5 Reasons You Should Maintain Your Long-Distance Friendships

This past Friday, I hopped in my car at lightening speed. It didn't matter that I looked like a bum. It didn't matter that my bags were packed as if a two-year-old had done it. It didn't matter that I wasn't quite sure if I had everything, or that my phone was completely charged. I was far too excited to worry with those nuisances.

You see, I took a road trip to the beach this weekend. My high school best friends and I were meeting up in our home time for a Christmas get together. The five of us had not been together since last Christmas, which is entirely too long to be apart.

My girls are fantastic. Though we have different personalities and ways of life, we are still such a tight-knit group. We've been best friends since we were around 17- and 7 years later, we are still going strong.

Most people don't see their high school best friends anymore. Some people don't see their college pals either. But everyone has friends that they wished they still talked to, and it feels like a little piece of their heart is missing. I however, am a believer (thanks to my amazing friends) that it is always possible to keep friendships going, no matter how often you see each other. And I also think that everyone should do that.

Your Friends Know All Of Your Old Habits and Weird Secrets

For some people, this is not a good thing. They don't want anyone to remember who they were back in "those days". But the way I see it, if I've got people who still love me deeply despite my crazy years, selfish years, or dorky years, then those are the people I want to stick around. If they aren't bothered by my quirks and issues, then you've got some good friends.

Your True Friends Will Set You Straight

I don't know about you, but my friends make sure to set me straight if I am not being a very good person. They'll encourage me to stop being grumpy, to stop criticizing myself, or to stop living a life of fear and worry. They love me enough to tell me the truth. Those kinds of people need to stay in my life.

They Bring Out The Fun Side Of You

My friends and I laugh harder than ever when we are together. We all have husbands/boyfriends that are our best friends too, but there is something so special about the five of us getting together and laughing big, full laughs that go deep down into our guts. It's medicine for a life of wearily adulting.

Your Friends Want You There

When I meet to new people, I enjoy getting to know them and I love making new friends. And sometimes, those new friends become another best friend, but there's something special about knowing that your long-time best friends want you around and are wondering when they'll get to see you again. They want to plan a get-together as much as you do. It's a great feeling.

Your Friends Are Just Worth It

God has truly blessed me with amazing friends. I have my high school girls, my college girls and my Waynesville girls that are all a cherished part of my life. I have friends all over the country who mean the world to me and I know that if something tragic happened and I needed real help, they would be there. Friends like that should be treasured and kept close, regardless of the work it may take. It's hard sometimes. Life happens. Being an adult happens. And family comes first, but that doesn't mean that friends just get dropped. They are worth the work.

I really believe that if you actually want to keep up with your friends, you can.
It's not easy. When some are in North Carolina, another is in Tennessee, another is in Arizona, and you don't know where you'll be after your husband graduates, it gets complicated. But there are ways to stay in touch- snail mail, texting, Facebook, phone calls, emails, road trips, etc.

If you have friends that make your heart feel full of life when you are around them, then make them one of your priorities. Don't give into this idea that long-distance friendships are impossible: I know for a fact that they can be maintained, nourished, and grown regardless of the distance.


  1. Oh I love this! My best friend and I have known each other since 7th grade (almost 20 years!), and we've lived on opposite ends of the country since we graduated. I've only seen her in person a handful of times over the past years, but she is still my best friend. Distance in only a number!

  2. I find it so hard to maintain long distance friendships. It's definitely something I want to get better at since all of my greatest friends live on the West coast. It's tough, but I know our bond and friendship is worth it, just like you said. :)

    1. Absolutely! It's like that quote that says "I'm not promising it will be easy, but I am promising that it will be worth it!" :)

  3. Sometimes you don't meet your friends everyday. But once you're with them, it's like there was no passage of time! Such friendships are pure and must be treasured. Great post! :)

  4. Loved this post. I agree that it pays to nurture those long distance relationships. It's always worth the work. I love seeing my high school girl friends a few times a year - we always just pick up where we left off!

  5. This is a sensitive topic for me lately because some of my long distance friends have been silent for far too long, despite the fact that I try calling them every week. I feel like a part of my heart is missing and it's made the holiday season feel more depressing than I'd like. I hope and pray they break the silence soon so I don't have to go through the pain of"letting them go".

    1. That is really hard, and so frustrating. I would highly recommend telling your friends how they are making you feel. They may be totally unaware of what they are doing. If they don't respond well, then just start trying to cultivate the friendships that are active. Love you.

  6. Since most of my friends from college live far away, this rings so true for me! Time spent with them is so healing for my soul because they know me so well. Even if we've been apart a while we click back together so quickly! I actually have both my best friends flying out to visit me in January and this is making me so excited for that :)

    1. That is so exciting, Lauren! I know you will have such a wonderful time! It really is healing to the soul! You are so right!

  7. All of my friends are long distant. We try our hardest to get together but life happens. If we can't get together, we make it a point to text each other- just to say good morning, have a great weekend, etc.

    1. That's so good! Little things can make a big impact :)

  8. Love this post! Your friends seem so sweet. My best friend lives across the country but we make it a point to stay in touch as often as possible and see each other once a year. It's tough, but so worth it!

    1. I'm so glad you and your friend keep in touch! Its such a heartbreaking thing when friendships are lost simply because someone falls out of touch!

  9. My dearest friend in the whole world lives 2000 miles away - and has for 18 years! We see each other once every 2-3 years, but we talk on the phone All. The. Time. We actually credit the distance as one of the reasons we are so close. The only thing we can do is talk so we do, about everything! Thank God for awesome friends - both near and far!
