Mug-spiration Monday: How to Correct Bad Attitudes

Here we are again- it's Monday and I am finally back to a normal schedule with baby E. She's so stinkin' cute. Her teeth are coming in and she's starting to take more and more steps on her own. I love that little cutie.

But life isn't always simple with a one-year-old. With the art of temper-tantrums being mastered more every day, I am facing a much different challenge than I was back in September when I started.

I find that I learn a lot about myself at work- and I bet you do too. It's easy to think highly of ourselves when we are at home and doing things that we find easy. But when a baby starts screaming simply because she wants to, or she spits her food out even though you know she's hungry, all of a sudden we find out where we need to improve in our own abilities and attitudes.

What about you? Do you find yourself much more angry than you thought you were capable of when your boss tells you to re-do that presentation you worked so hard on? Do you loose patience with your co-workers and say things you don't mean? Do you find yourself talking badly behind your manager's back when she isn't kind to you?

Whatever it is that we discover about ourselves when we are working, let's not get discouraged. The fact that we recognize our flaws is a step in the right direction. After all, how can we correct a problem we don't realize exists?

But How Do We Fix This?

1.) Ask God for help. We cannot change ourselves (deep within our hearts) without God's Spirit working in us and helping us.

2.) Write down mini-goals of how to practice an attitude change.
If you are prone to talk bad about people at work, then make it a goal this week to only say positive things. No exceptions.
Or if you struggle with patience, write a sticky note that says "Just breath" or "Be calm", and post it somewhere that you will see it often. Mini-goals will help us reach big goals.

3.) Give yourself grace. If you mess up, don't stop on your goals. Instead, just keep going with the same goals. Self-loathing and quitting never helps anything.

I have a lot of work to do on my patience with temper-tantrums. Every Monday (every day) is a new chance to improve. What are you going to be working on?

Linked-up With:

A Fresh Start

A Grateful Heart with Ember Grey


  1. Oh I really needed to read this today! I need lots of "Just Breathe" sticky notes around my office!

  2. Great post! When I feel myself getting overwhelmed or agitated over something I try to pause for a moment, breath in and out, and sometimes even walk away from whatever it is for a few minutes. This helps prevent me from losing my cool and doing or saying something that I might later regret. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Good idea, Cara! Sometimes that's all we can do. It's so good for us to learn to read our own emotions so that we can handle each situation with grace.

  3. this is awesome. Thank you for being bold enough to acknowledge that we all struggle here sometimes. and stopping to check our attitudes only makes us better :)

    1. Thank you so much! It really does help to evaluate, even if it's not very fun when we see our flaws more clearly! Thanks for reading!

  4. Its like you knew I needed this haha. So true. I talk to God constantly about how I can have a better attitude when things aren't going my way

    1. I'm so glad it helped. I think a lot of us struggle with this daily. I know I do. Regardless of what the subject matter is, we are quite human. Thankfully, God has LOTS of grace to give!

  5. I can totally relate to this and definitely needed this reminder today. Lovely post Kristin :)

  6. This is such great advice! I could really use some motivational sticky notes in my life. Thanks for sharing on the grateful heart linkup!
