Mug-spiration Monday *Vol. 19* Hodgepodge

Happy Monday, all! It is actually chilly and I am so excited that I can wear a hoodie without fear of roasting by mid-day! Woot woot!

There's a lot going on in the world right now. Paris is the issue that stands out the most, but there are so many others too. Chandler Larsen of Life as Larson had an excellent blog post about all that's going on in the world right now (read it here). It is important to actually be aware of all that is happening and to figure out ways to help. I may not be able to do anything for Paris, but I can find things in my own area to help with. We have a duty to know what is going on. Living in our own little bubble should not be an option. But, with that being said, we also have a duty to remain thankful and optimistic in all circumstances. It does no one any good to just be a blob of fear and sadness all the time. Don't sit around in self-pity wishing for good- be the good.

I'd like to remind each one of you that God has got this in His hands. God being in control does not mean a lack of evil in the world. As long as sin is around, terrible things will continue to happen. But God still holds us, and still has a plan. It isn't always easy to see in the face of tragedy, but He still holds us and still loves us.

I'd also like to encourage each one of you today that you are worth more than you think. You have such great worth, but it has nothing to do with anything you do. You have many gifts and talents- each one of us does- but even if all of that was stripped away, you would still be worth everything in God's eyes. He loves you.

Carry that with you today as you brave another new week. Despite all of the horrific things going on in the world, He is still good. Despite your own personal struggles, He is still with you. Even if you feel worthless, you are worth everything to God. And on a smaller (but still very real) note, even your meek and meager week may be filled with a good bit of dread. Regardless of what you are going through- whether you are fearing the Paris attacks, or just fearing how to pay rent next week- remember that you are loved and that the week will end, but God's goodness is eternal. I am so thankful that it isn't the other way around!

I hope that this bit of knowledge makes this Monday (and everyday) a whole lot sweeter. There's a lot that goes on in a week- some good, some bad- and we can choose to dwell on the tough stuff, or we can pull it together and reflect on the good. Sure, there are bad parts of the day, but there are always reasons to be thankful, and there is always something to smile about.

Think back on your week. What was the best part? Was there anything that stood out as worthwhile, even though it was difficult? What are you enjoying at the moment?

I definitely had some good moments!

Weekend Recap!
This weekend, I spent Saturday at the farm with my mom, bro, and their new Great Pyrenees puppy, Blaze. Blaze is the sweetest little guy. He is so mellow and he just follows everybody around on the farm and sits there when they stop in one area. He is a heart-melter!

On Sunday, Taylor and I went to church with our friend, Jeff. We are still trying to find the right church and the hunt has seemed to take forever.

Holiday Excitement!
I am really excited about Thanksgiving, you guys! It'll be so nice for me and Taylor both to be off for a couple of days, and we get to go see his side of the family. It'll be a really nice visit and a good little break. I love the little girl I take care of, but sometimes I just want my hubby :)

And personally, I think my November has been a great success so far, simply because I have already watched six Christmas movies, listened to Michael Buble's Christmas CD about three times, and have had my Pandora Christmas station set for about two weeks. Yep, you are very welcome ;)

Coloring Fun!
I have also really been enjoying my new adult coloring book lately. I don't color in it super often, but I will get it out every once in a while and it is really fun. I didn't know adult coloring books existed until about a month ago. I am thinking it would make a great gift to color a page and then frame it. I think a lot of people would really enjoy that.

I know that coloring books, puppies, and Christmas movies don't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I really do believe in seeing the good. We should never hide behind those things, but we should find joy in them and be thankful, despite any hardships that come.

Happy Monday! Stay strong!

What are you thankful for and taking joy in today?


  1. I think the intricate coloring books they have these days are pretty cool! I don't have one, but if I did, I could definitely see myself coloring while watching a show or something like that. I have yet to watch a single Christmas movie, but we have plans to watch one this Friday night!

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words of wisdom. I think it's really important to remember that instead of focusing on fear or hate. Also, my sister (30 years old) LOVES coloring, so I'm getting her an adult coloring book as a stocking stuffer : )

  3. Such a great post! I needed to hear this. I'm thankful and taking joy in the fact that my family will be together in a little over a week! So exciting!

  4. For the record, I always read this with coffee. I mean, the title just demands it!

  5. Love this encouragement! And also, adult coloring books are so fun - I have been using mine here and there over the last couple months and enjoying it!

  6. So true. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus while reflecting Him in our lives. And through the hard times is when His lights shines brightest. Thanks for sharing the encouragement and accountability!
    Also, I cannot wait to get my hands on an adult coloring book!

  7. An adult coloring book sounds fabulous... I'm going to be looking into one!

    Also I'm loving the cooler fall weather we're finally getting in Southern California. It makes the holiday season feel so much more real!

    1. They have them at Michael's Crafts. I got one with lots of woodland creatures and it has some amazing, intricate details!

  8. "Despite all of the horrific things going on in the world, He is still good. Despite your own personal struggles, He is still with you. Even if you feel worthless, you are worth everything to God. "

    Beautiful words. It's hard to sometimes find the beauty in the world when there is so much horror going on..but then I think about how blessed I have been. I know there is a God. He doesn't plan for these things. He created us, but WE are the self-destructive ones.

    1. I definitely agree that we are the destructive ones. I think one awesome thing about God though, is that though He does allow evil, He still uses it for good. He hates evil but loves us enough to carry us through even when we are destructive!

  9. Beautiful encouragement, especially in light of all that's happened in our world this weekend. I think it makes celebrating Christmas and the hope that it brings all the more necessary (especially in November!). There's no shame in some early Christmas music ;)

    1. Thank you for reading, Lauren. I am glad it was an encouragement.

  10. thanks for the encouragement....and I love adult coloring too!

  11. Amen! God is so good and He truly does have everything under control. We know who wins in the end!
