Dreams and Goals: Slow and Steady

Hello, friends! How are you today? I hope you are well-rested, perky, and accomplishing great things. You are worth a whole lot, and you need to know that you can accomplish great things! Don't forget that!

It's pretty easy to forget, isn't it? I have all these dreams stored up in my heart. I truly believe I can reach those dreams and excel, but when things don't go according to plan or don't move along as quickly as I would like, it's easy to get discouraged. 

Good Things Really Do Take Time

But good things take time- sometimes a lot of time! And that's ok. Part of the journey is learning. And oh boy! Could I ever stand to learn to be more patient!
Just because things are going slowly, does not mean that something is wrong. Sometimes, slow is just right- even when we don't see it that way. 

And slow seems to be God's plan for me right now. I have a lot of goals that I am striving towards. Every single day, the longing grow. I believe those longings are there for a reason. But I must learn to be ok when there isn't instant gratification.
I have to be ok with "slow and steady" winning the race.

Today, I'd love to share with you a few things I am working on and dreaming about- I want you to know what's on my heart.

Current Goals and Ambitions

The Peculiar Treasure

If you've been following along with my blog for a while, then you know that I have a deep desire I be a full-time blogger one day. I would love to have the freedom to work from home and devote all my "working hours" to this space of the web. 

I'm not there yet. Not even close. But I have never been so ambitions about a career goal, and I believe I can do it. I am currently reading Ruth Soukup's "How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul)" and I hope to glean a lot from her.

I just submitted a guest post for a potential paid opportunity, and I am also trying to develop a killer sponsorship program. The sponsorship program is something that I would love to expand on, because it allows me to develop a friendship and community with other bloggers while simultaneously bringing in an income.

I love blogging more than I ever thought possible. I never knew what a blessing it could be, or how I could use it to inspire others. I also learn a whole lot about myself from blogging. I want those things to continue, to grow, and to make a difference (in others and in me).

Kristin's Treasures

You may have noticed one of my side bar adds: Kristin's Treasures. This is my Etsy shop. Right now, it is very small. But I hope to expand my shop. I want it to be a place of beauty. 

I love buying handmade items. I enjoy supporting other creative people out there and bringing unique pieces into my home. I offer the same, but I want to greatly expand my inventory. Right now, I make candles, hats, scarves, earrings, and downloadable prints (find them here). However, I hope to add in several other products within the next month. 

My mom and I have been talking about opening up a booth at a farmer's market or flea market. I'm not sure if that is going to happen or not, but I'd love to see our products out there.


When I was in 7th grade, I realized how much I enjoyed writing inspirational/Christian devotionals. It's what I've been wanting to do for years!
Here on The Peculiar Treasure, my posts tend to be a mix of inspirational and devotional, but I was talking to Taylor the other day, and I have decided that I would also love to write a short devotional series. I want to influence people for Christ. I want my writing to point people to the loving arms of Jesus.

More to come on that as I start making some headway!

Guys, I love this little space of mine. I love coming here and talking to all of you. I love being able to encourage you, whether you live 20 minutes away or are on another continent! 

Thanks for being a part of all of this.

What dreams do you have? Are you determined to keeping working towards your goals, or have you given up?


  1. Blogging is such an amazing space! Yes, God's timing is always perfect. Love this!

    Mikayla | A Seersucker State of Mind.

  2. You are not alone, that's for sure! I am also a new blogger and this is an addiction for sure - I absolutely LOVE IT! Do you know much about it? Heck NO, but I am determined and I have hope that I can deliver a good message to my readers and help them learn from my journey, my mistakes etc. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Yes! There is so much to learn, but blogging is worth the work!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm with you. Head down and running the race He's marked out for me to get the prize He has in store. Blessings to you!

  4. It sounds like you are doing all the right things, Kristin! I would love to write full time someday too but like you I'm not there yet. Let's never give up on our dreams!

  5. I love reading all your goals, Kristin! I'm right there with you when it comes to the blogging goals. I'm trying to remember that slow, steady growth of a very engaged following is a good thing and God can use that too, even if things aren't moving as quickly as I might like! I'd be excited to read your devotional too! Excited to see what God does through your blog in 2016!

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! I am too.
      And yes, I constantly have to tell myself the same thing: As long as God is using me for His glory, it doesn't matter how long it takes- though sooner would be preferable to later ;)

  6. Thank you for this post! It was very inspiring for me!

  7. I'm so happy to have discovered your blog! I am also an Etsy seller (vintage) and love reading Christian devotionals. - Trish

  8. I love these goals, Kristin. Your heart is so genuine and I can really see your passion in everything that you put out online - blogging, Etsy shop, and sponsorship program. Keep doing what you're doing! :)

    1. Thank you, Summer. That means a lot to me! I get frustrated, but it'll get there!

  9. I loved reading your goals, and I know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to! A little hard work goes a long ways. You should totally set up a booth at the farmer's market!!
