Hello, October!

Happy, happy, happy October! My favorite month is here and just knowing that makes me ecstatic! I'm doing a little jig over it ;)

October is when the leaves really start to change. The gold and crimson hues and the crisp air overwhelm me. I tend to feel lighter, perkier, and more optimistic during this time of year.

In addition to the beauty of it all, October holds my birthday, my husband's birthday, one of my best friend's birthday, and mine and my husband's dating anniversary. Lots and lots of good stuff!

I have several goals for October, but first, lets take a peek back at September.

September Goals

1.) Watch Florida football with Taylor
Ehh, kinda. We went to one game at a WAY too crowded bar in downtown Charlotte. We also watched one game at home. He's been working during all of the games, and since I only watch for him, I haven't been watching without him.

2.) Decorate 
Check! I put up my fall decorations about three weeks ago :)
I'd still like to make a fall wreath.

3.) Blog at least four days per week
I did pretty well with this. Twice I blogged 4 times, once 3, and once 2. The only week I wasn't proud of was the week where I only posted twice, simply because I didn't meet my goal.

4.) Get Outside
Yes! My nanny job is awesome because they live fairly close to a park. I take baby E to the park to play and I get a nice walk in.

5.) Plan Another "Get It Together" Challenge
Check and Check! I planned it and we are in the middle of the challenge. I have been so proud of all the ladies who are participating!

Now, let's get to October, shall we?

October Goals:

1.) Read the Bible 2 times per week
I have such a tough time getting myself to read. It's frustrating, and I have been saying for years that I need to get better. Taylor and I read together at night several times a week and I am so thankful for that. But I also need my personal quiet time. For now, my goal is twice a week, with the hope of getting better at consistency.

2.) Meet my Weight Goal
I organized and started my Get it Together group last month. It has been going really well and I enjoy facilitating. My weight-loss goal by the end of the challenge is to have lost 10 lbs. I weighed today and I've lost just under 5 lbs in 15 days. I call that success. And I want to lose the other 5 by the time the challenge is over :)

3.) Cook at least 4 times per week
Taylor and I are really bad about either going out for fast food or doing simple boxed-meals. There's nothing wrong with boxed meals, and they can be yummy, but I am a pretty decent cook, and there is no reason (other than laziness) not to cook more homemade recipes.
And with fall here, there are so many soups, chili's, and pumpkin-thingies to make!

4.) Blog 4 times per week
This was my goal last month, and here it is again. I am happy with blogging 4 times/week. I would like it to eventually be 5, but 4 times/week is a good amount and it is realistic.

September was kind of a tough month for me personally, but I was very proud of myself for accomplishing the goals that I set for myself. Small victories add up!

How about you? How was your September? Is there anything you are excited for in October? Comment below :)


  1. Blogging 5 days a week is my October goal! I am super determined :) Good luck on your goals!

  2. I'm trying to get to blogging 4 times per week now too, I believe in you! Cooking is the best, I find the more new stuff I try the more excited I get abut it so the more likely I am to do it more often!

  3. You did great at reaching your goals in September! I love that you put the bible on your goal. I need to get better at this too! Congrats at your weight goal! I think that is already a huge success! I need to tone and get rid of my muffin top so bad. I lack motivation and time, but lately I have been noticing how much time I watch tv and that time could be used more productively! Thanks for linking up!
