So, most of you know that I'm just a little bit obsessed with that wonderful beverage that keeps on giving: coffee!

When I got to college, I wouldn't have been able to function without my morning cup of joe. My roommate and good friend, MK, was not a coffee drinker, but looked forward to my morning "alarm", which consisted of the coffee pot turning on and brewing up it's magic.
Then Taylor, Bri and I discovered The Drip, an awesome, very authentic coffee shop in Black Mountain, NC. It was the Montreat College studying hot-spot. My favorite professor even called The Drip his office. We had all our student-adviser meetings there, and it was very rare to spend an afternoon there without seeing Dr. King stroll through to get his coffee.
When I was on college breaks, my mom and I would get up every morning and have coffee together. We'd sit and talk for about an hour and just enjoy the calm and quiet of the morning. This is still a tradition whenever I make it home for a visit.

Now, after all this rambling, here's my point:
Coffee represents coziness, family, love, and enjoyment to me. It's something to be shared with those you love, to make memories that may seem insignificant to others, but are precious to you.

So go enjoy something simple today. Cherish it, make memories, and bring someone awesome along for the ride!
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