Apple Picking and an Update

Hi guys! I am so happy you are here! Thanks for always joining along with me in this big ol' blogging world. You're the best!

I've mention a lot on Instagram lately how excited I have been that my family and I are living closer together again. Having them so close has been super exciting! We've been able to spend so much time together even just in the past month.

In fact, this past Wednesday, my mom and I were able to go apple picking. The apple orchard that I always went to in college is only an hour away, so we drove to Flat Rock (just outside of Hendersonville, NC) and picked apples together.

Mama had never been picking and I was so glad I was the person who got to go with her on her first trip to the orchard.

Their were mostly Fuji apples to pick when we went, which was fine with me because I love em'!

It was so nice to be in the mountains again. I love the crisp air and beautiful views.

After we were done picking, we headed inside to see if there were any other types of apples we wanted to buy. I ended up with the Fujis and mama ended up with Ida Reds. We bought a few Asian pears too (YUM!).
Oh, and there was also a giant pumpkin :)

We also tried a homemade apple slushie and bought a half-dozen apple cider donuts that the orchard makes right in front of you. Seriously, they are absolutely fantastic!

I am so thankful for this time with my mom. I feel like we are catching up on all the time we missed while I was in college. Six hours apart doesn't sound like a lot, but it really is when you are as close as we are.


Now, for a brief Charlotte update:

We have been in Charlotte for over a month now, and I am loving my job. Baby E is the sweetest little one ever and her mom and dad are great too. We have a great time playing outside, listening to music, and hanging out with the family dog.

Taylor got a job working at a Gourmet hot dog shop in Charlotte. He stays so busy and so tired, but I am proud of him and we know it will be worth it :) He is loving seminary and we are both working towards making friends and finding a church to call our own.

Thank you to those who are following and supporting our journey.

Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. I want to go apple picking so bad but there is no where close to us! Maybe we need to take a drive LOL. I have heard great things about Charlotte. Glad you are enjoying it!

  2. That's so fun! We haven't been apple picking before, but I'll definitely have to find a place around Madison to do so!

  3. So fun! I went apple picking for the first time last year and loved it!
