Saturday Morning Prayer

Saturday, December 6, 2014
Father God in Heaven,
I thank you for this day. I thank you for all that you are doing in my life and that things will work out just as they should. I thank you for whatever transitions I need to be making to reach your best for me to see that clearly and walk in your paths, God in Heaven.
Give me wisdom as I talk to people and help me to have your truth, your words, your wisdom on my mind and on my tongue instead of my own.
Help me be a light and a witness for everyone I come in contact with, and forgive me for actions. words. etc. that don't reflect you; that aren't a good witness. Help seeds to be planted, even through my imperfections.
Please give me strength and help and perseverance to finish all I have to get done today, God in Heaven.
Help me to forgive others, as you have forgiven me.
Be with us all today as we travel and keep us all safe. Bring us all together home safely. Please also protect me in my travels to and from New York.
Be with Challice and Billy as we approach their wedding. Lead them and guide them. Guide their feet and help them through last minute stresses.
Be with my family as they pray through decisions to be made. Guide them, let them hear your voice, and obey you, and accept the "no's" you may give, and accept with joy the "yes's". Really, do that for all of us, God in Heaven.
Please guard and protect our minds; our thoughts. Please help us to hear your voice, your truth, and your wisdom clearly and not twist, misinterpret, misapply, make anything into anything it isn't, or make/think/believe something is you, your voice, or what you are saying that actually isn't, God in Heaven, or vice versa. Help us not to miss it. Please help us not to do any of those things in any way, shape or form, in anything, or at any time. Help us know the truth, not believe lies, know the difference, and accept, believe, move forward, live and obey accordingly, in all things, at all times and in every way, always and no matter what (with anything and everything I struggle with, in all those ways, and with anything and everything else in life as well, please, in all those ways, God in Heaven).
Take care of all the prayer requests. Take care of and do for me all I always ask, pray, have on my heart and mind and desire for you to help me with and do for all in general, all specifically, and including all of the "includings", new, old, and added on.
Take care of all the employees at my old job. Draw them to you more and more every day and help them with all they are going through. Help them to know your love more truly everyday. Do that for all your children.
Please help me to trust you fully in every way I should. Please do for me and help me with all I've asked and prayed. Help me trust you fully, God in Heaven, for that, and for everything in life.
Help me love you and cling to you fully. Not being about myself, but about you first, then others, then myself.
Forgive me, help me, heal me, purify me, take control of me, and guard and protect me, for all my sins, all against you, Father God in Heaven, for all the things I struggle with and for all I need. I take every thought and everything captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Help me to more fully. Forgive me for my lack.
God in Heaven, I pray all this to you alone, with faith in you, in and through the faith and trust I have asked you to constantly fill me with, despite my human nature, in the name of Jesus alone for all of it today and always, Father God in Heaven, thank you, amen.

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