Mug-spiration Monday *Vol. 22*

Happy Monday! Can I just say how happy I am that it is getting chilly?! I love that I can wear a long sleeve shirt without wanting to switch to a bathing suit by 1pm! It's December, so thank you, weather, for catching up!

I am also loving the ability to listen to Christmas music without being judged by the world! Three weeks ago, it was socially unacceptable to have "Jingle Bells" cranked up (that didn't stop me!), but now everyone is doing it. I'll take it. I'd rather not have to defend my habits ;)

I spent Saturday hanging out with my mom, dad, and brother at the farm. I also enjoyed playing with the puppy and the new piglet my mom just got. SO STINKIN' CUTE (and loud)!

Our internet is currently out (grrrrr!) so Taylor and I went to a coffee shop after church to use the wifi. We ended up at a place called Mugs, and it was really good. The walls were filled with local art, the coffee was good, and they had plenty of seating and outlets to use. I definitely plan to go back!

As far as today goes, I'm going to be perfectly honest and say I am grumpy and just not feeling like "lifing it" today. I just want to crawl under the covers in the fetal position and go back to sleep. Don't worry, I'm ok. I'm just having one of those days.

But as many times as I've told you guys to persevere, I really need to as well. I can be a blessing to the little girl I take care of, and I want to do that. My grumpiness should not stand in the way. I have the ability to love, to do a good job, to create, and to be a blessing each day that I am alive. So what if I feel like getting back in bed? I obviously cannot do that, so it's time to suck it up. I am important (no matter how small I feel), I am loved, and I can do it! And guess what!? The same is true for you!

Don't let feelings of grumpiness, sadness, frustration, anger, or inadequacy keep you from living well. Use today to live a full life, for the glory of God. You can do it! I can too!


  1. How funny is it that you're writing Mugspiration Monday and you went to Mugs coffee shop! I love coffee shapes- so peaceful and serene. Hope you have a great week!

  2. I love your outlook on this. We can be grumps or we can be part of the cheer! Have a great day!

  3. Ugh, is it in the air? I'm feeling bleh too. But even when I don't feel like being positive, I know tomorrow will more than likely be better. And if not tomorrow, eventually, ha!

  4. Thank you for this! I was feeling a little grumpy this morning too. Just mostly tired, and it's so cloudy and cold. But, I've got lots to do, so I'm going to change my attitude :)

  5. I love finding local coffee shops! And I can totally relate to those grumpy days - thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Thanks for the Monday morning inspiration!

  7. I kinda had a few days of struggle last week as well. Turning the Christmas music up a little louder and joining you in living well today! Happy Monday!

  8. Love you, friend! I can relate and have definitely been there. You are such an encouragement! I will pray that the Joy of our Heavenly Father will refresh you today!

  9. I love your outlook. You're so right to turn your mood around! The world needs more people like you!

  10. I love this! Everyone falls into periods or moments of grumpiness; it's a good reminder not to let it drag you down. :) Happy Monday!

  11. Playing with puppies is the BEST! My sister has a new fur baby and I can't stop playing with him!

    1. Most definitely, Elise! And even though we have three of our own, ours are not babies anymore, so I have to borrow my mom's :)

  12. This is so great! I absolutely love how upbeat and inspiring you are! We need more positive attitudes like yours in the world!

  13. I'm sorry to hear you're having an off day! I've had a few of those the last few weeks and it's hard to lift your mood and get out of it. I hope the nice, cooler weather cheered you up and you get that wifi working soon!

    1. Thank you, Lauren! It's been a frustrating last few days. I appreciate it!

  14. It's always fun to find new and little coffee shops in and around your neighborhood!
