December: Goals and Enjoyment

Hello all you beautiful people! Can you believe that December is already here?! I can't. It doesn't seem that long ago since Taylor and I moved to Charlotte, but that was back in August when the weather was still stiflingly hot! It's crazy!

December is filled with lots of fun times, yummy smells, and cheerful activities. And as enjoyable as all of that, it can make it difficult to focus on goals and the things we hope to accomplish. So before I get too "merry and bright" I want to take a minute to reflect on last months goals and establish some for this month.

November Goals

1.) Read the Bible 2 times per week
I dwindled a little on audio Bible for the month of November, though I still listened. I want to pick that back up to around 4 audio Bible sessions/week and then 1-2 physical, bible-in-hand devotional times. Good grief...why is it so difficult to get disciplined!? I am glad, however, that my blogging niche is in Christian lifestyle. That means that when I am reading other people's blogs, I am essentially reading devotionals. Now of course, that should never, ever replace my Bible time, and most bloggers are not theologians, but it still helps.

2.) Meet my Weight Goal
Yeah... we are just going to forget about this until after Christmas...

3.) Cook at least 4 times per week
I definitely did better this month. Taylor and I cooked way more meals at home and did more baking too. The other day I ended up cooking breakfast, lunch, and baking cookies. I was super proud of myself!

4.) Blog 4 times per week
Yes! I was so happy with my blog goals for November! I joined a few new blog groups, I grew my daily readership and I blogged 4-5 times per week. Woot woot!
Blog Pageviews- 3,503 (Increased by approximately 1,447 views).
I am so pleased with the month of November. I definitely want and need to keep it up! 
Twitter- 201 (increased by 14). I really have been trying to do a little more with Twitter. I think it has helped with some of my recent blog traffic, which makes it a little more difficult to hate it. 
Instagram- 330 (increased by 31). I have been a little frustrated with Instagram lately, but I am trying to keep at it, and I honestly didn't realize I had grown so much this month. 
Bloglovin'- 188 (increased by 18). I am glad I gained 18 followers, but Bloglovin' has slowed down for me a bit, and I am not sure how to pick it back up. Again though, I am thankful for the growth!

Goals for December

Read the Bible: Continue to get better, as I mentioned above.

Continue to Cook: I was proud of myself (and Taylor) for cooking more home made meals this past month, and I want to do even better in December.

Improve my Shop: I want to add at least 5 more items to my Etsy Shop.

Spruce Up My Sponsorship Page: Summer from Coffee with Summer shared some great advice about how to really make the most of your sponsorship program. Since I am new to this, I need to implement a lot of her advice.

Find Sponsors: I really want to find a few sponsors so that I can continue improving my blog. It's a lot of work and costs money to make it better. If anyone is interested in sponsoring, click this link to find out more.

Continue to Blog Consistently: I want to continue blogging at least 4 times/week. I am loving the results I've seen from it!

Now, I want to make these things happen, and I feel confident I can if I work hard. The same is true for you and your goals too. But don't forget to celebrate. Christmas is a fun time to enjoy, and a reverent time to give thanks and share hope. Don't get so caught up in having fun that you forget your goals, but don't miss out on the celebration because you are glued to your goals either. Find the balance this holiday season and enjoy!


  1. Way to go, meeting your blog goals and experiencing so much growth in the space of one month! That's awesome!!

  2. Great goals for this month! I also would like to find sponsors for my blog. I am slowly but surely going to try to do that. Trying to lose weight during the holidays is so hard! It's also one of my goals. We will see how that works out for me. Can't wait to see what you accomplish this month!!!

  3. One of my big 2015 goals was to cook more. your goals are amazing! So glad you are making good progress.

  4. Congrats on getting more pageviews -- that's always a great feat.
    Good luck with your goals this month.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  5. I love this post! I've just found your blog & I'm going to follow you on Bloglovin', so glad you're on it! I'm a new blogger and really, really a novice. You mentioned you just joined a few groups. What groups would you recommend? I'm a part of a couple, but still feel isolated. I'm longing for some community & friendly advice. Would love to know those that you're a part of or if you'd have any to suggest. I so enjoy your writing!

    1. Thank you so much, Tracy! That means a lot to me!
      I definitely recommend the Blog Passion Project and Blog Love Project on Facebook. You can find it and request to join :) Blog Passion Project is my absolute favorite.
      Also, I am in a very small one called "Building Blogs Up" that is very welcoming.
