Mug-spiration Monday *Vol. 20*

*Warning- you may need lot's of coffee to make it through this post. Go get some before you regret it!

Last week was a doozy! I couldn't go to Facebook without seeing posts-galore about France, how terrible Obama is, the Syrian refugees and how Christians should only have one view of that situation. I know they are all very important issues, but with all the noise, sometimes it's a little hard to think clearly.

I'd like to say three things and then move on to coffee and happy thoughts:

1.) There is more than one way to think Christianly about the refugee situation. I highly recommend this blog post by Kevin DeYoung.

2.) No matter how much you (and me) dislike our president, the Bible is clear that we are to treat our leaders lovingly and pray for them. Meme's and posts that are rude and hateful about the president are in blatant opposition to what scripture says. I don't trust him either guys, but for all your "standing up for Christian principles for the country" you forgot that God says to love
E V E R Y O N E. That includes our president. Stop blasting profanities and saying we are all doomed and it's Obama's fault. God allowed him to be in office. God has a plan. And yes, God is in control- not the president. Does your hope rest in God, or in what a president does or does not do? Am I scared of what our leadership may mess up? Yes, but I know God is bigger than anything they may do.

3.) Facebook is not a news reel. Speak your mind, but also remember that your life's existence is not to convince everyone on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram) that you are right and they are wrong. Let's engage each other cordially and not assume the worst about each other. And let's try to spread some positivity too. As huge as these issues are, they don't have to be all we talk about. That's what newspapers and news channels are for.

Whew! Now that I've gotten that out of my system, can we move on please? Thank you.

Week in Retrospect

Baby E turned 1 this past week!
I have been with baby girl's family since the beginning of September. I like them a lot and enjoy being a part of their lives. This past week, Evelyn had her first birthday. I cannot believe how time flies. I can already tell how she has advanced since I first started. She is such a sweet girl!

My blog is getting there!
Last week, I added a new affiliate program, I set up my first ad package with Passion Fruit Ads, and my page views more than doubled. I don't know why exactly, though I did join a couple new blogging groups.
If you are looking for an inexpensive way to promote your blog, check out my ad packages. I would love to be a part of your process!

Coming Soon

I cannot believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday! How crazy is that?! I am excited to see my husband's side of the family. It will be so nice to have that time with them- and lots of yummy food is an added bonus! Woot woot!

Etsy Shop.
My Etsy shop is up and running, and I am hoping to add some more items to it within the next week. Check it out here.

Be Encouraged
I know it's Monday again, and I know that Mondays are even harder when there are so many unknowns in the world right now, but remember the bigger picture. If you know Jesus, you can trust that all will work out. It may be terrifying, it may (will) be difficult, and you may have to force yourself to keep going, but all will be ok. We have hope. We have all we need.
And if you don't know Jesus, don't feel alienated. Don't feel like this post isn't for you. It absolutely is. You know why? Because Jesus is there. He loves you. Let Him in. He holds us lovingly. Call out in the midst of all this chaos and let Him be the driving force of your life. He offers hope, despite all the hopelessness.

Happy Monday, all! Let's keep going!


  1. Hey Kristen, happy Monday! I love this series of yours. I love your comment about being respectful of our leader. I feel like people lack this in today's society. You don't have to like him, but you need to respect him. This is actually one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm a democrat but I respect republicans. I don't understand the hate.

    1. Thank you, Chelsea! I appreciate your sweet comment. And you are right! Hate is absolutely pointless!

  2. Yes, great encouraging post! And I agree, Social media is no place to blast at authority - and God is totally the ultimate person in charge anyway!

  3. I love this post. I was so bummed last week between the Paris attacks and my best friend's Mom passing of Cancer. I just had enough. There were days that I couldn't turn on the t.v. or Facebook because it filled me with anxiety about these attacks and all the negativity in the world. I finally realized that I've got God on my side and I can get through everything with him. It surely did help to change my views on the situations at hand.

    Good luck on your Etsy shop! I love your message about Monday! Be Encouraged! It's a happy week!

  4. I love point #3 on Facebook, I can't stand when people get up on their soap box or air their dirty laundry- not the right platform at all. Happy Thanksgiving week!

  5. It's crazy how much controversy and stuff has been bouncing around the internet! I agree with you...we need to respect our leaders and know that there's so many layers of complexity to issues like this. It's crazy how vicious people can get!

    So glad you're having fun working on your blog! If you find any Facebook groups you like you'll have to let me know. Blog Passion Project is really the only one I'm actively involved with at this point!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! I definitely will!
      It has been such a long road and I just want my blog to be my business so badly, but I know it takes time. Ugh. Patience. :p

  6. The movement up on your blog is awesome!!! Congratulations!!! <3

  7. I like it very much, very inspiring.

  8. Love this and love that glitter quote!! Congrats on the good stuff that's happening in life!

  9. I don't think I really do dislike the president...

    well anyway. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  10. What an uplifting post! I struggle with praying for our president. But I'm working on it.
