel that way at 40 as well.

  4. Being an adult is very hard. But I don't think I would want to go backwards.

    1. haha. Me neither. I will stay right here. Just because it's hard, doesn't mean I want to leave.

  5. I always feel like I'm the adultier adult people call. Even though I'm the youngest in a lot of mom groups and friendships, I tend to be the most responsible. I always giggle when people tell me they called so they could have an adult...and they're older than I!

    1. That's really funny, but an honor. I tend to have people come to me too. But I still feel like a kid, haha.

  6. Being an adult is so scary! I can't believe I graduate this summer and have to start living properly! What??? Haha.

    1. Yeah! Graduation was huge for me. That's when I truly started having to grow up (or maybe a little during my senior year of college). You can do it though!

  7. This made me laugh because I've done the same thing. I didn't truly feel like an adult until I had kids. That's when reality hit. And then we had kids. There's no escaping adulting now!

    1. I have a feeling I'll be the same way. At least, I hope I feel more like an adult once I am a mom! ;)

  8. totally a thing hahaha I still like to pretend that I'm not an adult, until I'm in a situation where being an adult, is easier.

    1. I know right?! I love that term. It's kind of my new favorite!

  9. This is so true! I told my husband few days ago I am done making decisions... for a few minutes at least. I wish it was that simple.

    1. I know! I'd love to flip a switch and just say "Responsibility isn't a thing I do anymore" haha. That would not end well!

  10. That quote is so funny! Adulthood has perks, for sure. But sometimes I forget I am one and then something happens and I'm like whoa.. I need to deal with this.. I'm an adult. WEIRD! There's no smooth transition into it. It just happens!

    1. I know! It's crazy! What happened? lol. And yeah, I fell in love with this quote the second I heard it!

  11. Hahaha oh my goodness I definitely feel this way sometimes! I can't believe that I have a husband, a kid and another one on the way. I still feel like an insecure high school kid sometimes!

    1. Yep! It's like there was no real transition. One day I was a kid and then the next day I was an adult. haha

  12. I LOVE that quote!! That's exactly how I feel sometimes! Hope you go on your trip and have fun!

  13. Great post! I know the feeling! Turning 26 in September was a big wake up call for me! I still turn to my mom and dad for advice, they are definitely my go to adults!

  14. I love this! It's so true... adulting has its charms, but it's also hard. And I feel like I'm always on the lookout for an adultier adult.

  15. I love the concept of an adultier adult. At 27 I'm still feeling like adulting is hard work. Have you read the book Adulting? I loved it. So many helpful tips and tricks. :)
