Mug-spiration Monday: The Good and Bad

Life can be quite the ride sometimes. It goes from fantastic to difficult in minutes. Sometimes you feel like you are really making headway on your dreams, and then you get a really negative performance review. Or you finally thought you could catch up on the bills, and you get an unexpected overdraft charge. Adulting is hard. And sometimes we wish we could go back to watching Rugrats with our mommy instead of doing this crazy responsibility thing.

Shoot, I would love to go back to the days when my main worry in life was if Eliza Thornberry was going to make it out alive, or if Lizzie and Gordo were finally going to kiss! Or better yet, figuring out which member of N*sync I was going to day dream about next! If I had only known how easy I had it!

But I guess that's part of the process, huh? We learn as we go. We see much more clearly looking backwards than when we are in the middle of the moment. I had no way of knowing as a child that I had it easy. I had no way of knowing what it was going to be like to struggle with money, struggle with my dreams, to struggle with everyday life. Now I recognize the ease I had, whereas seeing it when I was 11 was another story.

But you know what? I have a feeling I'll be saying the same things again down the road,when I'm a new mom, and then again when I am a mom who's "baby" is leaving for college. I also know that if I were in someone else's shoes, I would probably look at my current hardships and think "that's it? What in the world are you complaining about!?" 

It's tough being a 20-something in a city I'm not particularly in love with, rarely seeing my husband, and trying to manage the little bit of money we have. Finances drive me nuts and I wonder when we'll get to a place that feels stable- like we won't have to worry if we'll have enough for rent this month. It's exhausting. Yet, I know that Taylor and I have it better than a lot of people. We are blessed. We have never gone hungry, we've never gone without shelter, and we've never been without love. And we really have a wonderful life. The times that we feel we have a right to complain are the times we aren't looking hard enough at the beauty of the life we are in.

God is good. All the time.

I may not love living paycheck to paycheck, but I do love that God is working out our story in the exact way He's sees fit. It's tough, and I don't always handle it in the best way, but God is carrying us through.

And I want to encourage you, friend, to remember that no matter what you are going through, you can make it out to the other side. Whether it be money issues, relationship issues, the loss of a loved one- whatever, really- you can make it. You can persevere with the help of God and come out on the other side stronger than ever!

If we love and follow Jesus, He is writing our story. Even when we make mistakes, sin, fumble, or are hurting, He is still carrying us through. He is still with us. And He is still writing our story. Carry that with you through your Monday, and through every day!


  1. This is beautiful, and you always have the best posts to read every Monday morning. It is sort of funny to look back on moments in childhood where we thought life was "hard", only to later long for those easy moments again. Maybe to add to this a little, I think God wants us to learn to be content with what we have and what we're given, and learn how to appreciate the moment that we are in, right now. I find myself too often looking forward to something else and living with the "I can't wait until" mentality, and I'm truly trying to focus on changing that. Thanks for this, beautiful post!

    1. Cara, thank you so much! I love having you as a reader! You always have the most thoughtful and kind comments :)
      And that is great advice! I am not very good at that, but I know it is true and want to always be content and thankful :)

  2. Keep your chin up! I feel that nothing is given to us that we cannot handle - and learn from!

    1. So true! God gives us strength to tackle whatever comes our way!

  3. I can relate to the living from paycheck to paycheck and you're right it's no fun, but I am definitely trusting in God and I know something better will come along at the right time. I love that picture at the end too "When I'm happy god is good. When I'm sad god is good"

    1. Thank you :) I liked it too!
      So true! We really do have to trust!

  4. I love this! ❤️ God is most definitely good all the time! I truly believe He will not give us what we cannot handle. I have been in that place - not much money. You will get through! You are blessed! Hugs!!

  5. Great post you have an awesome attitude!

  6. It's funny... this is so not the post I was expecting to read when I popped over... but it is absolutely the one I NEEDED to read. Thank you for the encouragement today... He IS good. <3

  7. Such an inspirational post, thank you , I needed this today! Life lessons make us stronger- always!

  8. Always remember that God never gives us something if He doesn't believe that we can't handle it. Just take every situation as a chance to learn more about yourself and Him!
