Hunting for Houses But Finding Patience

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lately, my days have been filled with hours-upon-hours of searching for houses online. Believe it or not, one must have a place to live if one plans to move...just sayin'.

But between the high-crime in Charlotte, the fact that we have three dogs, and our limited budget, it feels like we need to succumb to purchasing a box and calling it a day. Maybe we could even get a deluxe box ;)

Despite the stress and annoyance though, I fully know it will all work out. I am not really worried at all- just peeved. I want to know right now: where we will live, where we will work, where we will meet our friends, and how long it will take to make those friends. Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Much of the time, God waits until the "last minute" to do things. Or at least that's how it appears to us. But even when God doesn't make us wait that long, He still calls us to patience and trust.

God calls us to patience for many reasons, but I think the biggest reason is because it reflects our trust in Him. Even though I trust God to take care of everything, by not being patient, I am showing that there is still a little part of me that feels I have to do it all myself. I don't, and I know I don't, but my "human" is showing ;)

I also think that when we are antsy about something, it shows that we are making that thing more important than God. Maybe we really do fully trust him, but by our lack of patience, we are saying, "God, my desire for things to happen now is more important than the way you want it to happen". Whoops. That's not good.

So I would encourage us all, be patient and wait on the Lord's timing. Let's not push ahead, making our way and timing an idol in our hearts. Let's not be fooled by the lie that we can do it all ourselves. And let's not fret, forgetting to trust the One who always knows best!

Linked-up with:
Pretty Pintastic Party

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey