5 Sure Ways to Perk Up

I like to think of myself as a perky person, and for the most part, I am. I smile a lot and I like to make others feel good about themselves. But sometimes, I'm just not perky. Sometimes, I don't even want to be. Sometimes, I'm just down, tired, and grumpy. And when that attitude takes over, life gets a lot harder.

It happens to everyone though- not just me. We all need to perk up sometimes, but we aren't always sure how. So for those days- those bland, blah days- here are 5 ways to perk up when we just aren't feeling perky.

Take a "Loud Drive"
One of my very favorite things to do is to go for a drive, roll the windows down, blast the music, and sing at the top of my lungs. If it's cold outside, I bundle up so I can still keep the windows down. There's something about the wind, the wisps on uncontrolled hair, the loud music, and singing (yelling really) that makes me feel free, happy, and at peace. If you have never tried this, I promise you should. Whether you have an awesome voice, or you sound like Big Bird is dying- it doesn't matter. Sing your heart out and you are bound to feel better!

Get the Suds Going
There's nothing like a hot bubble bath to make a girl feel relaxed. Light some candles, turn the lights off, and soak in silence. If you aren't into soaking with nothing to do, grab a good book and get caught up in another world.
I would also recommend using scented bath salts or essential oils in your bath. Lavender or chamomile are both great for calming down and making you feel better.

Organize a Girl Date
Let's face it: when we are down, we want to be left alone. But isn't that usually the opposite of what we need?
I know that when I need to perk up, I need laughter and fun. I need encouragement and love. When that's the case, organizing a date with my girlfriends often does the trick. Getting together with people who make us smile is great medicine.

Take the Focus off of You
Sometimes, we just have to get over ourselves. A good way to do that is to think of people we know who could use the same kind of encouragement we've been seeking. Maybe instead of sulking in our lack of perkiness, we should find ways to encourage those other people instead. Send a nice card, put together a goody-bag, or even just send a sweet email. Believe me, as much as we think we need it, someone else needs it more!

I think we forget sometimes that rest/sleep is tied to how we feel emotionally. Depression and anxiety can definitely worsen when we are overly tired and stressed. So consider this when you are feeling down, grumpy, or frustrated- maybe you just need some rest. Take a nap, lay down in bed, and give your brain a break from the harder things in life.

There are many tough things in life that cannot be solved overnight, so these ideas are not some magic formula that makes everything better. But they are awesome ways to relive stress, have fun, and perk up. So no matter what is going on in life- whether you are struggling through a big problem, or if you are just in a funk- you still need to do all you can to perk up. Try these ideas. I am confident that at least one of them will really help you!

What do you do to perk up? Will you be trying any of these ideas? Comment below.

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  1. I do a lot of these, especially the car rides and bath time. Another thing I like to do when it's been a super hard parenting day and my girls are driving me insane- dance party. We crank up the music, usually Disney soundtracks, and dance like we're at a ball. It helps me smile when I want to scream and it takes energy out off my daughter so she crashes sooner which equals peaceful alone time!

    1. That's an excellent idea! I will have to remember that when we start having curly-headed kids ;)

  2. Love the "take the focus off you" suggestion. Need that reminder everyone in a while!

  3. That's really helpful. A loud drive sure sounds my kind of thing! :D

  4. Every morning I drive with the music blasting...it keeps me awake and happy :)
    xo, Laura

  5. If I ever leave work stressed, or feeling a bit down, I instantly blast one of my favorite songs and sing the lyrics. I know I look silly to other drivers, but it really does make me feel so much better :)


  6. Combine "loud drive" with "favorite drive" and you have the perfect therapy. For me, it's a drive to the Pacific Ocean through Los Padres Forest...

  7. I love driving with the window down and blasting the music. it helps me clear my mind and get in a better mood.

  8. I am a huge believer in the Loud Drive!!!! Bubble baths are a magical thing to perk you up (paired with mint chocolate chip ice cream. There's something about the cold treat in a hot bath that I LOVE)

    1. Yes! That sounds awesome. The strangest thing I have ever done is eat bacon in the tub, but I am not ashamed, because that was also fantastic ;)

  9. I go for a walk to rest or watch Netflix.

  10. Great Ideas! I find that saying a prayer for joy often helps.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!

  12. I am going to feature this post in tomorrow's #JoyHopeLive. Stop by and check it out at: http://www.mylifeinprogress.org/finding-joy-in-everyday-35/

  13. Girl dates are the best way to perk up! I also like walking my dog. She's so happy to be outside and have an adventure it always makes me smile!

  14. Oh goodness I do all of these things! And usually once a month :)

  15. Kristin- I LOVED this post! I guess I've always been a fan of "lists" posts. When I need to perk up, I do a lot of these things! Girls nights always help...also going for drives!! In addition, I think sometimes all it takes is a little Netflix date ;)

    1. Thank you! That means a lot!
      And yeah! Sometimes Netflix is the best medicine :)

  16. Yes! I love bubble baths! I honestly wish I did them more often :P

  17. When I lived in the country, I loved going for drives on the back roads! I could go as fast as I wanted with the music blaring and my windows down. Can't really do that in the city though, and the Madison traffic does nothing but stress me out more!

    1. Aww, I wish you could still do that!
      Maybe from now on you could just sing REALLY loudly in your home and give everyone a warning? haha

  18. I love this post! Driving around blasting music with the windows down reminds me of being in high school. We would ride around listening to music for hours, and I still like to do that now. I agree with you about there being something about cold, fresh air that really boosts your mood.

  19. Okay- this is such a great post! When I first read the title I thought it was going to be like coffee alternatives but this was even better! I have been a licensed therapist for 7 years and self-care is so important. These are great healthy choices. Love!

  20. Great post. Oh I do love a loud drive. Having a bubble bath for me after a long day is such a great way to relax and ease into the night time.

  21. Great ideas that definitely help me when I'm feeling down - I especially like to plan something really fun so I can get myself excited about an event. It also makes me more motivated to get things done so that I can fully enjoy that event without stressing about my to-do list!

  22. Great tips! I'm all for a loud drive...it's always a great escape! And of course rest!

    Clothes & Quotes

  23. These are great! I love blasting music and driving. Baths and music also make me feel really relaxed and happy. They are a good way to relax and organizing thoughts

  24. Bubble bath, wine, and Netflix combined are the best! Playing music loudly is also an incredible way to unwind on the way home from work.

    1. I don't like wine, but otherwise, I agree. So relaxing!

  25. Loud drives are where it's at! I love driving and loud music - win, win!

    1. I love it so much. I sing SO SO LOUD! I have come away from road trips with a sore throat because I was sing/screaming for at least half the drive!
