Finally Here: The Cooks Go Charlotte

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hello, blogging world! I've missed you tremendously!
How have you been? Have you been loving life, having new adventures, and drinking good coffee? I sure hope so! It's only been a week since I last posted, but it feels like it has been so much longer!

As most of you know, my husband and I just moved from our small North Carolina mountain home to the very busy city of Charlotte. We did this so that my husband could follow God's call for him to attend seminary. We have a lot to get used to, but I am sure we will enjoy Charlotte once we get the hang of it.

Actually, on Saturday when we moved in, I even got to meet a blogging friend that I had spoken to in The Peony Project, an online Christian blogging group with writers from all over the world. How awesome is that?! Vanessa, over at Tapestry Chronicles, and her husband came over to our home to help us move in, along with two Waynesville friends, and three other friends from Charlotte. We are truly blessed. We even had help from our church and family the night before with loading up the truck. We are incredibly grateful for all the love, support, and help that everyone has shown us.

Once all the rooms are fixed up and all the boxes are gone, I plan to do a post showing  how we've decorated the house, but for now, I figured I'd share a few "so far" pictures. Enjoy.

Our living room. We LOVE the mantel. Please excuse the slippers and red snuggie ;)
My new succulent friend, a close-up of our mantel, and our coffee wall in the dining room.

Our house is coming along slowly but surely. We have plenty more boxes to unpack, we are trying to help the dogs transition well, and it will take us a while to learn the area, but we are so excited about this new adventure God has us on, and we know it will be good. To God be the glory.

If you are following our new adventure on social media (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook), search the hashtag #theCooksgoCharlotte and #Cooksonthemove to see more pictures and posts.