Mug-Spiration Monday: Do You Work Hard Enough?

Hello all! Happy Mug-spiration Monday! Please tell me you've had some coffee by now! No? Geesh! Go get some!

Ok, good! You're back. How are you today? I hope you are doing great and that your weekend was amazing!

I definitely enjoyed mine. I spent the weekend at my family's farm. I, of course, spent time with my mom, dad, and brother, but I also made sure to snuggle with a giant Pyrenees pup, love on a skittish horse, talk to a spoiled-rotten piglet, and hold a fuzzy little chick. I have no desire to own my own farm, but I sure do love being there when I go!

My mom does a great job with those animals. Because of extenuating circumstances, she has to do almost all the farm work by herself right now and she makes sure her animals are in tip-top shape. She works her booty off and I am very proud of her! 

That's one of the things I admire about my mama. She is such a hard worker and always has been. If she sees that something isn't finished, she gets up and makes sure it is done before she sits down to rest.

The Ideal Woman

In Christian circles, we tend to hear a lot about the Proverbs 31 woman. She is sort of the "ideal woman". Her husband has full confidence in her (v. 11), she invests her money (v. 16), she has strength and dignity and is not afraid of the future (v. 25), and she speaks with wisdom (v. 26). And throughout the entire description of this woman, it constantly speaks to how hard of a worker she is. She is not idle (v. 27). 

Can We Measure Up?

This woman honestly comes across as super-woman. I don't compare. And actually, I know very few people who even come close. But this is a model for how a Christian woman should live: wise, kind, trust-worthy, and hard-working.
None of these qualities are better than another, and we should strive for them all. But I do notice while reading through Proverbs 31, that the constant theme is how this woman is always working, always using her abilities.
She doesn't sit around eating bon-bons, binge-watching Netflix. I'm sure she rested. It's biblical to rest and have leisure time, but the author of Proverbs seemed to be most impressed with this woman's work ethic. Which says to me: I need to get my butt in gear!

Self-Evaluation is Key

Don't get me wrong, I am not somehow condoning a legalistic view of this passage of scripture. Rest, take care of yourself, and enjoy life. But take time to evaluate whether you are a hard worker. Do you do everything to the best of your ability? Do you reject
laziness and take care of the matters of your home and your business, or do you simply do what you must to get by?

Sadly, I know that I am on the bad end of those descriptions. Thankfully, I have a mom who models the other side of the spectrum. She isn't perfect, but she is a good example of Christlike character in this area and in others too.

What about you? Where do you fall in all of this? Are you a hard worker? What do you do to make sure you keep working hard? And if you aren't, what can you do to improve?


  1. I'd love spending time on a farm with all the animals too. We just studied that passage of Proverbs in church. Well, I say we "just" studied it, but it was about six months ago. Anyway, it was a fascinating discussion to have.

    1. It really is fascinating- and a bit overwhelming. I see so clearly what I am not, but I can't think like that. Jesus sees what I can be through His power.

  2. I love spending time learning how to manage my time so that I can spend my time working hard and being effective but also saving time to work on self-care.
    May from

    1. That's a great way to do it and think about it, May! Thank you for reading!

  3. I go from one extreme to the other. Completely laziness to working way too much. I need to find the middle! Something to "work" on! Ha ha!

  4. This is something I definitely struggle with - oftentimes I feel like there is so much more I should be doing! I'm a SAHM to a 20-month old and expecting #2 and feel like I don't have a grasp on time management yet. Sometimes I look around the house and there is so much work to be done! It's something I'm working on, but it's hard! I actually just started going through the KonMari method of tidying and am loving simplifying things!

    1. Becky, it is so hard! I understand!
      I am not familiar with that method! I hope it goes well!

  5. I think it's definitely so hard quite often to be that ideal woman from Proverbs - but I think it's the journey that counts. That process of cleansing our minds and hearts in pursuit of that is meaningful. And working towards it counts for something!

    Coming Up Roses

    1. For sure! It's not all about working hard. Some people really should work less than they do. But some people (like me) need to realize that we need to care more about our work and what we set our hands to :)
      The proverbs 31 woman isn't necessarily going to be achievable, but like you said, working towards it and doing our best is what counts :)

  6. Very interesting perspective. :)

  7. I am not yet a mother, but I'm guessing that motherhood is the most difficult job we can find ourselves undertaking. Doing our best is all we can do, but sometimes it's good just to kick back and watch the world go by.

    1. I'm not a mom, either, but I agree.
      And yes, we definitely have to fine a good balance and have discernment about when to work hard, and when it's ok to kick back. Neither are bad things, they just have to be monitored :)

  8. Hello, friend! This is something I definitely needed to hear! I have been doing much better with my time management lately getting prepared for little TJ's arrival and have been praying for grace on the bad days. It has been a balance of rest and knowing when I'm being lazy!
    Thank you for your words! Love you!

    1. Hi, friend! I am so glad it was an encouragement. It really is a fine line and hard balance. Sometimes we don't give ourselves enough grace and sometimes we are overly-generous with grace to ourselves. haha. But, if it makes you feel better, I think pregnant ladies deserve EXTRA, EXTRA's not in the Bible, but I still think it's true ;)
      I love you too, friend!

  9. Your mother sounds like a wonderful person! I really enjoyed reading this. I tend to over-work and need to try to balance work/play more. - Trish

    1. She really is wonderful :)
      I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, but I totally get it!

  10. Working hard enough is open to interpretation for sure. I love the inspiration your mom has been to you though!

    1. Yes, working "hard-enough" varies from person-to-person. It's not a judgement we should be making on another person. The point is more just that we shouldn't be lazy. Rest is awesome, but laziness is not good.

  11. That definitely sounds like the ideal woman!!! I think it's important to self-assess based on a woman of such high caliber but also not get down on yourself if you're not there :)

    1. Absolutely. We won't "arrive" until heaven, but we should always do our best :)

  12. Love this honest post, Kristin. I'm one of those who don't just use Proverbs 31 for women, but men, too, as it's not originally for just women. I also agree with Erica - we're human and flawed, so we won't ever arrive at being a Proverbs 31 person ever, but I do think that to have a focus and goal to be as close as we can is important!

    1. Absolutely! We cannot get down on ourselves for not being perfect, because that's not possible or the point. I simply want people who lean to the lazy side of life (like I do) that that is not God-honoring.

    2. And ps- I agree that men can learn from this as well!
